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Warrick County Overview
Warrick County, IN Code of Ordinances
   (A)   The street and lot layout of a non-residential subdivision shall conform generally to the Comprehensive Plan as is now or hereafter adopted, in whole or in part, and specifically with that part of the Plan which deals with zoning, land use and thoroughfares.
   (B)   Types of non-residential subdivision. Non-residential subdivisions shall include industrial tracts and may include neighborhood and community commercial or office tracts.
   (C)   Principles and standards. In addition to the principles and standards in this chapter which are appropriate to the planning of all subdivisions, the subdivider shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Commission that the proposed street, parcel and block pattern proposed is specifically adapted to the uses anticipated and takes into account other uses in the vicinity. The following principles and standards shall be observed.
      (1)   Proposed industrial parcels shall be suitable in area and dimensions to the types of industrial development anticipated.
      (2)   Street rights-of-way and pavement shall be adequate to accommodate the type and volume of traffic anticipated to be generated thereon.
      (3)   Special requirements may be imposed by the Area Plan Commission with respect to sidewalks.
      (4)   Every effort shall be made to protect adjacent residential areas from potential nuisance from the proposed non-residential subdivisions, including the provision of extra depth in parcels backing up on existing or potential residential development and provisions for a buffer strip where necessary.
      (5)   Streets carrying non-residential traffic, especially truck traffic, shall not normally be extended to the boundaries of adjacent existing or potential residential areas, or connected to streets intended for predominantly residential traffic.
      (6)   Subdivisions for proposed commercial development shall take into account and specifically designate all areas proposed for vehicular circulation and parking, for pedestrian circulation, and for buffer strips.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
   All entrances shall be designed in accordance with the Standards and Specifications as outlined in the Indiana Department of Transportation Access, most recent, Standards Manual for state-maintained roads, and the Evansville Metropolitan Planning Organization Access Standards Manual for spacing and traffic movement and the Warrick County Roadway Specifications, Appendix B of this chapter, for design and construction standards for locally maintained roads; and approved by the County Highway Engineer. These standards shall be followed and administered as they pertain to all aspects of the entrance details, i.e. tapers, radii and lane widths.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06; Am. BC Ord. 2021-03, passed 1-11-21)
   (A)   Roadway improvement work (except for grading) shall not be commenced until plans and profiles for such work have been submitted to and approved by the Board of Commissioners or the local legislative body having jurisdiction. Such plans may be required before approval of the final plat. All such plans and profiles shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the county or the participating cities or towns within whose territorial limits the work is to be done.
   (B)   Roadway improvement work shall not be commenced until the county or the participating city or town within whose territorial limits the work is to be done has been notified in advance. If the work has been discontinued for any reason, it shall not be continued until notice is again given.
   (C)   All required roadway improvements shall be constructed under the inspection of and subject to the approval of the county or the participating city or town within whose territorial limits the subdivision lies.
   (D)   All underground utilities, waterlines, sanitary sewers and stone drains installed initially in streets, service roads, alleys or highways shall be constructed prior to the surfacing of such streets, service roads, alleys or highways. Service connections for all underground utilities and sanitary sewers shall be placed to such length as will obviate the necessity for disturbing the street or alley or sidewalk improvements when service connections thereto are made. Utilities, waterlines and sewers should be installed under paved areas of streets only when absolutely necessary.
   (E)   The subdivider's engineer shall develop plans and complete all improvement design work in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and to the approval of the Board of Commissioners.
   (F)   The subdivider shall develop plans and complete improvement work as required by other utilities.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
   The subdivider shall install improvements in accordance with the general requirements set forth in this section provided that the Board of Commissioners may permit changes in typical section and details if unusual conditions arise during construction to warrant such change.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
   The corners of all lots shall be marked by steel bars at least 30 inches in length and no less than five-eights inch in diameter, the top of the pipe or bar to be set level with the established grade adjoining it at the following points:
   (A)   The intersection of street and alley right-of-way lines.
   (B)   The intersection of all angles in the subdivision boundary line.
   (C)   The beginning and ending of all street curves on both right-of-way lines.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
   (A)   Streets and highways shall be graded to the full width of the right-of-way and brought to grades specified on plans, profiles, and cross-sections approved by the Board of Commissioners who shall receive one set of the plat plans as approved after review by the engineer and Executive Director. All street and highway improvements shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the Board of Commissioners after review by the County Engineer.
   (B)   Streets and highways shall be paved the following minimum widths:
Type of Street
Minimum Pavement Width (in Feet) Inclusive of Curb & Gutter
Minimum Pavement Width (in Feet) without Curb & Gutter
Type of Street
Minimum Pavement Width (in Feet) Inclusive of Curb & Gutter
Minimum Pavement Width (in Feet) without Curb & Gutter
Freeway (fully-controlled access)
(not applicable)
38 x 2
Expressway (partially-controlled access)
42 x 2
38 x 2
Freeway/expressway - service streets
29 x 2
16 x 2
Arterial, urban collector or rural major collector - dual roadway
28 x 2, plus 8 to 10-foot paved right-shoulder and 14-foot median
24 x 2 plus 8 to 10-foot paved right-shoulder and 14-foot median (or 4-foot paved left-shoulder)
Urban collector or rural major collector - single roadway
62 (3-lane roadway with 10-foot paved shoulders)
58 (3-lane roadway with 10-foot paved shoulders)
Rural minor collector
40 (3-lane roadway)
40 (2 lanes with 8-foot paved shoulders)
Residential collector
36 (2 lanes with 6-foot paved shoulders plus 3-foot compacted aggregate shoulders)
Minor residential district
26 (2 lanes plus 3-foot compacted aggregate shoulders)
26 (2 lanes plus 3-foot compacted aggregate shoulders)
Rural road
(not applicable)
22 (2 lanes plus 3-foot compacted aggregate shoulders)
Marginal access
22 (2 lanes plus 3-foot compacted aggregate shoulders)
Private street
   (C)   Street construction shall be in accordance with the Road Standard Specifications or any subsequent amendments thereto for locally-maintained roads and the Roadway Design Manual of the Indiana Department of Transportation for state-maintained roads.
   (D)   Rigid type pavement. Rigid type pavement may only be used in commercial and industrial zoning districts; residential shall require a waiver by the County Commissioners. Rigid type pavement shall consist of Portland cement concrete placed on a properly prepared subgrade conforming in all respect to the line, grade, thickness and typical cross-sections in the plans prepared by the subdivider and approved by the County Engineer and Plan Commission. Coarse aggregate for Portland cement concrete pavement shall be size No. 5L only, as defined in the standard specifications. Vibrating screeds or oscillating screeds will be permitted for finishing pavements provided the required finish and smoothness are obtained. All joints shall be sealed. Minimum design standards shall be according to the following table:
Arterial, Urban Collector or Rural Major Collector
Rural Minor Collector or Commercial Collector
Residential Collector
Local and all Other Streets
Controlled Wheel Load
18,000 lbs.
11,000 lbs.
8,000 lbs.
6,000 lbs
Base Type I Granular
To be designed on the basis of traffic
Concrete Uniform Design Thickness
To be designed on the basis of traffic
Total thickness
To be designed on the basis of traffic
   (E)   Flexible pavement.
      (1)   Flexible type pavement shall consist of an asphaltic concrete wearing course placed on suitable base and subbase courses on a properly prepared subgrade conforming in all respects to the lines, grades, thickness and typical cross sections in the plans prepared by the subdivider and approved by the Board of Commissioners and County Engineer or Town Board.
      (2)   Subbase and base material shall be placed in accordance with latest standards of the Indiana State Highway Department. Minimum design standards shall be according to the following table.
Arterial, Urban Collector or Rural Major Collector
Rural Minor Collector or Commercial Collector
Residential Collector
Local and all other Streets Type
Arterial, Urban Collector or Rural Major Collector
Rural Minor Collector or Commercial Collector
Residential Collector
Local and all other Streets Type
Controlled wheel load
18,000 lbs.
11,000 lbs.
8,000 lbs.
6,000 lbs
Subbase granular design thickness
To be designed on the basis of traffic
Base Type I granular
To be designed on the basis of traffic
Base asphaltic
To be designed on the basis of traffic
Binder asphaltic
To be designed on the basis of traffic
Surface asphaltic
To be designed on the basis of traffic
1-1/2 "
Total thickness
   (F)   Rural roads. All rural roads as defined herein shall have a minimum of eight inches of rock with side ditches. Subbase shall be at least four inches in depth using #2 rock or #5 rock with the base constructed of at least four inches of #53 rock. The intermediate course shall be a minimum of two and one-half inches of asphalt binder. The surface shall be a minimum one and one-half inches of asphalt or as directed by the Board of Commissioners.
   (G)   Where granular material of a quality equal to requirements for subbase material is placed for use as a construction the neat lines for subbase for the pavement may be left in place and be considered subbase for whatsoever part of the subbase area it occupies, and the existence of such materials outside those lines will not be considered subbase for whatsoever part of the subbase area it occupies, and the existence of such materials outside those lines will not be considered subbase or base or pavement surface. The subbase and base courses shall be constructed simultaneously, and in no case shall the subbase be used as a construction road.
   (H)   Alternate materials and methods may be used to take advantage of local material conditions providing the depth, the materials used and the construction methods produce a pavement which satisfies the design criteria set out by this chapter.
   (I)   When minor residential streets serve commercial or industrial development the Rural Minor Collector/Commercial Collector road specifications shall be required.
   (J)   (1)   The subdivider shall provide for inspection by a registered professional engineer of all street and highway construction. Prior to start of construction, a time schedule estimating starting date and completion date of construction and stating the registered professional engineer in charge of inspection shall be submitted to the County Engineer, the Area Plan Commission and the Board of Commissioners. Should any change be made in the submitted time schedule from starting date to completion date, the change must be submitted in writing and to the same agencies.
      (2)   Upon completion, all requests for acceptance of streets for maintenance by the county must be accompanied by a certification by the registered professional engineer in charge that the streets were constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the County Highway Engineer, and the Board of Commissioners.
   (K)   (1)   As a part of the Street Construction Plans there shall be compaction specifications submitted and included in the design specifications of the proposed streets. Upon review and approval of said Street Construction Plans the Certifying Engineer or Developer shall then be required to provide the subgrade compaction test results to the County Highway Engineer. Said compaction results must be submitted to the County Highway Engineer prior to submittal of the Request for Acceptance of Streets for Maintenance. The County Highway Engineer shall not recommend that the county accept the streets for maintenance until said results are provided, reviewed and deemed satisfactory.
      (2)   In the event that the results are not provided and reviewed prior to date of expiration of the irrevocable letter of credit, the Board of Commissioners may require that the developer submit an amount approved by the County Highway Engineer to be deposited in the County Road Donation Fund. Said amount shall be used for repairs of the streets within the development.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06; Am. BC Ord. 2012-05, passed 1-9- 12; Am. BC Ord. 2021-04, passed 1-11-21; Am. BC Ord. 2021-05, passed 1-11-21; Am. BC Ord. 2021- 06, passed 1-11-21)