(A)   (1)   At each meeting of the Common Council the roll shall be called and members shall be recorded in the journal as present or absent.
      (2)   Then, the proceedings of the last meeting shall be read and corrected, if erroneous, and signed by the City Clerk and the presiding officer for the time being.
      (3)   The subsequent proceedings at any regular meeting shall then be as follows:
         (a)   First - petitions;
         (b)   Second - unfinished business appearing upon the record;
         (c)   Third - reports of committees;
         (d)   Fourth - reports of officers;
         (e)   Fifth - consideration and allowance of compensation due officers and employees; and
         (f)   Sixth - new business.
   (B)   The order or proceedings may be suspended or changed at any meeting, for the time being, by a majority vote of the members of the Council present.
(Prior Code, § 2-25)
Charter reference:
   Reading and correction of minutes of preceding meeting, see Charter § 24
Statutory reference:
   Reading and correction of minutes of preceding meeting, see W. Va. Code 8-9-3