If the request involves a change to the physical size or layout of the establishment, when the applicant's building or remodeling is completed, it must meet all State and local regulations, and must comply with the representations made to the City Council and LLRC committee by the applicant. If such physical alteration is approved by the City Council and it is subsequently determined that the project was not substantially completed as required by the plans and specifications presented to the City, or in substantial compliance with representations made to the City, the City may recommend that the license be revoked or not be renewed for the following year.
(Ord. 2007-20. Passed 10-16-07.)
Each applicant for a new license or permit, for transfer of an existing license or permit, for expansion of an existing establishment, and for renewal of an existing license or permit shall pay a non-refundable application investigation fee in addition to any other fees required by other City ordinance or resolutions. Each applicant for renewal of a license that was originally established on or before June 30, 2007 shall be exempt from annual renewal fees until January 1, 2009; all others shall pay an annual review fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00). Such fees will be in addition to any fee required by the Liquor Control Commission and shall be set by a City Council resolution.
(Ord. 2007-20. Passed 10-16-07.)