   To promote public safety, thoroughfare regulations are adopted and established. These thoroughfare regulations shall be applied in the development review process of all newly proposed plats, major and minor, submitted to the Area Plan Commission.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
   (A)   State/Federal Principal Arterial (NHS).
      (1)   The State/Federal Arterial class has been split into the Principal Arterial Class and Other Arterial Class to better reflect the state/federal functional designation of highways. State/Federal Principal Arterials are part of the national highway system, and may be freeways with full access control, (i.e., grade separation of all crossroads and railroads and interchanges with select crossroads), expressways with some at-grade signalized intersections with full access control, or multiple-lane divided arterials with partial access control. This class would be equivalent to the arterial or expressway with full controlled access.
      (2)   The Principal Arterials under the state/federal functional classification are I-64, I-164 and S.R. 66. The right-of-way requirements and design cross sections for these highways vary. (The total setback shall be determined by the state or the federal government, whichever is appropriate).
   (B)   Other State/Federal Arterial. The Other State/Federal Arterial designation applies to the United States and state designated routes that are not Principal Arterials. This class includes minor arterials and major arterials under the state/federal functional classification system that are maintained by the state. In the county, these facilities are S.R. 57, S.R. 61, S.R. 62, S.R. 68, S.R. 161, S.R. 261 and S.R. 662. The right-of-way requirements and design cross section for these highways vary. (The total setback shall be determined by the state.) This class would be equivalent to the arterial or expressway with partially controlled access.
   (C)   Arterial. This class contains four lane roads that are not designated as state or federal routes. In the county, Epworth Road from S.R. 66 to Telephone Road is the only road in this class. This class is equivalent to the primary class with dual roadway.
   (D)   Urban major collector. This class generally contains two lane roads under the maintenance of the county that are in the urbanized portions of the county. These roads are to collect traffic from local streets and get the traffic to the arterial system. This class is equivalent to the primary class with single roadway in an urban area. Since these roads are in the urban areas, they would have roadside ditches/curb and gutter requiring additional right-of-way.
   (E)   Rural major collector. This class contains two lane roads under the maintenance of the county that are in the rural portions of the county. These roads are to collect traffic from local streets and get the traffic to the arterial system. This class is equivalent to the primary class with single roadway in a rural area. Since these roads are in the rural areas, they would have roadside ditches requiring additional right-of-way than the urban major collectors.
   (F)   Rural minor collector. This class contains two lane roads under the maintenance of the county that are in the rural portions of the county. These roads are to collect traffic from local streets and get the traffic to major collectors or arterials. These roads have generally lower traffic volumes than major collectors and the design standards are different than major collectors. This class is equivalent to the secondary class of street.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)