City Policies
30.01 Official bonds
30.02 Compensation of city officers and employees
30.03 When salaries and wages payable
30.04 Payments of city money to City Treasurer
30.05 Procedure for presentation and allowance of claims against city
30.06 Form of order on City Treasurer for payment of money
30.07 Procurement of supplies, services, and the like
30.08 Competitive bidding; when required; publication of notice
30.09 Same; transmitting and receiving bids, bonds, and the like
30.10 Fiscal reports, accounts, and the like
30.11 Same; form of budget system and financial accounts and records
30.12 Same; annual financial statement
30.13 Availability to public of city books and records; protection of books and records
30.14 Recording of city liens for taxes, assessments, fines, and penalties
30.15 Right of entry for purposes of inspection
30.16 Conflicts of interest
30.17 City is participating public employer; state employees retirement system adopted
30.18 Federal Social Security
30.19 Approval by city of attendance of employees at certain schools
30.20 Street Department employees defined
30.21 Same; sick leave
30.22 Same; records of sick and vacation leave
30.23 Regular employee defined
30.24 Sick leave for regular employees
30.25 Vacation leave for regular employees
30.26 Retrieval and production fees
30.27 National Incident Management System
30.28 Payment of fees required
Common Council
30.40 Time and place of meetings; quorum
30.41 Meetings to be public except when in executive session
30.42 Procedure when meeting lacks quorum
30.43 Presiding officer at meetings; member having conflicting interest may not vote
30.44 Sergeant at arms
30.45 City Clerk to attend meetings and keep journal of Council
30.46 Order of business at meetings
30.47 Mayor’s vote; City Clerk has no vote
30.48 All questions require majority vote for passage
30.49 Requirements for appropriations and orders for payment of city money
30.50 Ordinance procedures generally
30.51 Same; attestation; record of ordinances
30.52 Same; ordinances to repeal, amend, or add to provisions of this code, and records thereof
30.53 Resolutions and record thereof
30.54 Rules
30.55 Remission of fines and penalties
30.56 Personnel policies adopted
30.99 Penalty
(A) Every officer, employee, or agent of the city who in the course of his or her official duties receives, handles, or has custody of or control over more than $100 of city funds, or other amount deemed appropriate by the Municipal Court, negotiable instruments or securities at any time shall, before entering upon his or her duties as such officer, employee, or agent and within ten days of his or her election or appointment, give bond, payable to the city, with corporate surety, in such amount not less than $500, or other amount deemed appropriate by the Municipal Court, as shall be determined by the Common Council, and conditioned upon the faithful performance of his or her duties, a true accounting to give of all city funds, negotiable instruments, and securities received or handled by him or her or coming within his or her custody or under his or her control, and payment thereof to the city; provided, that the bond of the City Treasurer shall be in the amount of not less than $15,000, or other amount deemed appropriate by the Municipal Court, the bond of the City Clerk shall be not less than $15,000, or other amount deemed appropriate by the Municipal Court; and provided further, that during any period when two or more positions are held by the same person, the bond for such person shall be in the amount of not less than the highest amount required for any one of such positions.
(B) The Common Council may adopt a system of blanket faithful performance and honesty bonding as an alternative to the individual bonds provided in division (A) above; provided, that the amounts as specified in division (A) above for the positions named therein shall remain the same as therein specified.
(C) All officers, employees, and agents of the city who, in line of duty, are required or authorized to carry firearms, shall give bond, payable to the city, with corporate surety, in such amount not less than $10,000, or other amount deemed appropriate by the Municipal Court, as may be specified by the Common Council, and conditioned upon the faithful performance of their respective duties and the payment of any judgment or decree which may be rendered against them for the negligent or unlawful use or handling of such firearm and to save the city harmless from all claims and demands whatsoever for the negligent or unlawful use or handling of such firearm.
(D) The City Attorney shall approve all bonds required by this section with respect to their form and legality; and the premiums thereon shall be paid by the city. The Common Council shall approve all bonds required by this section with respect to their sufficiency. All bonds required by this section shall be in the custody of the City Clerk.
(Prior Code, § 2-1)
The Mayor, Council members, and other city officers and employees shall receive such salaries and wages as may be provided for them from time to time by the Common Council in the annual budget or other ordinances.
(Prior Code, § 2-2)
Charter reference:
Reasonable compensation to city officers and employees, see Charter § 21
Statutory reference:
Compensation of city officers and employees, see W. Va. Code 8-5-12
Every person having a claim or demand against the city shall file with the City Clerk an account or statement thereof, verified under oath, fully setting forth the items. The City Clerk shall present such account or statement to the Common Council at their first meeting thereafter, at which time such statement or account may be allowed in whole or in part, or wholly disallowed. All applications for refunding orders for taxes erroneously assessed shall be verified by the affidavit of the party in whose interest the order is applied for.
(Prior Code, § 2-5)