Chapter 820:
Cable Communications
   EDITOR'S NOTE:  Chapter 820, previously a codification of Ordinance 112, passed October 27, 1983, Ordinance 112A-1, passed January 12, 1984, and Ordinance 137, passed October 10, 2001, was reenacted in its entirety by Ordinance 141, passed February 12, 2003.
In General
820.01   Short title.
820.02   Purpose.
820.03   Cable system requirements.
820.04   Definitions.
Selection of Franchisee
820.05   Award of franchise.
820.06   Franchise application; contents and fees.
820.07   Criteria for award of cable franchise.
Franchise Agreement
820.08   Franchise agreement.
820.09   Grant of franchise.
820.10   Execution and delivery by Grantee.
820.11   Execution and delivery by Village.
820.12   Term of franchise and other provisions.
820.13   Negotiated provisions.
820.14   Rights reserved by Village.
820.15   Procedure for termination.
Design of System
820.16   Channel capacity.
820.17   Picture quality and technical requirements.
820.18   Two-way capacity.
820.19   Facilities.
820.20   Special channel and access requirements.
820.21   Service to public buildings.
820.22   Interconnection.
820.23   Community-specific cablecasting.
820.24   Computer services.
820.25   All channels emergency alert.
Services and Programming; Subscriber Contracts; Complaints
820.26   Services and programming.
820.27   Local origination and cablecasting.
820.28   Use of channels.
820.29   Marketing.
820.30   Interruption of service.
820.31   Complaints.
820.32   Initial service area.
820.33   Construction timetable.
820.34   Construction standards.
820.35   Location, maintenance and removal.
System Operations
820.36   Information availability.
820.37   Service contract.
820.38   Subscriber practices.
Rates and Charges
820.39   Limitations on rates.
820.40   Adjustments to rates.
820.41   Rate schedule.
820.42   Rate changes.
820.43   Limitations on rate regulation.
Landlord/Tenant Relationship
820.44   Purpose.
820.45   Negotiation of agreement.
820.46   Additional charges.
820.47   Denial of service.
820.48   Discrimination against tenant prohibited; penalty.
820.49   Resale prohibited.
820.50   Conformance with laws.
820.51   Indemnification.
820.52   Limitations on landlord/tenant regulations.
820.53   Administrator.
820.54   Advisory body.
820.55   Delegation of authority.
820.56   Subliminal advertising prohibited.
820.57   Tampering prohibited.
Customer Service and Miscellaneous
820.58   Customer service.
820.59   Cable service.
820.60   Grantee's billings and communications.
820.61   Disconnect and downgrade charges.
820.62   Late payment charges.
820.63   Notice of programming or channel change.
820.64   Notice of price increase or reduction of service.
820.65   Grantee's communications.
820.66   Disclosure of information on Grantee's costs.
820.67   Subscriber rebates.
820.68   Security fund.
820.69   Liquidated damages.
820.70   Evaluations of violations.
820.71   Remedies available.
820.72   Appeal process.
820.99   Penalty.
   Construction and maintenance of facilities - see M.C.L.A. §§ 247.183 et seq.
   Television and radio generally - see M.C.L.A. §§ 484.301 et seq., 750.507 et seq.
   Cables improperly located; insurance - see M.C.L.A. § 500.3123
   National Electrical Code - see B. & H. Ch. 1422