Employees Generally
EDITOR'S NOTE: Compensatory and collective bargaining provisions are not codified herein since they are covered by contract and/or are subject to frequent change.
167.01   Blanket bond.
167.02   Mileage and expense allowances. (Repealed)
167.03   Application of rules.
167.04   Sick leave.
167.05   Vacations; accumulation of time.
167.06   Holidays.
167.07   Retirement. (Repealed)
167.08   Merit raises for hourly employees.
167.09   Hospital and medical insurance.
167.10   Overtime.
167.11   Pay periods.
167.12   Wage increases.
167.13   Work week for City employees.
167.14   Longevity.
167.15   Equal Employment Opportunity Program.
167.16   Collective bargaining agreement.
167.17   Military leave.
167.18   Attendance at schools or meetings; reimbursement of travel expenses. (Repealed)
167.19   Jury duty.
167.20   Family and medical leave policy. (Repealed)
167.21   Indemnification of City officials and employees.
167.22   Wage Continuation Plan.
167.23   Employee Incentive Program.
167.24   Director Incentive Award Program.
167.25   Life insurance.
167.26   Employment of retired governmental employees. (Repealed)
167.99   Penalty.
Council to establish compensation - see CHTR. Art. III, Sec. 3
Oath of office - see CHTR. Art. XI, Sec. 7; Ohio R.C. 3.22, 733.68
Bonds - see Ohio R.C. 733.69 et seq.
Expenses for attendance at conference or convention - see Ohio R.C. 733.79
Director of Finance's bond - see ADM. 135.01
Civil Service Commission - see ADM. Ch. 159