(A) It shall be the duty of the city’s Street Commissioner to record in a permanently bound book, open to the inspection of the Mayor and Common Council, the sick leave time granted to members of the city’s Street Department, and the day, month, and year in which the same was granted.
(B) The Street Commissioner shall further record the vacation time granted to members of the city’s Street Department, and the day, month, and year in which the same was granted.
(Prior Code, § 2-18.4)
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
REGULAR EMPLOYEE OF THE CITY OF WESTON. One employed in any department of the City of Weston other than the Street Department, Fire Department, and Police Department for a period of six consecutive months, in each of which months he or she has worked at least five days per week (six hours or more per day), or one who has worked in such Department for a period of six months, non- consecutively, within a period of seven consecutive months, and in each of which six months he or she shall have worked at least five days per week (six hours or more per day).
(Ord. passed 10-17-1983)
(A) All regularly employed persons of the city, except in the Street Department, Fire Department, and Police Department, as hereinbefore defined in § 30.23, shall be entitled to one day of sick leave per month, cumulative to a total of 12 days in any calendar year. If such 12 days are not used in any calendar year, they are not cumulative and do not carry over into any other calendar year.
(B) Before any regularly employed person of the city is entitled to sick leave pay, he or she shall first notify the department head of the department in which he or she is employed of his or her illness or injury as soon as reasonably practical, and shall thereafter produce a physician’s certificate of illness of more than three days duration to both the department head aforesaid and the Mayor, certifying his or her illness or injury.
(Ord. passed 10-17-1983)
(A) (1) Each regular employee of the city, as hereinafter defined in § 30.23 (excluding members of the Street Department, Fire Department, and Police Department), shall be entitled, after 12 months employment, to ten days annual vacation.
(2) Each employee shall notify his or her department head of the vacation time requested reasonably in advance of the time so designated, said vacation time, or such thereof as may be reasonable, shall be designated and approved by the employee’s department head. Vacation days shall not be accumulated from calendar year to calendar year.
(B) It shall be the duty of the department head to record in a permanently bound book, open to the inspection of the Mayor and the Common Council, the sick leave time granted as well as vacation time applied for and granted to regularly employed persons of the city, except the Street Department, Fire Department, and Police Department, and the day, month, and year in which the same was granted.
(Ord. passed 10-17-1983)
(A) The actual cost to the city for use of its employees’ time in responding to records requests that require a search beyond a nominal amount of time is equivalent to the rate of pay of the employee performing the search and records production plus the portion of labor additives due that employee for the time period during which he or she performs the search and production functions. Each person making a records request upon the city shall be required to pay a fee equivalent to the rate of pay of the employee performing the search and records production plus the portion of labor additives due that employee for the time period during which he or she performs the search and production functions per hour of employee time spent locating and categorizing responsive records and preparing any written response or data collection in response to the request, in order to reimburse the city for its reasonably expected costs.
(B) The actual cost to the city for reproduction of records by production of paper copies of such records is $1 per page, or other amount deemed appropriate by the Municipal Court. Each person making a records request upon the city and requesting production of paper copies of such records shall be required to pay a fee of $1 per page produced, or other amount deemed appropriate by the Municipal Court, in order to reimburse the city for its reasonably expected costs.
(C) The City Manager is authorized to promulgate and enforce rules and regulations designed to achieve the collection of the fees authorized by this section.
(Ord. passed 11-3-2014)
(A) (1) Regular meetings of the Common Council shall be held at the Council Chamber on the first Monday of each month at 8:00 p.m. and also at such times as may be fixed by special orders of adjournment; provided, that when the first Monday of any month shall fall upon a holiday, the Common Council may fix another day for such meeting.
(2) A majority of the Council shall be necessary for a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting, regular, adjourned, or special.
(B) (1) Special meetings of the Common Council may be called by the Mayor or any three members thereof.
(2) Whenever special meetings of the Council are called it shall be done by a warrant directed to the Chief of Police, signed by the Mayor or three members of the Council, and stating distinctly and by separate items the matters of business for which the meeting is called.
(3) The Chief of Police shall give notice to every member then in the city, and shall return the warrant to the City Clerk who shall enter the same in the journal.
(Prior Code, § 2-19)
Charter reference:
Statutory reference:
As to general corporate powers of city, see W. Va. Code 8-12-1 to 8-12-20
Compensation of officers, regardless of charter provisions, see W. Va. Code 8-5-12
Oath of office, see W. Va. Code 8-5-8
Taxation and finance, see W. Va. Code 8-13-1 et seq.
All meetings of the Common Council shall be open to orderly members of the public; provided, that the Council when sitting as a committee of the whole may go into executive session and exclude all persons from attending such executive session except those whose presence is deemed necessary by such committee of the whole; and provided further, that the committee of the whole shall not reconstitute itself as the Common Council until the executive session is terminated and the meeting is again open to orderly members of the public.
(Prior Code, § 2-20)
It shall be lawful for any two or more members of the Common Council who have assembled at a time appointed for a meeting thereof to recess temporarily or to adjourn to a subsequent time, and to cause the sergeant at arms to compel the attendance of the absent members or give notice to the absent members of the time to which adjournment has been made, requiring their attendance at such adjourned meeting.
(Prior Code, § 2-21)
Charter reference:
Meetings of the Common Council shall be presided over by the Mayor or, in his or her absence, by the Council member chosen by the Common Council to preside over meetings of the Council in the event of the Mayor’s absence or disability as provided in Charter § 21-a; and in the absence of both such persons, then by a Council member chosen by a majority of the members of the Common Council then present.
(Prior Code, § 2-22)