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Warrick County Overview
Warrick County, IN Code of Ordinances
   (A)   Curbs and gutters shall be installed along all streets in the subdivision except where they are judged unnecessary by the County Highway Engineer for adequate drainage of storm water or for factors of safety. Curbs and gutters must be of integral concrete or other approved design and the materials and methods of construction must conform to the latest approved minimum requirements of the standard specifications or any subsequent amendment thereto. The minimum gutter grade shall not be less than 0.65%. Side drains from the gutter (or curb spill-outs) are prohibited. No curbs shall be modified for house gutter drains.
   (B)   For asphalt streets, curbs and gutters shall be constructed on prepared compacted aggregate base. The construction on the Street Construction Plans shall contain an illustration detail. The depth of the compacted aggregate shall conform to the County Specifications for locally-maintained roads and to Indiana Department of Transportation specifications for state-maintained roads.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06; Am. BC Ord. 2021-07, passed 1-11- 21)
§ 154.095 SIDEWALKS.
   (A)   Concrete sidewalks, at least four feet wide, four inches thick, shall be installed on both sides of each street in all residential subdivisions with lots of one acre or less for pedestrian safety and convenience, unless waived by the Board of Commissioners. Sidewalks shall be located within the street right-of- way a minimum of two feet from the back of curb on curbed streets or in lieu of the two feet strip the sidewalk may be placed next to the back of curb provided the width of the sidewalk is increased to a minimum of six feet. In the event curbs are not required and side ditches are permitted, the sidewalks are to be located in the street right-of-way at lease one foot from the lot line. The sidewalks shall conform to the standard specifications or any subsequent amendment thereto. The design of the sidewalks shall be a part of the Street Construction Plans that must be submitted and filed at the same time the primary plat is filed.
   (B)   Concrete sidewalks shall be constructed of Portland cement concrete. Sidewalks shall conform to Section 604 of the Indiana Department of Transportation specifications. Sidewalks shall slope one-quarter inch per foot toward the roadway. Concrete shall have a minimum 28 day compressive strength of 3,500 pounds per square inch (p.s.i.).
   (C)   Expansion joint material shall conform to the requirements of the Indiana Department of Transportation specifications. Concrete materials and placement methods shall be in accordance with the materials and methods specified in Section 3.5 "Portland Cement Concrete Pavements".
   (D)   The sidewalks shall conform and be designed in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and provide depressed curb sections per the Indiana Department of Transportation Standards. The design shall be shown on the submitted and approved Street Construction Plans with a note stating that the sidewalks are designed and constructed accordingly. The property owner is responsible for maintenance of the sidewalks and any mailboxes placed in the public right-of-way.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
   (A)   A storm water sewer or a surface drainage system adequate to serve the area being subdivided shall be provided to accommodate a 50-year storm. The Indiana Department of Transportation for crossings of state-maintained facilities or U.S. Corps of Engineers for the crossings of "blue water" streams may require accommodation of greater than the 50-year storm. Any storm water retention or detention facilities shall be designed to accommodate the difference between the 5-year storm without the proposed development and the 50-year storm with the proposed development. Such system shall be in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the County Drainage Board prior to primary plat approval. The flow in any drainage structure shall not exceed 90% of the structure capacity, except for basin discharge pipes that can be 100% of capacity.
   (B)   (1)   Wherever curbs and gutters are provided or when the Area Plan Commission and the County Surveyor determine the natural surface drainage to be inadequate, the subdivider shall construct a storm water sewer system with catch basins appropriately spaced along the streets in the subdivision. Valley gutters extending across the street surface shall not be used.
      (2)   Wherever curbs and gutters are provided within a development, stormwater flow in the gutterline shall not exceed 600 lineal feet. In cases of excessive lengths of drainage, an inlet should be installed to intercept the water and direct the water through a structure. In design of the subdivision, provisions shall be made to prohibit the drainage of stormwater across intersections. Positive drainage shall be achieved and no standing water shall be allowed. The minimum gutter grade shall not be less than 0.65%. Side drains from the gutter (or curb spill-outs) are prohibited.
   (C)   A natural surface drainage system shall be permitted when curbs and gutters are not provided and the natural drainage will, in the opinion of the County Surveyor, adequately drain the storm water from the subdivision. The drainage ways should be shallow swales sowed in grass rather than deep, open ditches and have a minimum grade of 1% unless lined with a concrete ribbon. Roadside drainage shall not be disrupted by private driveways. The subdivider shall install a suitable pipe in accordance with the county's Driveway Culvert Ordinance.
   (D)   In the design of a storm water sewer system for a subdivision, the present and future expected run-off from the larger drainage area should be considered. For this reason, it may be desirable that larger sewers than those needed to service the immediate subdivision be installed.
   (E)   All pipes shall conform to American Society of Testing Materials Standards Specifications in Section 7, 8 and 9 and Design Criteria shall conform to the County Storm Drainage Manual to insure maximum hydraulic efficiency.
   (F)   All drainage structures shall be designed and shown on the Street Construction Plans with a detail sheet showing the size and type of structures to be used, including drop structures, culverts, street inlets, manholes, beehives and area drains. These shall be constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications on file as well as the manufacturers specifications. Adequate grade and drainage structure friction coefficients shall be obtained and indicated on supporting drainage calculations for the type of structure used. The flow in any drainage structure shall not exceed 90% of the structure capacity, except for basic discharge pipes that can be 100% of capacity. All drainage structures shall have junction boxes at major changes in grade or direction that are accessible for maintenance and repair of the structure.
   (G)   Drainage swales flatter than 1% grade shall use either 16-inch wide, six-inch thick, concave, reinforced, concrete ribbons or 16-inch wide, six-inch thick, reinforced, concrete flat ribbons with three feet of sod on each side. Drainage swales greater than 8% shall have appropriate, permanent erosion control measures.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06; Am. BC Ord. 2021-08, passed 1-11- 21; Am. BC Ord. 2021-09, passed 1-11-21; Am. BC Ord. 2021-10, passed 1-11-21)
§ 154.097 WATER SUPPLY.
   (A)   If a public water main is reasonably accessible, a complete water distribution system approved by the water utility or the Indiana State Board of Health, including a connection for each lot and fire hydrants meeting the requirements of the Fire Insurance Underwriters Association shall be installed.
   (B)   If public water main is not reasonably accessible each lot may be provided with an individual water supply, provided such supply is installed in accordance with the minimum requirements of the Health Department and the Indiana State Board of Health.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
   (A)   If a public sanitary sewer main is reasonably accessible, a complete sanitary sewer system approved by the sanitary sewer utility or the Indiana State Board of Health, including a lateral connection for each lot in the subdivision, shall be installed.
   (B)   If, in the judgment of the Plan Commission, a public sanitary sewer main is not reasonably accessible, sanitary wastes may be disposed of by one of the following methods:
      (1)   The subdivision may be provided with a complete sanitary sewer system, including a lateral connection for each lot and a neighborhood or community sewage treatment plant, all meeting the approval of the Indiana Stream Pollution Control Board and the State Board of Health.
      (2)   The subdivider may provide a private sewage disposal system on individual lots consisting of a septic tank and soil absorption field or other approved sewage disposal system, provided such disposal systems are installed in accordance with the minimum standards of the Indiana State Board of Health and provided that the soil in the subdivision will properly absorb sewage effluent as determined by percolation tests. The private sewage disposal system shall be approved by the Public Health Department.
   (C)   If a sanitary sewer system is to be installed, it must be approved by the accepting utility.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
   The subdivider shall install street signs at the intersection of all streets in the subdivision constructed in substantial conformance to the prototype design shown in Figure 1 or an alternate design approved by the Board of Commissioners. The signs and method of display shall be subject to approval by the Board of Commissioners.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)