(A)   A licensee hereunder may assign or convey the privilege or right of renewal or reissue of a license provided for herein to another person, firm, partnership, club, or corporation, in accordance with the procedure hereinafter set forth, who on full compliance with the ordinances, then in force in the city, governing the issuance of such licenses, shall be entitled to a renewal or reissue of such license in his own name, and which holder of a license, in turn, may assign or convey such privilege or right to renewal or reissue of such license on the same terms and conditions as the original owner and holder thereof could do hereunder. However, the privilege or right of renewal or reissue provided in this chapter shall apply only so long as the license in each case shall have been kept in force continually and uninterruptedly in the name of the licensee or his successor in interest, and nothing herein provided shall be deemed to restrict the right of the Local Liquor Control Commissioner to revoke any such license.
   (B)   All such assignments shall be in writing, signed by the licensee, and shall be filed with the Local Liquor Control Commissioner, who shall keep or cause to be kept a true and complete record of all such assignments. On filing of any such assignment, the Local Liquor Control Commissioner shall endorse thereon the time of filing and on compliance by the assignee with all the laws and ordinances then in force in the city pertaining to the qualifications of an applicant for such license and the surrender of the old license for cancellation, there shall (unless the old license shall have been revoked and not thereafter restored) be issued to the assignee named in such assignment a license for the same place as that specified in the old license, in lieu of the one so surrendered, for the unexpired portion of the period covered by the license so surrendered, on condition however, that such new license shall be issued only on the payment of a fee to the issuing officer of $100.
(Ord. 81-0-10, passed 4-27-81)