(A) The subdivider shall grant easements wherever necessary, not less than six feet in width for public utility, sewer and drainage purposes on each lot. Dedication of easements shall be to the public for purpose of installing and maintaining utilities, platting strips and for other public purposes as may be ordered or directed by the Commission.
(B) Where a subdivision embraces all or any part of a water course, drainage way, channel, or stream, a storm water easement or drainage right-of-way shall be provided which conforms substantially with the lines of such water course, and is of adequate width as determined by the Plan Commission after review by the Drainage Board. Further, if the 100-year flood plain elevation is shown on FIRM maps, the building site shall be demonstrated to be above the 100-year flood plain elevation or it shall be demonstrated that the building site and access thereto can be filled so as to be above the 100-year floodplain elevation in compliance with flood plain regulations of the state. Any new roadways shall be constructed on a grade above the 100-year flood plain elevation.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
(A) Block lengths shall not exceed 1,320 feet.
(B) Blocks shall have sufficient width to provide for two tiers of lots of appropriate depth.
(C) Pedestrian crosswalks, not less than ten feet wide, shall be required where deemed essential by the Plan Commission to provide adequate circulation or access to schools, playgrounds, shopping centers, or other community facilities.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
(A) Every lot upon which a structure is hereafter erected shall abut on to a dedicated public street or right-of-way.
(B) Side lot lines shall be approximately at right angles or radial to street lines.
(C) Double frontage and reverse frontage lots shall be avoided except where essential to provide separation of residential development from limited (fully or partially controlled) access highways or railroads or to overcome specific disadvantages of topography and orientation. There shall be no right of access provided along the line of lots abutting limited (fully or partially controlled) access highways and railroads.
(D) In any subdivision or part of a subdivision proposed for non-agricultural purposes, the width and area of lots shall conform to the minimum requirements of the Zoning Ordinance for the district of which the subdivision is located.
(E) The minimum building setback lines established in the Zoning Ordinance shall be observed for all lots in each subdivision.
(F) Residential lots fronting on an arterial, urban or rural major collector or rural minor collector should have extra depth to permit deeper building setbacks from such traffic arteries as follows from the roadway centerline:
(1) Arterial – 70 feet;
(2) Rural major collector – 65 feet; and
(3) Urban collector or rural minor collector – 60 feet.
(G) No lot shall be divided by a municipal boundary line.
(H) When terrain so requires, easements for sanitary sewers along other than the real lot lines shall be provided subject to approval of the Plan Commission.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
Whenever a park, recreation area, school site, or other public use shown on the Comprehensive Plan as now or hereafter adopted in whole or in part is located in whole or in part within the proposed subdivision, such proposed public space, if not dedicated to the appropriate public agency, may be required by the Area Plan Commission to be reserved for a period of one year for later acquisition by the public agency. In the event of a government agency or unit passing a resolution expressing its intent to acquire the land so reserved within the reservation year, the reservation period shall be extended for an additional year.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
(A) The street and lot layout of a non-residential subdivision shall conform generally to the Comprehensive Plan as is now or hereafter adopted, in whole or in part, and specifically with that part of the Plan which deals with zoning, land use and thoroughfares.
(B) Types of non-residential subdivision. Non-residential subdivisions shall include industrial tracts and may include neighborhood and community commercial or office tracts.
(C) Principles and standards. In addition to the principles and standards in this chapter which are appropriate to the planning of all subdivisions, the subdivider shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Commission that the proposed street, parcel and block pattern proposed is specifically adapted to the uses anticipated and takes into account other uses in the vicinity. The following principles and standards shall be observed.
(1) Proposed industrial parcels shall be suitable in area and dimensions to the types of industrial development anticipated.
(2) Street rights-of-way and pavement shall be adequate to accommodate the type and volume of traffic anticipated to be generated thereon.
(3) Special requirements may be imposed by the Area Plan Commission with respect to sidewalks.
(4) Every effort shall be made to protect adjacent residential areas from potential nuisance from the proposed non-residential subdivisions, including the provision of extra depth in parcels backing up on existing or potential residential development and provisions for a buffer strip where necessary.
(5) Streets carrying non-residential traffic, especially truck traffic, shall not normally be extended to the boundaries of adjacent existing or potential residential areas, or connected to streets intended for predominantly residential traffic.
(6) Subdivisions for proposed commercial development shall take into account and specifically designate all areas proposed for vehicular circulation and parking, for pedestrian circulation, and for buffer strips.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
All entrances shall be designed in accordance with the Standards and Specifications as outlined in the Indiana Department of Transportation Access, most recent, Standards Manual for state-maintained roads, and the Evansville Metropolitan Planning Organization Access Standards Manual for spacing and traffic movement and the Warrick County Roadway Specifications, Appendix B of this chapter, for design and construction standards for locally maintained roads; and approved by the County Highway Engineer. These standards shall be followed and administered as they pertain to all aspects of the entrance details, i.e. tapers, radii and lane widths.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06; Am. BC Ord. 2021-03, passed 1-11-21)
(A) Roadway improvement work (except for grading) shall not be commenced until plans and profiles for such work have been submitted to and approved by the Board of Commissioners or the local legislative body having jurisdiction. Such plans may be required before approval of the final plat. All such plans and profiles shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the county or the participating cities or towns within whose territorial limits the work is to be done.
(B) Roadway improvement work shall not be commenced until the county or the participating city or town within whose territorial limits the work is to be done has been notified in advance. If the work has been discontinued for any reason, it shall not be continued until notice is again given.
(C) All required roadway improvements shall be constructed under the inspection of and subject to the approval of the county or the participating city or town within whose territorial limits the subdivision lies.
(D) All underground utilities, waterlines, sanitary sewers and stone drains installed initially in streets, service roads, alleys or highways shall be constructed prior to the surfacing of such streets, service roads, alleys or highways. Service connections for all underground utilities and sanitary sewers shall be placed to such length as will obviate the necessity for disturbing the street or alley or sidewalk improvements when service connections thereto are made. Utilities, waterlines and sewers should be installed under paved areas of streets only when absolutely necessary.
(E) The subdivider's engineer shall develop plans and complete all improvement design work in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and to the approval of the Board of Commissioners.
(F) The subdivider shall develop plans and complete improvement work as required by other utilities.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
The subdivider shall install improvements in accordance with the general requirements set forth in this section provided that the Board of Commissioners may permit changes in typical section and details if unusual conditions arise during construction to warrant such change.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
The corners of all lots shall be marked by steel bars at least 30 inches in length and no less than five-eights inch in diameter, the top of the pipe or bar to be set level with the established grade adjoining it at the following points:
(A) The intersection of street and alley right-of-way lines.
(B) The intersection of all angles in the subdivision boundary line.
(C) The beginning and ending of all street curves on both right-of-way lines.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
(A) Streets and highways shall be graded to the full width of the right-of-way and brought to grades specified on plans, profiles, and cross-sections approved by the Board of Commissioners who shall receive one set of the plat plans as approved after review by the engineer and Executive Director. All street and highway improvements shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the Board of Commissioners after review by the County Engineer.
(B) Streets and highways shall be paved the following minimum widths:
Type of Street | Minimum Pavement Width (in Feet) Inclusive of Curb & Gutter | Minimum Pavement Width (in Feet) without Curb & Gutter |
Type of Street | Minimum Pavement Width (in Feet) Inclusive of Curb & Gutter | Minimum Pavement Width (in Feet) without Curb & Gutter |
Freeway (fully-controlled access) | (not applicable) | 38 x 2 |
Expressway (partially-controlled access) | 42 x 2 | 38 x 2 |
Freeway/expressway - service streets | 29 x 2 | 16 x 2 |
Arterial, urban collector or rural major collector - dual roadway | 28 x 2, plus 8 to 10-foot paved right-shoulder and 14-foot median | 24 x 2 plus 8 to 10-foot paved right-shoulder and 14-foot median (or 4-foot paved left-shoulder) |
Urban collector or rural major collector - single roadway | 62 (3-lane roadway with 10-foot paved shoulders) | 58 (3-lane roadway with 10-foot paved shoulders) |
Rural minor collector | 40 (3-lane roadway) | 40 (2 lanes with 8-foot paved shoulders) |
Residential collector | 40 | 36 (2 lanes with 6-foot paved shoulders plus 3-foot compacted aggregate shoulders) |
Minor residential district | 30 | 26 (2 lanes plus 3-foot compacted aggregate shoulders) |
Cul-de-sac | 30 | 26 (2 lanes plus 3-foot compacted aggregate shoulders) |
Rural road | (not applicable) | 22 (2 lanes plus 3-foot compacted aggregate shoulders) |
Marginal access | 26 | 22 (2 lanes plus 3-foot compacted aggregate shoulders) |
Private street | 24 | 20 |
(C) Street construction shall be in accordance with the Road Standard Specifications or any subsequent amendments thereto for locally-maintained roads and the Roadway Design Manual of the Indiana Department of Transportation for state-maintained roads.
(D) Rigid type pavement. Rigid type pavement may only be used in commercial and industrial zoning districts; residential shall require a waiver by the County Commissioners. Rigid type pavement shall consist of Portland cement concrete placed on a properly prepared subgrade conforming in all respect to the line, grade, thickness and typical cross-sections in the plans prepared by the subdivider and approved by the County Engineer and Plan Commission. Coarse aggregate for Portland cement concrete pavement shall be size No. 5L only, as defined in the standard specifications. Vibrating screeds or oscillating screeds will be permitted for finishing pavements provided the required finish and smoothness are obtained. All joints shall be sealed. Minimum design standards shall be according to the following table:
Arterial, Urban Collector or Rural Major Collector | Rural Minor Collector or Commercial Collector | Residential Collector | Local and all Other Streets | |
Controlled Wheel Load | 18,000 lbs. | 11,000 lbs. | 8,000 lbs. | 6,000 lbs |
Base Type I Granular | To be designed on the basis of traffic | 8" | 6" | 4" |
Concrete Uniform Design Thickness | To be designed on the basis of traffic | 8" | 7" | 6" |
Total thickness | To be designed on the basis of traffic | 16" | 13" | 10" |
(E) Flexible pavement.
(1) Flexible type pavement shall consist of an asphaltic concrete wearing course placed on suitable base and subbase courses on a properly prepared subgrade conforming in all respects to the lines, grades, thickness and typical cross sections in the plans prepared by the subdivider and approved by the Board of Commissioners and County Engineer or Town Board.
(2) Subbase and base material shall be placed in accordance with latest standards of the Indiana State Highway Department. Minimum design standards shall be according to the following table.
Arterial, Urban Collector or Rural Major Collector | Rural Minor Collector or Commercial Collector | Residential Collector | Local and all other Streets Type |
Arterial, Urban Collector or Rural Major Collector | Rural Minor Collector or Commercial Collector | Residential Collector | Local and all other Streets Type | |
Controlled wheel load | 18,000 lbs. | 11,000 lbs. | 8,000 lbs. | 6,000 lbs |
Subbase granular design thickness | To be designed on the basis of traffic | 6" | 6" | 4" |
Base Type I granular | To be designed on the basis of traffic | 6" | 4" | 4" |
Base asphaltic | To be designed on the basis of traffic | 3" | 2" | None |
Binder asphaltic | To be designed on the basis of traffic | 2" | 2" | 2-1/2" |
Surface asphaltic | To be designed on the basis of traffic | 1-1/2" | 1-1/2" | 1-1/2 " |
Total thickness | 18-1/2" | 15-1/2" | 12" | |
(F) Rural roads. All rural roads as defined herein shall have a minimum of eight inches of rock with side ditches. Subbase shall be at least four inches in depth using #2 rock or #5 rock with the base constructed of at least four inches of #53 rock. The intermediate course shall be a minimum of two and one-half inches of asphalt binder. The surface shall be a minimum one and one-half inches of asphalt or as directed by the Board of Commissioners.
(G) Where granular material of a quality equal to requirements for subbase material is placed for use as a construction the neat lines for subbase for the pavement may be left in place and be considered subbase for whatsoever part of the subbase area it occupies, and the existence of such materials outside those lines will not be considered subbase for whatsoever part of the subbase area it occupies, and the existence of such materials outside those lines will not be considered subbase or base or pavement surface. The subbase and base courses shall be constructed simultaneously, and in no case shall the subbase be used as a construction road.
(H) Alternate materials and methods may be used to take advantage of local material conditions providing the depth, the materials used and the construction methods produce a pavement which satisfies the design criteria set out by this chapter.
(I) When minor residential streets serve commercial or industrial development the Rural Minor Collector/Commercial Collector road specifications shall be required.
(J) (1) The subdivider shall provide for inspection by a registered professional engineer of all street and highway construction. Prior to start of construction, a time schedule estimating starting date and completion date of construction and stating the registered professional engineer in charge of inspection shall be submitted to the County Engineer, the Area Plan Commission and the Board of Commissioners. Should any change be made in the submitted time schedule from starting date to completion date, the change must be submitted in writing and to the same agencies.
(2) Upon completion, all requests for acceptance of streets for maintenance by the county must be accompanied by a certification by the registered professional engineer in charge that the streets were constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the County Highway Engineer, and the Board of Commissioners.
(K) (1) As a part of the Street Construction Plans there shall be compaction specifications submitted and included in the design specifications of the proposed streets. Upon review and approval of said Street Construction Plans the Certifying Engineer or Developer shall then be required to provide the subgrade compaction test results to the County Highway Engineer. Said compaction results must be submitted to the County Highway Engineer prior to submittal of the Request for Acceptance of Streets for Maintenance. The County Highway Engineer shall not recommend that the county accept the streets for maintenance until said results are provided, reviewed and deemed satisfactory.
(2) In the event that the results are not provided and reviewed prior to date of expiration of the irrevocable letter of credit, the Board of Commissioners may require that the developer submit an amount approved by the County Highway Engineer to be deposited in the County Road Donation Fund. Said amount shall be used for repairs of the streets within the development.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06; Am. BC Ord. 2012-05, passed 1-9- 12; Am. BC Ord. 2021-04, passed 1-11-21; Am. BC Ord. 2021-05, passed 1-11-21; Am. BC Ord. 2021- 06, passed 1-11-21)
(A) Curbs and gutters shall be installed along all streets in the subdivision except where they are judged unnecessary by the County Highway Engineer for adequate drainage of storm water or for factors of safety. Curbs and gutters must be of integral concrete or other approved design and the materials and methods of construction must conform to the latest approved minimum requirements of the standard specifications or any subsequent amendment thereto. The minimum gutter grade shall not be less than 0.65%. Side drains from the gutter (or curb spill-outs) are prohibited. No curbs shall be modified for house gutter drains.
(B) For asphalt streets, curbs and gutters shall be constructed on prepared compacted aggregate base. The construction on the Street Construction Plans shall contain an illustration detail. The depth of the compacted aggregate shall conform to the County Specifications for locally-maintained roads and to Indiana Department of Transportation specifications for state-maintained roads.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06; Am. BC Ord. 2021-07, passed 1-11- 21)
(A) Concrete sidewalks, at least four feet wide, four inches thick, shall be installed on both sides of each street in all residential subdivisions with lots of one acre or less for pedestrian safety and convenience, unless waived by the Board of Commissioners. Sidewalks shall be located within the street right-of- way a minimum of two feet from the back of curb on curbed streets or in lieu of the two feet strip the sidewalk may be placed next to the back of curb provided the width of the sidewalk is increased to a minimum of six feet. In the event curbs are not required and side ditches are permitted, the sidewalks are to be located in the street right-of-way at lease one foot from the lot line. The sidewalks shall conform to the standard specifications or any subsequent amendment thereto. The design of the sidewalks shall be a part of the Street Construction Plans that must be submitted and filed at the same time the primary plat is filed.
(B) Concrete sidewalks shall be constructed of Portland cement concrete. Sidewalks shall conform to Section 604 of the Indiana Department of Transportation specifications. Sidewalks shall slope one-quarter inch per foot toward the roadway. Concrete shall have a minimum 28 day compressive strength of 3,500 pounds per square inch (p.s.i.).
(C) Expansion joint material shall conform to the requirements of the Indiana Department of Transportation specifications. Concrete materials and placement methods shall be in accordance with the materials and methods specified in Section 3.5 "Portland Cement Concrete Pavements".
(D) The sidewalks shall conform and be designed in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and provide depressed curb sections per the Indiana Department of Transportation Standards. The design shall be shown on the submitted and approved Street Construction Plans with a note stating that the sidewalks are designed and constructed accordingly. The property owner is responsible for maintenance of the sidewalks and any mailboxes placed in the public right-of-way.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
(A) A storm water sewer or a surface drainage system adequate to serve the area being subdivided shall be provided to accommodate a 50-year storm. The Indiana Department of Transportation for crossings of state-maintained facilities or U.S. Corps of Engineers for the crossings of "blue water" streams may require accommodation of greater than the 50-year storm. Any storm water retention or detention facilities shall be designed to accommodate the difference between the 5-year storm without the proposed development and the 50-year storm with the proposed development. Such system shall be in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the County Drainage Board prior to primary plat approval. The flow in any drainage structure shall not exceed 90% of the structure capacity, except for basin discharge pipes that can be 100% of capacity.
(B) (1) Wherever curbs and gutters are provided or when the Area Plan Commission and the County Surveyor determine the natural surface drainage to be inadequate, the subdivider shall construct a storm water sewer system with catch basins appropriately spaced along the streets in the subdivision. Valley gutters extending across the street surface shall not be used.
(2) Wherever curbs and gutters are provided within a development, stormwater flow in the gutterline shall not exceed 600 lineal feet. In cases of excessive lengths of drainage, an inlet should be installed to intercept the water and direct the water through a structure. In design of the subdivision, provisions shall be made to prohibit the drainage of stormwater across intersections. Positive drainage shall be achieved and no standing water shall be allowed. The minimum gutter grade shall not be less than 0.65%. Side drains from the gutter (or curb spill-outs) are prohibited.
(C) A natural surface drainage system shall be permitted when curbs and gutters are not provided and the natural drainage will, in the opinion of the County Surveyor, adequately drain the storm water from the subdivision. The drainage ways should be shallow swales sowed in grass rather than deep, open ditches and have a minimum grade of 1% unless lined with a concrete ribbon. Roadside drainage shall not be disrupted by private driveways. The subdivider shall install a suitable pipe in accordance with the county's Driveway Culvert Ordinance.
(D) In the design of a storm water sewer system for a subdivision, the present and future expected run-off from the larger drainage area should be considered. For this reason, it may be desirable that larger sewers than those needed to service the immediate subdivision be installed.
(E) All pipes shall conform to American Society of Testing Materials Standards Specifications in Section 7, 8 and 9 and Design Criteria shall conform to the County Storm Drainage Manual to insure maximum hydraulic efficiency.
(F) All drainage structures shall be designed and shown on the Street Construction Plans with a detail sheet showing the size and type of structures to be used, including drop structures, culverts, street inlets, manholes, beehives and area drains. These shall be constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications on file as well as the manufacturers specifications. Adequate grade and drainage structure friction coefficients shall be obtained and indicated on supporting drainage calculations for the type of structure used. The flow in any drainage structure shall not exceed 90% of the structure capacity, except for basic discharge pipes that can be 100% of capacity. All drainage structures shall have junction boxes at major changes in grade or direction that are accessible for maintenance and repair of the structure.
(G) Drainage swales flatter than 1% grade shall use either 16-inch wide, six-inch thick, concave, reinforced, concrete ribbons or 16-inch wide, six-inch thick, reinforced, concrete flat ribbons with three feet of sod on each side. Drainage swales greater than 8% shall have appropriate, permanent erosion control measures.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06; Am. BC Ord. 2021-08, passed 1-11- 21; Am. BC Ord. 2021-09, passed 1-11-21; Am. BC Ord. 2021-10, passed 1-11-21)
(A) If a public water main is reasonably accessible, a complete water distribution system approved by the water utility or the Indiana State Board of Health, including a connection for each lot and fire hydrants meeting the requirements of the Fire Insurance Underwriters Association shall be installed.
(B) If public water main is not reasonably accessible each lot may be provided with an individual water supply, provided such supply is installed in accordance with the minimum requirements of the Health Department and the Indiana State Board of Health.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
(A) If a public sanitary sewer main is reasonably accessible, a complete sanitary sewer system approved by the sanitary sewer utility or the Indiana State Board of Health, including a lateral connection for each lot in the subdivision, shall be installed.
(B) If, in the judgment of the Plan Commission, a public sanitary sewer main is not reasonably accessible, sanitary wastes may be disposed of by one of the following methods:
(1) The subdivision may be provided with a complete sanitary sewer system, including a lateral connection for each lot and a neighborhood or community sewage treatment plant, all meeting the approval of the Indiana Stream Pollution Control Board and the State Board of Health.
(2) The subdivider may provide a private sewage disposal system on individual lots consisting of a septic tank and soil absorption field or other approved sewage disposal system, provided such disposal systems are installed in accordance with the minimum standards of the Indiana State Board of Health and provided that the soil in the subdivision will properly absorb sewage effluent as determined by percolation tests. The private sewage disposal system shall be approved by the Public Health Department.
(C) If a sanitary sewer system is to be installed, it must be approved by the accepting utility.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
The subdivider shall install street signs at the intersection of all streets in the subdivision constructed in substantial conformance to the prototype design shown in Figure 1 or an alternate design approved by the Board of Commissioners. The signs and method of display shall be subject to approval by the Board of Commissioners.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
Provisions shall be made for any and all railroad crossing necessary to provide access to or circulation within the proposed subdivision, including the preparation of all documents necessary for application to the Indiana State Public Service Commission for the establishment and improvement of such crossing. The cost of such railroad crossing improvement shall be borne by the subdivider.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
(A) The subdivider shall be required to provide traffic control devices in all new subdivisions. The devices shall include, but not be limited to, stop signs at intersections, yield signs at intersections, dead end signs, warning signs, and speed control signs. Location of devices shall be shown on the street construction plans, as a separate sheet, submitted to the Area Plan Commission as a part of the primary plat application and must receive approval by the County Highway Engineer and Board of Commissioners.
(B) These devices must be installed in accordance to the provisions of the Indiana Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways. The cost of all devices shall be borne by the subdivider, and shall be installed by the subdivider prior to any street, being constructed either completely or partially, and opened to the public.
(C) Where deemed necessary by the County Highway Engineer pavement markings shall be included in design of all subdivisions and entrances. Thermoplastic stop bars, lane stripings and any other stripings deemed necessary shall be shown on the Street Construction Plans to be approved by the County Highway Engineer and Board of Commissioners. After the final pavement surface asphalt-layer has been installed by the subdivider, the pavement markings shall be installed by the subdivider.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
If any section, subsection, paragraph, subparagraph, clause, word, provision, or portion of this chapter, shall be held to be unconstitutional or invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding or decision shall not affect or impair the validity of this chapter as a whole or any part thereof, other than the section, subsection, paragraph, subparagraph, clause, phrase, word, provision, or portion so held to be unconstitutional or invalid.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
(A) Any person who violates a provision of this chapter, or any regulation herein contained, shall be guilty of a Class C misdemeanor infraction for each day's violation.
(B) No improvement location permit shall be issued for any property subject to the provisions of this chapter until the appropriate requirements are met and the approvals required by this chapter are granted.
(C) Any land within the territorial limits of Warrick County, Indiana subdivided in violation of the terms of this chapter after the effective date hereof, is hereby declared to be a common nuisance and the owner of such land shall be liable for maintaining a common nuisance, which may be restrained, enjoined or abated in any appropriate action or proceeding.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
Each plat submitted to the Area Plan Commission for secondary approval shall contain or be accompanied by the following certificates, acknowledgments and descriptions in substantially the following forms, as set forth in this subchapter.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
SEAL , President
, Executive Director
Plat Release:
Date Executive Director
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
Each final plat submitted to the Area Plan Commission for approval shall carry a certificate signed by a registered professional land surveyor in substantially the following form:
“I, (name), Registered Land Surveyor in the State of Indiana, hereby certify: (a) that this plat correctly represents a survey completed by me on , 20 , and that all the monuments shown thereon actually exist, and that their location, size, type and material are accurately shown, and that all property corners have been monumented and comply with the provision of this ordinance; and (b) that I have examined the FEMA Flood Hazard Map Community No. ( ), dated ( ), and have determined that this Major Subdivision IS/IS NOT in a Flood Hazard Area.”
[Note: If any portion is located within the 100-year flood plain, you must delineate the portion as shown on the flood plain panel. Further, you must demonstrate that the remainder of the lot can have a suitable building site with access above the 100-year flood elevation, showing any portion of the lot to be filled at an elevation two (2) feet above the 100-year flood plain.]
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06; Am. BC Ord. 2007-20, passed 9-12-07)
Each plat submitted to the Area Plan Commission for secondary approval shall carry a deed of dedication, either of said plat or incorporated therein by reference, in substantially the following form:
"We, the undersigned owners of the real estate shown and described herein, do hereby lay off, plat and subdivide said real estate in accordance with the herein plat.
This subdivision shall be know and designated as , an addition to the City, Town, Township, Warrick County, State of Indiana. All streets and alleys and public open spaces shown and not heretofore dedicated, are hereby dedicated to the public.
Front yard building setback lines are hereby established as shown on this plat, between which lines and the property lines of the streets, there shall be erected or maintained no building or structure.
Easements for installation and maintenance of utilities and drainage facilities are reserved as shown on the recorded plat. Within these easements, no structure planting or other material shall be placed or permitted to remain which may damage or interfere with the installation and maintenance of utilities or which may change the direction of flow of drainage channels in the easements, or which may obstruct or retard the flow of water through drainage channels in the easements. The easement area of each lot and all improvements in it shall be maintained continuously by the owner of the lot, except for those improvements for which a public authority or utility company is responsible.
The right to enforce these provisions by injunction, together with the right to cause the removal, by due process of law, of any structure or part thereof erected or maintained in violation hereof, is hereby dedicated to the public, and reserve to the several owners of the several lots in this subdivision and to their heirs and assigns:"
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
State of Indiana
County of Warrick
Before me, the undersigned Notary Public, in and for the County and State, personally appeared and each separately and severally acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument as his or her voluntary act and deed, for the purposes therein expressed.
WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal this day of , 20 .
Notary Public
My Commission Expires , 20 .
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
Each final plat submitted to the Commission shall carry a certificate from the County Drainage Board in substantially the following form:
"I hereby certify that I am the Secretary of the Warrick County Drainage Board; that on , 20 , the drainage plan for subdivision was presented before the Board and that on , 20 , the drainage plan was approved by said Board. The drainage easements shown on the plat will not be under the continuing jurisdiction of this Board, which has no authority over the construction or subsequent maintenance of such drains. The drainage easements inure solely for the benefit of the landowners in the subdivision and no dedication thereof to the County or this Board is to be implied by this approval."
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
To promote public safety, thoroughfare regulations are adopted and established. These thoroughfare regulations shall be applied in the development review process of all newly proposed plats, major and minor, submitted to the Area Plan Commission.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
(A) State/Federal Principal Arterial (NHS).
(1) The State/Federal Arterial class has been split into the Principal Arterial Class and Other Arterial Class to better reflect the state/federal functional designation of highways. State/Federal Principal Arterials are part of the national highway system, and may be freeways with full access control, (i.e., grade separation of all crossroads and railroads and interchanges with select crossroads), expressways with some at-grade signalized intersections with full access control, or multiple-lane divided arterials with partial access control. This class would be equivalent to the arterial or expressway with full controlled access.
(2) The Principal Arterials under the state/federal functional classification are I-64, I-164 and S.R. 66. The right-of-way requirements and design cross sections for these highways vary. (The total setback shall be determined by the state or the federal government, whichever is appropriate).
(B) Other State/Federal Arterial. The Other State/Federal Arterial designation applies to the United States and state designated routes that are not Principal Arterials. This class includes minor arterials and major arterials under the state/federal functional classification system that are maintained by the state. In the county, these facilities are S.R. 57, S.R. 61, S.R. 62, S.R. 68, S.R. 161, S.R. 261 and S.R. 662. The right-of-way requirements and design cross section for these highways vary. (The total setback shall be determined by the state.) This class would be equivalent to the arterial or expressway with partially controlled access.
(C) Arterial. This class contains four lane roads that are not designated as state or federal routes. In the county, Epworth Road from S.R. 66 to Telephone Road is the only road in this class. This class is equivalent to the primary class with dual roadway.
(D) Urban major collector. This class generally contains two lane roads under the maintenance of the county that are in the urbanized portions of the county. These roads are to collect traffic from local streets and get the traffic to the arterial system. This class is equivalent to the primary class with single roadway in an urban area. Since these roads are in the urban areas, they would have roadside ditches/curb and gutter requiring additional right-of-way.
(E) Rural major collector. This class contains two lane roads under the maintenance of the county that are in the rural portions of the county. These roads are to collect traffic from local streets and get the traffic to the arterial system. This class is equivalent to the primary class with single roadway in a rural area. Since these roads are in the rural areas, they would have roadside ditches requiring additional right-of-way than the urban major collectors.
(F) Rural minor collector. This class contains two lane roads under the maintenance of the county that are in the rural portions of the county. These roads are to collect traffic from local streets and get the traffic to major collectors or arterials. These roads have generally lower traffic volumes than major collectors and the design standards are different than major collectors. This class is equivalent to the secondary class of street.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
(A) Arterial.
Epworth Road – S.R. 66 to Telephone Road. 2007 S-8
(B) Urban major collector.
Bell Road – Old S.R. 261 to S.R. 66
Epworth Road – S.R. 662 to S.R. 66
Lincoln Avenue – County Line to S.R. 66
Sharon Road – Newburgh Town limits to S.R. 66
(C) Rural major collector.
Anderson Road – Vann Road to Jenner Road
Bell Road – S.R. 66 to Telephone Road
Boonville New Harmony Road – County Line to S.R. 61
Casey Road – S.R. 261 to S.R. 66
Frame Road – Newburgh Town limits to S.R. 66
Fuquay Road – S.R. 261 to Telephone Road
Jenner Road – S.R. 261 to Anderson Road
Lenn Road – S.R. 66 to Sharon Road
Libbert Road – S.R. 66 to Telephone Road
Newburgh Truck Bypass – includes Ellerbusch, Grimm, Willow Pond
Oak Grove Road – County Line to S.R. 261
Oak Grove Road – S.R. 261 to Anderson Road
Old Boonville Highway – County Line to S.R. 62
Telephone Road – County Line to Fuquay Road
Vann Road – Libbert Road to S.R. 261
Vann Road – S.R. 261 to S.R. 61
(D) Rural minor collector.
Anderson Road – Ferstel Road to Vann Road
Asbury Cemetery Road – Heim Road to New Harmony Road
Bell Road – Telephone Road to Jenner Road
Bullocktown Road – County Line to Rockport Road
Center Road – S.R. 261 to S.R. 62
Dale Heilman Road – S.R. 161 to County Line
Elberfeld Road – County Line to St. Johns Road
Eskew Road – S.R. 261 to Millersburg Road
Folsomville Road – Boonville Town limits to S.R. 68
Fuquay Road – Telephone Road to Chandler Town limits
Heim Road – County Line to Chandler Town limits
Jenner Road – S.R. 261 to Bell Road
Lincoln Avenue – S.R. 66 to S.R. 61
Martin Road – Ferstel Road to Vann Road
Millersburg Road – County Line to St. John Road
New Hope Road & Roeder Road – S.R. 61 to Bullocktown Road
North Road – Elberfeld Town limits to S.R. 68
Old S.R. 66 – Bates Road to County Line
Rockport Road – Boonville Town limits to S.R. 161
Roeder Road – S.R. 61 to Anderson Road
St. John Road – Titzer Road to Elberfeld Town limits
Sharon Road – S.R. 66 to S.R. 61
State Street – Chandler Town limits to Gardner Road
State Street – Chandler Town limits to New Harmony Road
Stevenson Station Road – Telephone Road to New Harmony Road
Titzer Road – St. John Road to Stevenson Station Road
Weyerbacher Road – New Harmony Road to S.R. 68
Yankeetown Road – Old State Route 66 to Boonville Town limits
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Class for Thoroughfare Plan | Existing Class in Subdivision Ordinance | Right-of-way width (feet) | No. of Lanes | Width (both sides) (feet) | Median Width (feet) | Curb & Gutter | Shoulder Width (one side) (feet) | Building setbacks (feet) from edge of right-of-way |
Arterial | Primary dual roadway | 90* | 4 | 48 | 14 | Yes | No | 25 |
Urban major collector | Primary single roadway | 70* | 2/4 | 24/48 | 0 | Yes | 8-10 | 25 |
Rural major collector | Prima single roadway | 80* | 2/4 | 24/48 | 0 | No | 8-10 | 25 |
Rural minor collector | Secondary | 70** | 2 | 24 | 0 | No* | 8 | 25 |
* The County Engineer may request curb and gutter adding 2 feet to each side of the pavement. ** The County Engineer may request greater right-of-way widths on approaches to intersection, rolling terrain, and other special circumstances. |
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
All development proposals shall allocate adequate access for streets in conformity with the thoroughfare plan and shall designate and label all such streets in accordance with the listed definitions, specifications, and requirements regarding control of access, platted width, and setback requirements.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
1. Submit five copies of proposed survey plat of parcelization, with a copy of the existing recorded deed and plat book page from the Warrick County Auditor's Office.
a. Drawing shall include metes-and-bounds legal description of any proposed newly created parcels (on drawing or as separate attachment). Accurately reflect the written boundary description. Locate and label the true POB and all ties to found section or quarter-section corners. Any recorded easements found shall be shown on the parcels/lots.
b. Drawing shall identify any flood plain areas as well as legal drains. The survey plat shall reference, if determined, the 100-year-flood contour and elevation as established on the FEMA Flood Insurance Maps. Reference FIRM panel number. If no flood plain or floodway is located on property, a statement to this effect shall be placed upon the survey plat.
c. Survey plat shall show any existing structures.
d. Survey plat shall show road rights-of-way.
e. Indicate north direction and scale.
2. If the newly created parcel(s) are building sites, documentation must be submitted as to septic system approval/sewer connection and potable water/water connection.
(BC Ord. 2010-18, passed 12-20-10)