Municipal Swimming Pools
931.01      Rental of pools; regulations.
931.02      Admission charge.
931.03      Payment.
931.04     Days and hours.
931.05     "Learn to Swim" Program.
Recreation Commission - see ADM. Art. 157
   All parks, playgrounds, recreation centers and other public buildings and grounds owned or operated by the City for the public generally, shall in no event be leased, rented or permitted to be used by private individual, firm, corporations, lodge, charitable or religious societies and organizations for private purposes; except, however, that the City Manager is authorized to rent or lease Municipal Swimming pools at designated hours after the regular closing hours of the pools. The condition of such rentals or lease shall be as follows:
   (a)   No such organization shall be given a continuous lease for fixed date, and each lease shall be for a single day.
   (b)   The closing time in each lease shall be no later than 10:00 pm E.D.S.T.
   (c)   The lease shall have incorporated there in a provision fixing responsibility for the conduct of all members or persons using the pool, property damage and personal injury.
   (d)   The lease shall provide that any other group, organization or individual may use the pool at the same time by paying a proportionate share of the expense of the organization leasing the pool.
   (e)   There shall be no beer, wine, liquor or alcoholic beverage permitted on or about the premise leased, and the organization leasing the pool shall bear the responsibility for any violation of this condition.
   (f)   Life guard regularly employed by the Parks & Recreation Department shall be on duty.
   (g)   The City Manager is authorized to fix the rent, charges, expenses, etc., that shall be paid for such leasing.
   (h)   The City Manager is authorized to require such other regulations as he/she may deem appropriate from time to time. (Ord. 15253. Passed 5-7-19.)
   The admission charge to be paid by those who seek admission to the swimming pools of the City situated on Wheeling Island, in South Wheeling, in Warwood and East Wheeling shall be as follows:
   (a)   The City Manager is expressly authorized to determine the municipal swimming pool rates for the four City pools.
   (b)   Payment of the fee shall entitle the person paying the fee to use the facilities of the swimming pool from the time of entry into the swimming pool area until the first to occur, the time of such person’s departure from the pool area or the closing of the pool for the day of entry.
      (Ord. 15253. Passed 5-7-19.)