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Tucson Overview
Tucson, AZ Code of Ordinances
Tucson, AZ Unified Development Code
Tucson Administrative Directives
7.6.1.   PURPOSE
   The purpose of this section is to establish standards for the installation and maintenance of and screening according to recognized principles and to provide for the protection of . The standards are intended to accomplish the following:
   A.   Implement Mayor and Council policy to conserve energy, water, and other natural resources through the use of   principles; to promote air quality; to improve community aesthetics; and to protect the public health, safety, and general welfare as follows:
      1.   Help achieve water conservation goals through the use of drought-tolerant plantings and principles in landscape design;
      2.   Reduce air pollution and dust by encouraging the use of vegetation for air filtration and absorption of carbon dioxide and production of oxygen;
      3.   Reduce the heat and glare radiated by the built environment;
      4.   Reduce soil by slowing storm water runoff;
      5.   Assist in ground water recharge; and,
      6.   Limit the use of allergenic, pollen-producing plants.
   B.   Establish or retain a by providing design standards to:
      1.   Buffer the potential negative effects that more intensive may have upon   ; and,
      2.   Where is subject to neighborhood or area plan standards, incorporate the adopted landscape policies of neighborhood or area plans to the extent they are consistent with the provisions of this section.
   C.   Contribute to and enhance the economic welfare of the and the quality of life of citizens and visitors through the following:
      1.   Promote the image of the southwestern desert environment;
      2.   Create an attractive appearance along   ; and,
      3.   Carry out the intent of design standards for along and .
   The provisions of this section apply to the following:
   A.   All new ; and,
   B.   Expansion of existing , as provided below:
      1.    Greater Than 10,000 Square Feet
      On where the of the existing (s) is more than 10,000 square feet, expansion in square footage of land area, , , or as follows:
         a.   If the expansion is less than 25%, the standards of this section apply only to the proposed expansion. Existing on the is subject to the zoning standards in effect at the time the existing received zoning approval.
         b.   If the expansion is 25% or greater or if expansions as of February 15, 1991, cumulatively result in a 25% or greater expansion in land area, , , or , the standards of this section apply to the entire .
      2.    10,000 Square Feet or Less
      On where the of the existing (s) is 10,000 square feet or less, expansions in square footage of land area, , , or as follows.
         a.   If the expansion is less than 50%, the standards of this section apply only to the proposed expansion. Existing on the is subject to the zoning standards in effect at the time the existing received zoning approval.
         b.   If the expansion is 50% or greater or if expansions as of February 15, 1991, cumulatively result in a 50% or greater expansion in land area, , , or , the standards of this section apply to the entire .
   The provisions of this section do not apply to the following.
   A.   Single-   or duplexes on separate , except commonly owned areas in Section 8.7.3, Flexible Lot Developments (FLD); or,
   B.   Approved and plans developed in the prior to February 17, 1991 if:
      1.   The is developed in accordance with the approved or plan; and,
      2.    complies with the standards of Section 7.6.4.A, Use of .
   A.   Use of
      1.   Except as otherwise provided by this section, all plant material used for must be selected from the Arizona Department of Water Resource’s Low Water Use/Drought Tolerant Plant List.
      2.   Areas of reseeding or hydroseeding after are subject to the Native Seed List standards of Section 5-02.6.0, Exhibit I, of the Technical Standards Manual.
      3.   Plants not listed on the Arizona Department of Water Resource’s Low Water Use/Drought Tolerant Plant List cannot be used within the Scenic Corridor (SZC) where the use of is required in the buffer area to a in accordance with Section 5.3.4.
      4.   Plants not listed on the Arizona Department of Water Resource’s Low Water Use/Drought Tolerant Plant List may be used as follows:
         a.   Existing Plants
         Existing trees and shrubs may be incorporated in a landscaped area if their locations do not conflict with the plant location standards of this section;
         Within pursuant to an approved or restoration plan; and,
         An oasis is an area where non-drought tolerant designs are permitted. Plants not listed on the Arizona Department of Water Resource's Low Water Use/Drought Tolerant Plant List may be used in an oasis if the plants are grouped in separately programmed irrigation areas according to their water requirements. The location and maximum area on a that may be used for oasis areas, including those located in a , is determined as follows.
            (1)   Multifamily Residential Uses
            Up to 5% of the , or one 100 square feet per , or 8% of the required , whichever is greater.
            (2)   All Other Uses
            Equal to, but not more than, 2.5% of the .
            (3)   Locational Standards
            The following factors should be considered when determining the location of the oasis area.
               (a)   Providing optimum exposure for users by selecting areas near main , pedestrian facilities, and active use areas; and,
               (b)   Selecting areas that incorporate outdoor seating or assembly spaces.
            Oasis areas may be located in the only if:
               (a)   The oasis areas do not total more than 5% of the area of the ; and,
               (b)   The non-drought tolerant plants used in the oasis area are flowering bedding plants.
            (5)    Areas of 10 or Greater
             areas of ten or more are regulated by the . The Arizona Department of Water Resources shall be notified of cases where proposed or other high water uses exceed ten .
            (6)   Exceptions for Oasis Limitations
            The oasis area limitations in Section 7.6.4.A.4.c and area restrictions in this section do not apply to:
               (a)   Public parks and botanical ;
               (b)    , whether under public or private ownership, for public use, schools, day care centers;
               (c)   The playing areas of golf courses;
               (d)   Cemeteries; or,
               (e)   Mobile home spaces within mobile home parks.
   The standards in this Section 7.6.4.B apply to all that provide more than four , except as provided in Section 7.6.4.B.1.c, Exemptions.
      1.    in
         a.   General Standards
         Within a , one is required for each four or fraction thereof.
            (1)   The must be evenly distributed throughout the . Every parking space must be located within 40 feet of the trunk of a (as measured from the center of the tree trunk).
            (2)   Fifty percent of the trees required for landscape borders located within ten feet of the paved portion(s) of a may be counted towards both the minimum   standard and the landscape border standard.
            (3)   An unpaved planting area, which must be a minimum of 34 square feet in area and four feet in width, must be provided for each .
            (4)   In where it is necessary to bring the existing into with these regulations, gaps are allowed in the tree coverage requirement of even distribution, provided that at least the minimum required number of trees is placed within or to the with coverage which is as uniform as possible.   to the may count toward meeting this requirement, provided the trees meet the criteria listed in Section 7.6.4.B.1.a(1).
         b.   Alternative Standard
         In lieu of the number of required by subsection a. above, the applicant may provide the number of needed to create a shade pattern caused by the trees at maturity and that covers 50% of the paved area within the from 9:20 a.m. to 3:20 p.m. Mountain Standard Time on June 21st.
         c.   Exemptions
         The following are exempt from Section 7.6.4.B.1.a, General Standards:
            (1)   Duplexes on individual with four or fewer spaces provided;
            (2)    ;
            (3)   Mobile home dwellings;
            (4)   Non-residential uses within to a National Register Historic District are exempt from Section 7.6.4.B;
            (5)   Residential Care Services with four or fewer spaces provided;
            (6)   Single- dwellings;
            (7)    ;
            (8)   Structurally covered or underground ;
            (9)   For expansion of an existing that is located on a of record on February 17, 1991, that is 10,000 square feet or less in size, the existing are exempt from the standard, if the existing is in compliance with the zoning standards in effect at the time the existing was developed; or,
            (10)   For expansion of an existing , the existing are exempt from the standard if the existing is subject to approved between February 15, 1991, and August 2, 2004.
      2.   Plant Protection
      Areas where plants are susceptible to injury by vehicular or pedestrian traffic must be protected by appropriate means, such as curbs, bollards, or low walls.
      3.   Planter Area
      For each tree required by this code, a planter area with a minimum unpaved area of 34 square feet and a four-foot minimum width is required.
         a.   The planter area must have a raised border four inches high to prohibit the tires of the vehicle from encroaching onto the planter. Standard wheel barriers are acceptable but not encouraged, as they can be easily moved and could allow damage to the tree.
   C.   Landscape Borders
   There are two types of landscape borders: and .
      1.   All Landscape Borders
      The following apply to all landscape borders.
         a.   One is required for every 33 linear feet of landscape border or fraction thereof, excluding vehicular points.
         b.   A minimum of one is required within a required landscape border.
         c.   Trees may be planted at varying distances apart.
      To enhance the visual appearance of the streetscape, a is required in accordance with Table 7.6.4-1 along the   of a as follows, except as provided in Section 7.6.4.C.4, Exceptions to the Landscape Border Standards:
         a.   Minimum Width
          must be a minimum of ten feet wide as measured from the   . On designated as (MS&R), the must be measured from the future as determined by Section 5.4.4, Establishment of and .
         b.   Residential
          for residential of eight or more shall conform to the following standards.
            (1)    are only required along the exterior boundaries of . Landscape borders are not required along front yard frontages.
            (2)   Walls, fences, or other screening must be placed behind the landscape border.
            (3)   The landscape border must be recorded as common area and maintained by the (HOA) for the . The CC&Rs shall reference and require compliance with the maintenance standards in Section 7.6.8, Maintenance. The PDSD may allow the recording of a public use easement with the   in cases where the standards of this section are the only reason for the creation of an HOA. The public use easement shall require the property owner to install and maintain a landscape border in accordance with the standards in this section.
            (4)    fronting on may be reduced to a minimum of five feet.
         c.   Located on
          must be located entirely on , except that, if approved by the City Engineer or designee, up to five feet of the required ten foot width may be placed within the   area or within the on MS&R .
         d.   Inorganic Ground Cover
         Except as otherwise provided by this section, the area between the line and and the area between the and the curb, if not covered with vegetation, must be covered with an appropriate inorganic ground cover, such as decomposed granite.
         e.   Vegetative Ground Cover
         Fifty percent or more of the area of the must be covered with shrubs or vegetative ground cover. The required ground coverage must be achieved within two years from the date of planting.
          on property with   on a designated are subject to the standards of Section 5.3.4,  Buffer Area. A buffer area in accordance with Section 5.3.4, Buffer Area, is required on property with   on a designated .
         g.    on  
         Existing on   must be considered in design to prevent abrupt changes in plant types and to maintain a visual continuity along frontages.
         h.   Structural Overhangs
         Covered parking canopies or other structural canopies, such as those used in service stations, may not overhang into in order to avoid conflicts between the and crowns of trees.
       are required as a buffer and visual transition along the common between   and as follows, except as provided in Section 7.6.4.C.4, Exceptions to the Landscape Border Standards.
         a.    are required as determined in Table 7.6.4-1, which ranks and based upon their intensity and the impact a use will have on   .
         b.   The minimum required width of an is the lesser of ten feet or the width of the required by the for the proposed or use.
         c.   Where or are located next to the or where the conflicts with a utility easement, an is not be required if all of the following requirements are met:
            (1)   An equivalent number of trees are planted elsewhere on the between the (s) and the , or if the use on the does not include , the required are located between the and the ;
            (2)   The trees are evenly distributed over the ; and
            (3)   The minimum planting area required in Section 7.6.4.B.3, Planter Area, is provided for each .
         d.   Detention/retention facilities may be incorporated into the if they are designed in accordance with Section 7.6.6.C.1, Storm Water Runoff.
      4.   Exceptions to Landscape Border Standards
         Within the as defined in Section 11.4.5, Definitions - D, the standards for landscape borders are as provided as follows.
            (1)   A , measured from the side of the future location, must be maintained along all public frontages of and .
            (2)   A is not be required if the ground level story of a containing a is not used for motor vehicle parking or if the is completely screened and by a masonry wall.
            (3)   An is required only if the   or is residential.
         b.   Expansions
         For expansions of an existing located on a of record on February 17, 1991, 10,000 square feet or less in size, the is subject only to the following landscape border standards.
            (1)   On other than a Scenic or (refer to Sections 5.3 and 5.5), the width of a must be a minimum of five feet. With the permission of the City Engineer or designee, up to one-half the width may be located in the public or in the .
            (2)    are not be required in existing , if the existing was developed in compliance with the zoning standards in effect at the time of .
          are not required as follows.
            (1)   Around interior pads within a or between   with common , shared motor vehicle parking, or vehicular or between two nonresidential uses of equal intensity as determined by Table 7.6.4-I.
            (2)   Where an , drainageway, or other ten feet or more in width physically separates the from an property.
            (3)   Where, prior to February 15, 1991, an area was provided as a buffer between the and an less intensive use or , if the area is:
               (a)   At least ten feet wide; and,
               (b)   Restricted in perpetuity to natural or landscaped use through dedication to the public, deed restriction, or covenant running with the land.
            (4)   Between two similar uses, whether or not the uses are within the same zoning classification.
          are not required along frontages where the standards of Section 5.3.4, Buffer Area, apply.
         e.   Historic Preservation (HPZ)
         The Planning and Development Services Department may grant a complete or partial exception to the landscape border standards for within a HPZ. The exceptions may be granted if, after completion of the HPZ review required by the HPZ, the PDSD determines that the standards are not with the character and design elements of the HPZ.
         f.   Planned Area (PAD)
         For   to a Planned Area Development (PAD) , the standards are those which are required for   to residential , except where an PAD District has been developed or planned for nonresidential uses. In that case, the standards are based on the  .
         g.   Community and Urban Farm Uses are exempt from the landscape border requirements of Section 7.6.4.C, Landscape Borders.
  or (Developed or Vacant)
  or (Developed or Vacant)
[2] [3]
[2] [3]
MH Parks
[2] 5'
[2] 5'
[2] 5'
[2] 5'
[2] 30"
[2] 5' wall
[2] 30"
[2] 5'
[2] 5' wall
[2] 5'
[2] 30"
[2] 5'
[2] 5' wall
[2] 5' wall
[2] 5'
All Other Uses
[2] 30"
[2] 5'
[2] 5'
[2] 5'
[2] 5'
Specific Uses (when within 100' of )
Recreation Areas
[2] 5' wall
[2] 5'
[2] 30"
[2] 5'
5' wall
Mechanical Equipment
(Screened entirely from view along the   .)
Mobile Homes; R.V. Storage
[2] 6'
[2] 6'
Multiunit Storage Facility
[2] 6'
[2] 6'
6' wall
6' wall
Outdoor Display of Merchandise, Sales or Rental
[2] 30"
[2] 5'
5' wall
Billboards and Outdoor Storage
[2] 6'
[2] 6'
6' wall
[2] 30"
[2] 5'
5' wall
5' wall
Refuse Storage and Laundry Yards
[2] 6'
[2] 6'
6' wall
6' wall
[2] 30"
[2] 5'
5' wall
5' wall
Utility Service
[2] 6'
[2] 6'
6' wall
6' wall
KEY AND NOTES (for the purposes of this Table)
Residential : OS, IR, RH, SR, SH, RX-1, RX-2, R-1, R-2, MH-1, MH-2, R-3, MU
Commercial : P, RV, NC, RVC, C-1, C-2, C-3, OCR-1, OCR-2
Office : O-1, O-2, O-3
Industrial : P-I, I-1, I-2
[1] For   to PAD , see Section 7.6.4.C.4.f.
[2] Landscape or required along boundary.
[3] Only applies to of 8 or more . See Section 7.6.4.C.2.b.
   D.   Use of
         1.   Installation of ornamental in commercial, industrial, and institutional developments, and common areas of residential development is prohibited.
         2.   Ornamental is defined as:
            a.   Grass areas with any single dimension of eight feet or less.
            b.   Grass areas exceeding a 4:1, or 25%, slope.
            c.   Grass areas that are not accessible by paved pathways and/or are restricted by physical barriers that prohibit accessibility.
            d.   Grass areas installed closer than ten feet to a street and/or in front entryways to residential neighborhoods or subdivisions unless associated with active recreational activities.
            e.   Grass areas that are not utilized for active recreational purposes.
         3.   Except as provided by Section 7.6.4.A.4.c(6), Exceptions for Oasis Limitations, areas that do not meet any of the criteria provided in Section 7.6.4.D.2 are allowed only within an oasis and may only be 50% of the total .
   E.   Plant Cover/Dust Control
   All disturbed, grubbed, graded, or bladed areas not otherwise improved must be landscaped, reseeded, or treated with a layer of inorganic or organic ground cover to help reduce dust pollution.
      1.   Ground surfaces in planting beds, planters, medians, or tree understory within a landscaped area that are not covered with shrubs, accent plants, vines, ground cover, or other vegetation from the Arizona Department of Water Resource’s Low Water Use/Drought Tolerant Plant List must be treated with an inorganic ground cover.
      2.   Unless maintained as , all portions of a not occupied by , , , oasis areas, pedestrian circulation areas, or required landscape elements must be landscaped with vegetation from the Arizona Department of Water Resource’s Low Water Use/Drought Tolerant Plant List, reseeded with a native seed mix, or treated with an inorganic ground cover and maintained in a clean condition. All portions of a site including common areas, natural areas, and revegetated or landscaped areas are to continuously be maintained to remove populations of buffelgrass (Pennisetum ciliare).
      3.   Unless maintained as , future pads within a must be temporarily landscaped with vegetation from the Arizona Department of Water Resource’s Low Water Use/Drought Tolerant Plant List, reseeded with a native seed mix, or treated with an appropriate inorganic ground cover and maintained in a clean condition. All portions of a site including common areas, natural areas, and revegetated or landscaped areas are to continuously be maintained to remove populations of buffelgrass (Pennisetum ciliare).
      4.   If vegetative ground cover is not intended, a minimum two-inch layer of organic or inorganic material (i.e., decomposed granite, rock mulch, or other material) is required as ground cover under and around the vegetation in landscaped areas to help cool soil areas, reduce evaporation, and retard weed growth. Existing areas of undisturbed retained on the are not required to have the soil mulched or amended.
   F.   Use of the Public
   Nonrequired may be placed in the public , if the following standards are met:
      1.   The is approved by the City Engineer or designee and complies with the City Engineer’s standards on construction, irrigation, location, and plant type;
      2.   All vegetation complies with the standards of Section 7.6.4, Standards; and,
      3.   The does not interfere with the use of the .
(Am. Ord. 11070, 5/14/2013; Am. Ord. 11127, 11/6/2013; Am. Ord. 11328, 12/8/2015; Am. Ord. 12005, 6/6/2023)