It is intended that the requirements under this section modify those under the National Building Code; where maximums or minimums under the National Building Code are in conflict with those stated herein, the requirements listed herein shall control.
   (A)   Single-story building.  The “top” of footings for single story buildings shall be placed a minimum of 32 inches below the surface of the ground.  The footings shall be a minimum of 16 inches in width and a minimum of 8 inches in depth of concrete.  The footings shall have at least two -inch reinforcing rods.
   (B)   Two-story building.  The “top” of footings for two-story buildings shall be placed a minimum of 32 inches below the surface of the ground.  The footings shall be a minimum of 24 inches in width and a minimum of 10 inches in depth of concrete.  The footings shall have at least four -inch reinforcing rods and the number of reinforcing rods shall increase proportionately as size increases.
   (C)   Both single- and two-story buildings:
      (1)   Center pier.  Center piers shall have a minimum spacing of 8 feet.  The base of the center piers shall be a minimum of 4 square feet and be located at the same depth as the concrete footing.
      (2)   Floor joists
         (a)   Floor joists shall be placed 16 inches on center and shall have a maximum span as listed below:
Maximum Span (feet)
2 by 8
2 by 10
2 by 12   
         (b)   Bridging shall be required for any span of over 7 feet.
      (3)   Studs.  Studs shall be a minimum of 2 by 4 inches on 16-inch centers.
      (4)   Ceiling joists.  Ceiling joists shall be a minimum of 2 by 6 inches with a maximum run of 16 feet and shall be on 16-inch centers.
      (5)   Trusses.
         (a)   1.   Where “W” trusses are used, the following maximums are allowed for cords:
Up to 28
2 by 4
top cord 2 by 6, 2 feet on center
2 by 6
            2.   All material used to construct the “W” may be 2 by 4 up to 26 feet span.
         (b)   Where king post trusses are used, the following maximums are allowed for cords:
Up to 24
2 by 4
2 by 6
      (6)   Rafters.  Rafters shall be a minimum of 2 by 6-inch with a maximum run of 16 feet, on 16-inch centers.  2 by 4-inch may be used if pitch of more than ¼.
      (7)   Sub-floor. Sub-flooring shall be a minimum of ½-inch plywood or ¾-inch board, both must be sheeted with a minimum of ¼-inch underlayment.
      (8)   Roof sheeting.  Roof sheeting shall be a minimum of ½-inch plywood or ¾-inch board.
      (9)   Roof material.  Roof material shall have a minimum weight of 225 pounds per square.
         (10)   Bearing walls.  All bearing walls shall be a minimum of 2 by 12 headers or equal on all openings.
         (11)   Wall plates.  Wall plates shall be a minimum of double 2 by 4's with no joints aligned.
         (12)   Concrete work.  Concrete subject to vehicle traffic shall have a minimum depth of 4 inches of concrete over 6-inch wire and fill. Walkways shall have a minimum depth of 4 inches of concrete over fill. The fill shall be of sand or fill gravel and at the 6 and 4 inch level, respectively, after being compacted or water filled.
         (13)   Siding. Finished siding must be applied within 90 days of occupancy or 9 months after storm sheeting is applied to a non-occupied structure.
         (14)   Fire requirements. Structures located within the fire limits must have ceilings and walls with a minimum of 1-hour fire resistance. Any building used for dwelling purposes shall have at least 2 doors for fire exits.
         (15)   Concrete slab floors. Concrete slab floors with a floor space in excess of 750 square feet shall be referred to the Building Official for approval. If truss rafters are not used for slab floor, then center footing shall be put under bearing wall. Slab floors used in construction of dwellings shall be bounded by rat-guard footings.
   (D)   Materials used in the construction of dwellings.  Wood materials used in the construction of dwellings shall be new lumber and dimensional lumber of construction grade #1200 fiber test minimum. No splicing shall be made on floor joists, studs, ceiling joists or rafters with ¼ pitch or less. Buildings which will have more than ¼ pitch to the rafters must be approved by the Building Official.
   (E)   Use of used or old lumber. Used or old lumber shall not be used in the construction, alteration or repair of any dwelling which was constructed or under construction after the adoption of these building regulations or in the construction of a new dwelling unless approval is obtained from the Building Official with the consent of the majority of the City Council for the use for the purposes.
(1992 Code, § 150.02)  Penalty, see § 150.99