General Provisions
150.01 Fire limits established
150.02 Requirements for dwelling houses
150.03 Smoke and fire alarms
150.04 House numbering
150.05 Requirements for fences
Building Code
150.15 National Building Code adopted by reference
150.16 Definitions
150.17 Fees to be paid before issuance of permit; validity
150.18 Steel buildings to bear underwriters’ seal
150.19 Record of inspection
Plumbing Code
150.30 Title
150.31 Adoption by reference
150.32 Plumbing inspector
150.33 Inspection
150.34 Violations
150.35 Stop work order
150.36 Notice of approval
150.37 Permit application and fees
Unsafe Buildings
150.50 Condemnation of unfit or unsafe buildings
150.51 Vacation of condemned buildings
150.52 Hearing granted to affected persons
150.53 Demolition of buildings by owner
150.54 Demolition of buildings by city
Administration and Enforcement
150.65 Office of Building Official established
150.66 Building Official; duties
150.67 Liability for enforcement of regulations
150.68 Right of entry
150.99 Penalty