(A) The subdivider (or applicant), owner of record and registered land surveyor proposing to subdivide or plat land into a subdivision shall schedule a pre-application conference with the Subdivision Review Committee for technical review before submitting a written application for major subdivision plat approval. At this consultation a sketch plan of the proposed plat shall be submitted containing the following information:
(1) A proposed layout of the streets, lots, and other elements basic to the proposed use in relationship to site conditions.
(2) Location of parks, recreational and other public and semi-public sites existing and proposed within or near the area proposed to be platted.
(3) Proposed methods for handling sewage disposal, drainage, water supply and other utility services.
(B) The sketch plan may be a pencil drawing superimposed upon a print of a topographic survey of the area proposed to be platted or may be in any other graphic medium and form containing and accurately depicting the above information. The pre-application conference does not require formal application fee or filing of a plat with the Area Plan Commission.
(C) During the pre-application conference, the Subdivision Review Committee will identify any possible concerns relative to:
(1) Access to the subdivision for motor vehicles, emergency vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians, including connections to the surrounding street network.
(2) Fulfilling requirements of the Thoroughfare Plan.
(3) Internal circulation.
(4) Extension or creation of sanitary sewers or provision of private sewage disposal systems.
(5) Extension or creation of water lines.
(6) Provision of stormwater sewers or drainage ditches, protection and use of legal drains, provision of stormwater retention/detention facilities.
(D) The Subdivision Review Committee may identify any other relative issues to the subdivision of the property and answer questions of the subdivider (or applicant) concerning the major subdivision process and plat content.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
(A) A subdivider desiring approval of a plat for a major subdivision of any land lying within the jurisdiction of the Area Plan Commission, shall submit a written application for a certificate of approval and six copies of a plat of the subdivision in accordance with § 154.016, to the Area Plan Commission. A read-only electronic version of the plat shall also be provided in a format specified by the Area Plan Commission staff. The written application shall be on the form provided (in reproducible or electronic format) by the Area Plan Commission. The Area Plan Commission staff shall prepare the application form on the basis of the requirements of this chapter. The Area Plan Commission shall approve the application form.
(B) No land shall be subdivided for any non-agricultural purpose:
(1) Unless adequate access to the land over approved streets or thoroughfares exists or will be provided by the subdivider (applicant); or
(2) If such land is considered by the Commission to be unsuitable for such use by reason of flooding or improper drainage, objectionable earth and rock formation, topography, or any other feature harmful to the health and safety of future residents and of the community as a whole.
(C) No land shall be subdivided for any non-agricultural purpose unless it is in conformance with the Zoning Ordinance, now or hereafter adopted.
(D) (1) At the time of filing an application for plat approval of the plan, the application shall be accompanied by an application fee as set by the Area Plan Commission pursuant to I.C. 36-7-4-411.
(2) The fees shall be made payable to the Area Plan Commission to cover the cost of advertising, checking and verifying the proposed plat. The Area Plan Commission shall surrender the application fee to the County Auditor. No application fee shall be refunded.
(E) Street construction plans shall be initially reviewed under the primary plat filing fee. During the 30 days preceding the public hearing before the Board of Commissioners for street construction plan approval, the subdivider shall make any revisions required by the County Highway Engineer to the plans and resubmit the revised plans at least one week prior to the public hearing. The Board of Commissioners in their approval of street plans shall not include the approval of layout of the right-of-way for proposed streets and roads within such subdivisions, as such approval shall be the exclusive province of the Area Plan Commission pursuant to its exclusive authority for primary plat approval under I.C. 36-7-4-405(2) and 36-7-4-701(b).
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)