886.01 Title.
886.02 Statement of purpose.
886.03 Licensing policy.
886.04 New license.
886.05 Review procedures.
886.06 Permits and transfer of ownership.
886.07 Annual license and permit review.
886.08 Revocation and non-renewal.
886.09 Criteria for non-renewal or revocation.
886.10 Capacity limits.
886.11 Building; remodeling.
886.12 Termination of escrowed licenses.
886.13 Fees.
(a) The purpose of this chapter is to allow the City to establish and administer a policy for the issuance, renewal and transfer of Class C type liquor licenses and permits, to provide for the enforcement of liquor laws, regulations and ordinances, and to manage the number of liquor licenses in the City.
(b) This chapter shall also create the Liquor License Review Committee (LLRC), which shall be composed of City Manager, Police Chief and Community Development Director or their designee(s). The purpose of the LLRC is to review applications and make recommendations to the City Council as required by this chapter.
(c) Compliance. Licensees shall comply with all applicable State and City regulations, this general policy, and a plan of operation as approved by the City Council. Any changes to a plan of operation shall be approved by the City Council prior to implementation of the change by the licensee. Failure of such compliance or variance from an approved plan is a violation of this chapter and may result in the City Council recommending to the Michigan Liquor Control Commission that the license be revoked or not renewed.
(d) It shall be the policy of the City to notify all known existing Class C type liquor license holders of proposed changes in this chapter via first class mail at least ten business days in advance of the City Council acting on a change.
(Ord. 2007-20. Passed 10-16-07.)
(a) New licenses or liquor license permits, transfer of ownership of existing licenses, transfers into the City of new licenses, shall be approved in the discretion of the City Council pursuant to this chapter and the Michigan Liquor Control Commission rules and regulation.
(b) The City shall conduct an annual review of all existing licenses in the City.
(Ord. 2007-20. Passed 10-16-07.)