(A)   If an impounded animal is not redeemed by the owner within the period prescribed in § 91.52 above, it may be destroyed in a humane manner or shall become the property of the animal shelter(s) and offered for adoption to any responsible adult who is willing to comply with this chapter. The animal may be adopted or purchased by the first such person who pays the adoption or purchase fee.
   (B)   All unsterilized dogs and cats five months of age or older adopted from the Wake County Animal Shelter shall be either spayed or neutered within 30 days of their adoption. All animals adopted under five months of age shall be spayed or neutered at six months of age. Written proof of the sterilization shall be promptly provided by the adopter to the Animal Control Program of the Wake County Department of Health. The adoption of any animal not sterilized pursuant to this section shall be deemed to violate the provision of this section and must be returned by the applicant for re-adoption to the Wake County Animal shelter. The Animal Control Program is authorized to obtain an adoption agreement from an applicant to implement the provisions of this section.
   (C)   (1)   The animal shelter shall require from the adopter a sterilization deposit fee established by the Board of Commissioners to insure that sterilization is obtained in addition to the established adoption fee.
      (2)   When written proof that the required sterilization has been performed by a licensed veterinarian is returned to the Animal Control Program, a fee equal to the sterilization portion of the deposit will be reimbursed to the adopter.
      (3)   A person who fails within the specified time to arrange for the sterilization of an unsterilized cat or dog purchased or adopted from the animal shelter forfeits the sterilization deposit fee and shall surrender the cat or dog to the animal shelter.
   (D)   No animal which has been impounded by reason of its being a stray, unclaimed by its owner, shall be allowed to be adopted from the animal shelter during a period of emergency rabies quarantine invoked pursuant to § 91.36 of this chapter, except by special authorization of the Director of Public Health.
   (E)   Any animals that exhibit fierce, dangerous or aggressive behavior will not be offered for adoption.
(1985 Code, § 91.53)