It shall be unlawful for any person driving a motor vehicle or any person riding therein to turn off any or all lights of the vehicle for the purpose of evading arrest, or to take any other action with that vehicle which would serve to hinder or delay the driver's apprehension or arrest. ('91 Rev.)
It shall be unlawful for any person to disturb or aid in disturbing the peace or quiet by operating or causing to be operated any radio, tape player, compact disc player, loudspeaker, or any other electronic device, or by the blowing of horns or the squealing of tires, either in a motor vehicle or separate therefrom so as to produce an audible sound measured at least twenty-five (25) feet from the source. Measurement of the audible sound shall be by auditory senses based upon direct line of sight.
No distinction shall be made between stopped, standing, parked, or moving motor vehicles.
Upon conviction or a plea of guilt, the violator shall be punished as a simple misdemeanor and as follows: For the first offense, no less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00); for the second offense, no less than Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00); and for the third and any subsequent offenses, Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00).
(Ord. #4100, 6/5/95; Ord. #4510, 9/4/01)
(a) Definitions:
(1) "Skateboard" shall mean a narrow board approximately two feet long mounted on wheels.
(2) "Skateboarding" shall mean the riding or operating of a skateboard.
(3) "Downtown area" shall mean the area bounded by East First Street, West First Street, Washington Street, West Sixth Street, East Sixth Street and Franklin Street.
(4) "Plaza area" shall mean the areas with benches and/or tables designed primarily for passive recreation; i.e., picnicking and sitting.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in skateboarding:
(1) Upon any public street or highway unless otherwise authorized;
(2) Within any city-owned parking garage or parking lot, except where designated at city parks;
(3) Upon any sidewalk within the downtown area during the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday, and the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday;
(4) Upon the ramps, sidewalks and benches at any time at the Waterloo City Hall, the Waterloo Public Library, the Waterloo Recreation and Arts Center, the Five Sullivan Brothers Convention Center, the MET Transit Authority Central Transit Facility, the Holiday Inn, Russell Lamson Building (209 West Fifth Street), Park Tower (500 Sycamore Street) and Cedar River Tower Housing (106 East Third Street);
(5) Upon the flood control levees and all cement appurtenances thereof at Bontrager Park and Liberty Park;
(6) Upon the tennis courts, handball courts and sit-down or plaza areas within the City parks;
(7) Upon the sidewalks leading to any city-owned public swimming pool, upon the decks inside the pool area and upon the swimming pool bottom when empty.
(c) No person shall engage in skateboarding in a reckless manner, which shall be defined as skateboarding in such a manner as to indicate either a willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property, on any public sidewalk. No person shall skateboard on a sidewalk without exercising due care for the safety of others using the sidewalk.
(d) Any person who violates the terms of this section shall be punished pursuant to Section 4 of the Traffic Code. The violations shall be scheduled, as follows:
1st offense -$10.00;
2nd offense -$15.00;
3rd offense -$25.00; and
4th or more offense -not less than $25.00.
Any person adjudged guilty of this section may be required to pay restitution for any damage caused by skateboarding.
(Ord. #3663, 9/18/89)
(a) Definitions.
The following definitions shall apply to the interpretation and enforcement of this section.
(1) Commercial vehicle means a motor driven car or truck, which is designated by lettering on the vehicle’s body indicating a commercial purpose, or which has a commercial license plate attached that is duly registered to the vehicle.
(2) Fire Lane/Emergency Vehicle Lane shall mean an opening not less than 20 feet of unobstructed width measured from the farthest building projection or walkway/curb, whichever is the greatest distance from the building wall, and shall have no vertical obstructions. The length of a fire lane shall be properly posted as set forth below.
(b) Violations.
No person shall park a vehicle in any place designated by Waterloo Fire Rescue as a Fire Lane/Emergency Vehicle Lane and posted as such, whether such Fire Lane/Emergency Vehicle Lane be upon publicly owned property or right-of-way, or upon privately owned property. Any person violating this section shall be guilty of a municipal infraction, and upon conviction thereof be subject to a penalty of Fifty Dollars ($50.00), in addition to all the remedies provided in Iowa Code §364.22 and any amendments thereto, including the removal of the vehicle. Enforcement of this section shall be by the Waterloo Police Department or Waterloo Fire Rescue.
(c) Signs.
A Fire Lane/Emergency Vehicle Lane shall be posted with metal signs reading at a minimum, “FIRE LANE, NO PARKING.” The sign may also include the words, “VIOLATORS SUBJECT TO TOWING AND $50 PENALTY.” The signs shall be located at least every 50 linear feet of the fire lane.
(d) Presumption. When an area is posted as a Fire Lane/Emergency Vehicle Lane as provided in subsection (c) above, a presumption shall arise that said area was designated as a fire lane by or with the authority of Waterloo Fire Rescue. In any proceeding for violation of this ordinance, the registration displayed on a motor vehicle involved in the violation shall constitute in evidence a prima facie presumption that the registered owner of the motor vehicle was the person who parked or placed the vehicle at the point where the violation occurred.
(e) Maintenance of Fire Lane/Emergency Vehicle Lane. Fire Lane/Emergency Vehicle Lanes shall be constructed and maintained at the owners’ expense, which shall include the purchase of properly marked signs.
(f) Fire Lane/Emergency Vehicle Lane shall
be free and clear of all obstructions. Fire Lane/ Emergency Vehicle Lanes shall at all times be free and clear of all obstructions, with the following exceptions:
(1) Normal movement of vehicular traffic.
(2) Actively loading and unloading of commercial vehicles. Commercial vehicles shall be limited to a period of not more than a 30-minute obstruction of the fire lane.
(Ord. #4444, 11/6/00)