Comprehensive Plan
   153.01   Comprehensive Plan adopted
County Planning Commission
   153.15   Legislative findings
   153.16   Composition; organization
   153.17   Officers
   153.18   Personnel
   153.19   Members and personnel subject to statutes and ordinances
   153.20   Powers and duties
   153.21   Appeals, hearing and notice
County Economic Development Board
   153.30   Legislative findings
   153.31   Creation; composition; organization; officers; personnel
   153.32   Purpose and objectives
   153.33   Powers and duties
   153.34   Advisory committees
Lake Wylie Marine Commission
   153.45   Established, duties and procedures
Development Agreements
   153.50   Development agreements
Impact Fees on New Development
   153.55   Purpose and intent
   153.56   Definitions
   153.57   General provisions; applicability
   153.58   Procedures for imposition, calculation and collection of impact fees
   153.59   Establishment of impact fee accounts; appropriation of impact fee funds; and refunds
   153.60   Appeals
   153.61   Exemptions; waivers
   153.62   Mediation
School Facilities
   153.75   Adoption and imposition of public education facilities impact fees
   153.76   Definitions
   153.77   Establishment of public education facilities impact fee service area and public education impact fee district
   153.78   Imposition of public education facilities impact fee
   153.79   Calculation of public education facilities impact fee
   153.80   Trust fund established
   153.81   Limitations on use and expenditure of public education facilities impact fee funds
   153.82   Sunset
   153.83   Clover School District No. 2 impact fees
Vested Property Rights
   153.90   Definitions
   153.91   Establishment of vested right
   153.92   Conditions and limitations
   153.93   Nature of vested right
   153.94   Landowner rights deemed vested
   153.95   Educational requirements for planning and zoning officials