All entrances shall be designed in accordance with the Standards and Specifications as outlined in the Indiana Department of Transportation Access, most recent, Standards Manual for state-maintained roads, and the Evansville Metropolitan Planning Organization Access Standards Manual for spacing and traffic movement and the Warrick County Roadway Specifications, Appendix B of this chapter, for design and construction standards for locally maintained roads; and approved by the County Highway Engineer. These standards shall be followed and administered as they pertain to all aspects of the entrance details, i.e. tapers, radii and lane widths.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06; Am. BC Ord. 2021-03, passed 1-11-21)
(A) Roadway improvement work (except for grading) shall not be commenced until plans and profiles for such work have been submitted to and approved by the Board of Commissioners or the local legislative body having jurisdiction. Such plans may be required before approval of the final plat. All such plans and profiles shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the county or the participating cities or towns within whose territorial limits the work is to be done.
(B) Roadway improvement work shall not be commenced until the county or the participating city or town within whose territorial limits the work is to be done has been notified in advance. If the work has been discontinued for any reason, it shall not be continued until notice is again given.
(C) All required roadway improvements shall be constructed under the inspection of and subject to the approval of the county or the participating city or town within whose territorial limits the subdivision lies.
(D) All underground utilities, waterlines, sanitary sewers and stone drains installed initially in streets, service roads, alleys or highways shall be constructed prior to the surfacing of such streets, service roads, alleys or highways. Service connections for all underground utilities and sanitary sewers shall be placed to such length as will obviate the necessity for disturbing the street or alley or sidewalk improvements when service connections thereto are made. Utilities, waterlines and sewers should be installed under paved areas of streets only when absolutely necessary.
(E) The subdivider's engineer shall develop plans and complete all improvement design work in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and to the approval of the Board of Commissioners.
(F) The subdivider shall develop plans and complete improvement work as required by other utilities.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
The subdivider shall install improvements in accordance with the general requirements set forth in this section provided that the Board of Commissioners may permit changes in typical section and details if unusual conditions arise during construction to warrant such change.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
The corners of all lots shall be marked by steel bars at least 30 inches in length and no less than five-eights inch in diameter, the top of the pipe or bar to be set level with the established grade adjoining it at the following points:
(A) The intersection of street and alley right-of-way lines.
(B) The intersection of all angles in the subdivision boundary line.
(C) The beginning and ending of all street curves on both right-of-way lines.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)