(A) (1) Regular meetings of the Common Council shall be held at the Council Chamber on the first Monday of each month at 8:00 p.m. and also at such times as may be fixed by special orders of adjournment; provided, that when the first Monday of any month shall fall upon a holiday, the Common Council may fix another day for such meeting.
(2) A majority of the Council shall be necessary for a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting, regular, adjourned, or special.
(B) (1) Special meetings of the Common Council may be called by the Mayor or any three members thereof.
(2) Whenever special meetings of the Council are called it shall be done by a warrant directed to the Chief of Police, signed by the Mayor or three members of the Council, and stating distinctly and by separate items the matters of business for which the meeting is called.
(3) The Chief of Police shall give notice to every member then in the city, and shall return the warrant to the City Clerk who shall enter the same in the journal.
(Prior Code, § 2-19)
Charter reference:
Statutory reference:
As to general corporate powers of city, see W. Va. Code 8-12-1 to 8-12-20
Compensation of officers, regardless of charter provisions, see W. Va. Code 8-5-12
Oath of office, see W. Va. Code 8-5-8
Taxation and finance, see W. Va. Code 8-13-1 et seq.
All meetings of the Common Council shall be open to orderly members of the public; provided, that the Council when sitting as a committee of the whole may go into executive session and exclude all persons from attending such executive session except those whose presence is deemed necessary by such committee of the whole; and provided further, that the committee of the whole shall not reconstitute itself as the Common Council until the executive session is terminated and the meeting is again open to orderly members of the public.
(Prior Code, § 2-20)
It shall be lawful for any two or more members of the Common Council who have assembled at a time appointed for a meeting thereof to recess temporarily or to adjourn to a subsequent time, and to cause the sergeant at arms to compel the attendance of the absent members or give notice to the absent members of the time to which adjournment has been made, requiring their attendance at such adjourned meeting.
(Prior Code, § 2-21)
Charter reference:
Meetings of the Common Council shall be presided over by the Mayor or, in his or her absence, by the Council member chosen by the Common Council to preside over meetings of the Council in the event of the Mayor’s absence or disability as provided in Charter § 21-a; and in the absence of both such persons, then by a Council member chosen by a majority of the members of the Common Council then present.
(Prior Code, § 2-22)