(A)   Commission created. The Lake Wylie Marine Commission is created pursuant to the joint ordinances of the Boards of Commissioners of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, Gaston County, North Carolina and the County Council of York County, South Carolina and pursuant to the provisions of statutes enacted by the General Assemblies of the States of North Carolina and South Carolina during the 1987 and 1988 sessions of the General Assemblies.
   (B)   Terms and conditions. The Lake Wylie Marine Commission shall be subject to the following terms and conditions:
      (1)   A commissioner may be compensated pursuant to the provisions of the annual budget ordinances of the three counties and by joint resolution of the three counties;
      (2)   The commission may exercise such powers and duties as are authorized by the General Assemblies;
      (3)   The commission shall meet on a rotating basis in each county. Meetings shall be held in the respective county courthouses or in a place appropriate to accommodate public access as may be determined by the commission. Regular meeting dates and times shall be established by the commission and public notice shall be provided pursuant to statute;
      (4)   The finances of the commission shall be audited on an annual basis in accordance with the North Carolina Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act and the South Carolina Home Rule Act. The annual audit shall be conducted by the audit firm retained by the Centralina Council of Governments so long as that agency is providing administrative services for the commission; and should administrative service from Centralina be discontinued, the audit firm shall thereafter be selected by the commission, consistent with the requirements of the fiscal control statutes of North and South Carolina;
      (5)   All law enforcement officers with territorial jurisdiction as to any part of Lake Wylie or its shoreline area, within the limitations of their subject matter jurisdiction, have the authority of peace officers in enforcing the laws over all of Lake Wylie and its shoreline area;
      (6)   The commission may hire special officers to patrol and enforce the laws on Lake Wylie and its shoreline area.
(‘77 Code, § 14-12) (Ord. 2488, passed 4-4-88; Am. Ord. 189, passed 1-16-89; Am. Ord. 1890, passed 3-5-90)