§ 154.001 PURPOSE.
   (A)   This chapter is enacted for the purpose of adopting subdivision regulations to control and regulate the division of land for any purpose whatsoever within the jurisdiction of the Area Plan Commission. The Area Plan Commission shall have all the powers and duties with respect to primary and secondary plat approvals and subdivisions, and the procedures relating thereto which are specified by law and by this chapter. In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this chapter shall be held to be the requirements adopted for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare, by providing for the harmonious development of Warrick County, for the coordination of streets within subdivisions with other existing or planned streets or with other features, for adequate open spaces for traffic, schools, recreation and air, for adequate storm water drainage and sewage disposal, for the efficient and economical maintenance of streets, and for the development for public use of public grounds.
   (B)   Private wells and septic systems in lieu of public water and sewer facilities are allowable where permitted under the Warrick County Zoning Ordinance and approved by the Health Department.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
   This chapter shall apply to all subdivisions of land within the corporate limits of Elberfeld, Lynnville, Tennyson and any other participating cities or towns, and the unincorporated areas of Warrick County, Indiana, as now or hereafter established.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
§ 154.003 AUTHORITY.
   Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners, under authority of I.C. 36-7-4-700 et seq., as amended, that:
   (A)   No plat or replat of a subdivision of land as defined herein located within the corporate limits of the towns of Elberfeld, Lynnville, and Tennyson, any other participating cities or towns, and the unincorporated areas of Warrick County, shall be recorded until it shall have the approval of the Commission, and such approval shall be entered upon the plat. The plat shall be accompanied by a certificate bearing the seal of the Commission, signed by the President of the Commission, and attested to by the Executive Director of the Commission disclosing that proper public notice of the hearing has been given and that a majority of the members of the Commission concur in its approval.
   (B)   No owner, or agent of the owner, of any parcel of land located in a proposed subdivision shall transfer or sell any such parcel before a plat of such subdivision has been approved by the Area Plan Commission, in accordance with the provisions of these regulations and filed with the County Recorder.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)