Ambulance service shall be provided and maintained by the City. Such ambulance service shall be utilized for emergencies only and shall not be used in cases where no emergency exists. The City Manager shall provide the necessary equipment and maintenance thereof for such service, and shall designate personnel of the City who shall provide such service, all within the limits of the budget of the City.
(Ord. 3032. Passed 9-24-63.)
(Ord. 3032. Passed 9-24-63.)
The City Manager, with the approval of Council, shall have and is given the authority to promulgate and enforce reasonable rules and regulations for the purpose of carrying out and enforcing the terms and provisions of this article.
(Ord. 3032. Passed 9-24-63.)
(a) The City shall make a charge of five hundred dollars ($500.00) and ten dollars ($10.00) per mile for each trip made by the personnel and equipment of the City for basic life support services. In addition, the City shall also make a charge of six hundred and fifty dollars ($650.00) and ten dollars ($10.00) per mile for any and all Advanced Life Support Services provided on each trip made by the personnel of the City. The amount charged by the City for advanced life support services is in accordance with the existing customary and reasonable Emergency Medical Services charges assessed by surrounding providers for such services. The personnel manning the ambulance equipment shall keep a daily record or log of each trip made and the name and address of the person or persons receiving emergency ambulance service. Either the original or a copy of such log or record shall be certified to the Finance Director by the head of the department whose personnel furnishes such ambulance service.
(b) The Finance Director shall issue bills to all persons receiving emergency ambulance service in the amount herein established. If the Finance Director should determine that he is unable to collect the charge so billed because the person receiving emergency ambulance service is financially unable to pay same, he shall certify such fact to the City Manager. The City Manager shall have full and complete authority to reduce the amount billed for emergency ambulance service to an amount which can be paid by the person receiving such service, or to order the Finance Director to cancel the charge made as an uncollectible account.
(Ord. 14577. Passed 4-15-14.)
(Ord. 14577. Passed 4-15-14.)