The subdivider shall install street signs at the intersection of all streets in the subdivision constructed in substantial conformance to the prototype design shown in Figure 1 or an alternate design approved by the Board of Commissioners. The signs and method of display shall be subject to approval by the Board of Commissioners.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
Provisions shall be made for any and all railroad crossing necessary to provide access to or circulation within the proposed subdivision, including the preparation of all documents necessary for application to the Indiana State Public Service Commission for the establishment and improvement of such crossing. The cost of such railroad crossing improvement shall be borne by the subdivider.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)
(A) The subdivider shall be required to provide traffic control devices in all new subdivisions. The devices shall include, but not be limited to, stop signs at intersections, yield signs at intersections, dead end signs, warning signs, and speed control signs. Location of devices shall be shown on the street construction plans, as a separate sheet, submitted to the Area Plan Commission as a part of the primary plat application and must receive approval by the County Highway Engineer and Board of Commissioners.
(B) These devices must be installed in accordance to the provisions of the Indiana Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways. The cost of all devices shall be borne by the subdivider, and shall be installed by the subdivider prior to any street, being constructed either completely or partially, and opened to the public.
(C) Where deemed necessary by the County Highway Engineer pavement markings shall be included in design of all subdivisions and entrances. Thermoplastic stop bars, lane stripings and any other stripings deemed necessary shall be shown on the Street Construction Plans to be approved by the County Highway Engineer and Board of Commissioners. After the final pavement surface asphalt-layer has been installed by the subdivider, the pavement markings shall be installed by the subdivider.
(BC Ord. 2006-05, passed 3-20-06)