With respect to matters affecting the Village individually, and excluding matters affecting all of the Authority's member communities equally, Grantee may appeal any action of the Authority to the Village by submitting a written appeal within twenty-one days from the date of the Authority's action to which Grantee objects. Upon such appeal, the Village Council shall conduct a de novo review of the action of the Authority being appeals and shall set a hearing date within sixty days of the date of receipt of the appeal. Grantee may present any information, data or other evidence to the Village Council either prior to or at the time of the hearing. Hearings shall be open to the public and members of the public and representatives of the Authority may also present any evidence or information pertinent to the matter appealed. The Village Council shall then determine whether to uphold, reverse, or modify the action of the Authority. The appeal shall stay any further action on the matter appealed until the appeal has been decided by the Village Council.
(Ord. 141. Passed 2-12-03.)