Building contractors, excavators, and other persons who in the course of their respective businesses cause debris or refuse of any kind to accumulate at any place within the city shall remove and dispose of such debris or refuse periodically before it becomes a hazard to the public health, safety, or welfare, and at the completion of each project shall remove all such debris and refuse and dispose thereof in a sanitary and lawful manner; provided, that when debris or refuse accumulates on any vacant lot so as to become a nuisance and is not subject to removal by any contractor or other person as above provided, the city may collect and dispose of such debris and refuse and the costs of such collection and disposal shall become a charge against the owner of such vacant lot and a lien thereon and shall be collectable in the same manner as taxes.
(Prior Code, § 13-7)
(A) Fallen trees, stumps, and debris which are on a public right-of-way shall be collected and disposed of by the city.
(B) Fallen trees, stumps, and debris not on a public right-of-way shall be removed promptly and disposed of in a sanitary and lawful manner by the owners or occupants of the properties upon which they are situated.
(Prior Code, § 13-8)
Premises upon which nuisances or other conditions in violation of this chapter are found to exist by any city officer shall be reported to the Chief of Police, who shall, upon finding that such nuisance or violation does in fact exist, give notice to the owner, occupant, or person in charge of such premises, in a manner provided by law, to abate such nuisance within a period of time to be stated in such notice, not more than ten days; and it shall be unlawful for any person upon whom such notice is served to fail to comply therewith. Upon any such noncompliance after ten days, the Chief of Police shall proceed to abate such nuisance or violation, and the costs thereby incurred shall become a charge against the owner of such premises and a lien thereon, and shall be collectable in the same manner as taxes.
(Prior Code, § 13-9) Penalty, see § 91.999
Charter reference:
As to creation of liens, see Charter § 38
Authority to abate nuisances at the expense of the owners, see Charter § 30
All collections of garbage and trash shall be made by or under the direction and supervision of the city. Nothing herein contained, however, shall be construed to compel the city to collect garbage or trash in city trucks or by city personnel; and the Common Council may contract with any person for the collection, transportation, or disposal of garbage and trash. All vehicles used in collecting and transporting garbage and trash shall be constructed so as to prevent any garbage or trash from leaking, spilling, or blowing upon the streets and premises in the city. Vehicles of the contracting person shall be kept clean, sanitary, and free from odor.
(Prior Code, § 13-10)
During the term of any contract for the collection of garbage or trash by a contract collector, garbage and trash shall be disposed of by the contract collector at a site designated by the city or in an appropriate facility for deposit of such garbage or trash as approved by the appropriate agency of the state. The contract collector shall use a lawful and sanitary method for disposing of all refuse. The responsibility for disposal at any site shall be that of the contract collector, and the city shall not assume any responsibility as to the manner and method used by the contract collector.
(Prior Code, § 13-11) (Ord. passed 12-1-2014)