General Provisions
   111.01   Definitions
   111.02   Local Liquor Control Commissioner
   111.03   Entry powers
   111.04   Liquor Control Advisory Committee
   111.05   Adoption of state law by reference
   111.06   Sanitary conditions
   111.07   Sales restricted to licensed establishments; public possession and consumption
   111.08   Location restrictions on sale of alcoholic liquor
   111.09   Stores selling school supplies
   111.10   Restriction on sale, delivery, purchase, and acceptance; regulations governing identification
   111.11   Gambling
   111.12   License required to sell or deliver alcoholic liquor
   111.13   Employees; health requirements
   111.14   Notice by licensees to minors; regulations of minors in establishments serving alcoholic liquor
   111.15   Restrictions on purchase, acceptance, possession, and consumption of alcoholic liquor by minors; exceptions
Licenses and Hours
   111.20   License required
   111.21   Licenses, classes, number, and fee
   111.22   License classifications
   111.23   Hours
Eligibility and Applications
   111.30   Persons ineligible to be licensed
   111.31   Applications
   111.32   Examination of applicant
   111.33   Term; due dates; proration; forfeiture for nonuse
   111.34   Record of licenses issued
   111.35   Transfer of license
   111.36   Renewal of license
   111.37   Assignment of renewal privilege
   111.38   Revocation; suspension
   111.39   Change of location
   111.40   Festival permit
   111.41   Caterer's permit
   111.99   Penalty