General Provisions
   91.001   Purpose of chapter
   91.002   Definitions
   91.003   Requirements as to maintenance of premises and disposal of refuse
   91.004   Prohibited disposal; extraterritorial application
   91.005   Litter
   91.006   Prohibited littering on streets, sidewalks, and public places
   91.007   Duty to remove debris; collection of refuse from vacant lots
   91.008   Fallen trees; stumps; debris
   91.009   Abatement of nuisances and rectifying other conditions which violate chapter
Garbage and Trash Collection
   91.020   Collections to be made by the city or private contractor under city supervision; collection vehicles
   91.021   Final disposal sites to be designed by city; responsibilities of contract collector; nonliability of city
   91.022   Restrictions on private collectors other than contract collectors
   91.023   Garbage receptacles for use when collection made by contract collector
   91.024   Rules and regulations
City Dump
   91.035   Regulation of persons; authority of custodian
Tree Regulations
   91.050   Definitions
   91.051   Creation and establishment of a City Tree Board
   91.052   Compensation
   91.053   Duties and responsibilities
   91.054   Operation
   91.055   Pruning, corner clearance
   91.056   Dead or diseased tree removal on private property
   91.057   Removal of stumps
Abandoned and Junk Vehicles
   91.070   Findings and construction; statement of policy
   91.071   Definitions
   91.072   Abandonment of vehicles
   91.073   Junked vehicles prohibited in certain places
   91.074   Tires and abandoned appliances prohibited in certain places
   91.075   Authority; employment of personnel for enforcement; notification to property owner
   91.076   Notification of vehicle owner and lienholders
   91.077   Disposal of unclaimed vehicles
   91.078   Proceeds from sale
   91.079   Injunctive relief
   91.999   Penalty
   This chapter is enacted by the Common Council for the purpose of better serving and protecting the inhabitants of the city and promoting their well being and health and protecting their property; to provide for a method of disposal of garbage and other waste accumulations within the city and for the maintenance, installation, or improvement of such service; to make illegal the promiscuous accumulation of garbage, rubbish, and other unsanitary, unsightly, and harmful waste substances, and the improper disposal thereof; to prevent injury or annoyance to the public or to individuals from things dangerous, offensive, or unwholesome; to compel the abatement and removal of nuisances caused by unauthorized accumulations and disposal of refuse; and, in general, to preserve and promote the public health by providing regulations for the disposal of refuse.
(Prior Code, § 13-1)
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   GARBAGE. Include all putrescible wastes, except sewage and body wastes, including vegetable and animal offal and carcasses of small animals, kitchen and table refuse, swill, and every accumulation of both animal and vegetable matter that attends the preparation, decay, or storage of meats, fish, fowl, birds, or vegetables, but excluding recognizable industrial by-products, and shall include all such substances from all public and private establishments and from all residents.
   REFUSE. Include garbage and trash, either or both.
   TRASH. Includes all nonputrescible wastes, including discarded and abandoned articles.
(Prior Code, § 13-2)
   (A)   Refuse which originates upon any premises within the city shall not be suffered by the owner or occupant of the premises to accumulate in such manner or in such quantity as to constitute a fire or safety hazard or a danger to health, or so as to become unsightly or otherwise give offense to persons in the neighborhood. Garbage and trash shall be disposed of regularly, as provided in this chapter. Wastes other than garbage and trash shall be disposed of by the owner or occupant promptly as it originates, in a sanitary and lawful manner.
   (B)   Garbage and trash to be collected as provided by this chapter shall be stored, pending collection, in conformity with the requirements of this chapter.
   (C)   It shall be the duty of owners, occupants, and persons in charge of premises not devoted to agricultural uses to keep the grass thereon cut to a height of not more than six inches and to keep all premises free of noxious weeds and of undergrowths which afford breeding places for insects, reptiles, and rodents, and to prevent all building materials from accumulating on the premises for any period longer than 90 days.
(Prior Code, § 13-3) (Ord. passed 12-1-2014)