933.01 Powers and duties of Sexton.
933.02 Interment of bodies.
933.03 Burial certificates.
933.04 Burial certificates to local burial registrar.
933.05 Digging and closing graves; disinterring of bodies.
933.06 Fees for interments and disinterments.
933.07 Sexton or deputy to reside on Peninsula Cemetery grounds.
933.08 Police powers.
933.09 Discharge of firearms at funerals.
933.10 Entering cemeteries.
933.11 Defacing or removal of property.
933.12 Burials elsewhere than in cemeteries prohibited.
933.13 Perpetual Care Fund; Peninsula Cemetery.
933.14 Obligation of City to maintain lots.
933.15 Amount of subscriptions to Fund.
933.16 Designation of lots to be kept in good order.
933.17 Marking of lots designated; use of income.
933.18 City Treasurer to be trustee; investments.
933.19 Principal of Fund to be maintained.
933.20 Expenditures of Fund.
Municipality's right to acquire cemetery property - see W. Va. Code 8-12-5(42)
Driving through funeral processions - see TRAF. 349.08
Destruction of property - see GEN. OFF. 533.06
The City Sexton shall have the general superintendence and care of the graveyards and cemeteries over which Council or other authorities of the City have jurisdiction. It shall be his duty to enforce all ordinances of the City in relation to City cemeteries or graveyards, and to see that all offenses against the same are punished. He shall give all his time to the keeping of the graveyards and cemeteries in good order and repair. He shall also collect all fees for digging graves and burying in the graveyards, and for the disinterment and removal of bodies heretofore buried therein, and shall pay the same into the treasury of the City. He shall make monthly reports to the City Manager in regard to such fees and the order and condition of the graveyards and any other matter upon which the City Manager may from time to time order him to report.
He shall see that the fences or enclosures around the graveyards or cemeteries are kept in good order and repair, and shall promptly report to the City Manager any repairs that may be needed, and the estimated expenses of the same. He shall supervise all work ordered to be done by the City Manager and see that his orders are promptly executed.
(1961 Code Sec. 933.01)
No person other than the City Sexton shall inter the body of any deceased person within the cemteries owned by the City; provided, however, that if from any cause attendance of the City Sexton cannot be had, the Mayor or the City may, by warrant, authorize any person to perform the duties of the Sexton for the interment then required. Every such person shall conform in all respects to the provisions of this article.
(1961 Code Sec. 933.02)
No Sexton shall inter the body of any deceased person until there is produced to and filed with him the burial certificate, issued by the proper officer. If upon application for any interment the burial certificate shall be not produced to and filed with the Sexton, it shall be his duty to give immediate notice thereof to the Health Officer, or in his absence, to the Mayor. It shall thereupon be the duty of the Health Officer or Mayor to investigate the circumstances of such death.
(1961 Code Sec. 933.03)