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Tucson Overview
Tucson, AZ Code of Ordinances
Tucson, AZ Unified Development Code
Tucson Administrative Directives
   All must provide a minimum of one legal, all-weather access connection to all in with Section 10-01.0.0, Technical Standards, of the Technical Standards Manual. If the proposed all-weather access connection is located outside the boundary, then the applicant must include for financial participation in the offsite improvement.
   A.   All developed in phases must be designed to provide legal access of sufficient size for vehicular and pedestrian access to all phases of the .
   B.   Any proposed being divided from a larger piece of property must assure legal access of sufficient size to provide vehicular and pedestrian access to that portion of the property not included in the proposed .
   A.    , which is to a provided by an public .
   B.    , which is to a provided by an private in which the owner of the has a legal interest to assure perpetual use for access.
   C.    , which is to a provided over some other through an area for such perpetual use.
   A.   The minimum width required for access to a is that dimension sufficient to provide for the type of access. The minimum required width is based on access being centered within the dimension. If the are located off-center, an additional width may be required.
   B.   All shall be designed with access to a public . If a proposed does not have public   , access must be provided by means of a private or an of sufficient size to accommodate motor vehicle and pedestrian access and public services as required for the type of proposed for the .
   C.   If access is provided by an easement and the easement serves more than two single- homes the may require the easement to be developed as a or as a . The determination as to whether a developed or is required will be made at the time of review of the proposed land division or of the property based on the need for public services, such as , refuse collection, and fire suppression, and on the projected of the .
    must be designed in accordance with Section 5.4,    , of the ; Section 10-01.0.0, Technical Standards, of the Technical Standards Manual; Chapter 25, and , of the Tucson City Code; and, the all applicable sections of the Standard Details for Public for City of Tucson/Pima County (2003 edition) and the Standard Specification for Public for City of Tucson/Pima County (2003 edition).
7.9.1.   Whenever a to be subdivided includes any part of a designated in the adopted , the must be platted in with the and Section 5.4,    .
7.9.2.   Certain proposed , as designated by the City Engineer or designee, must be extended to the boundary to provide future connection with unplatted land.
7.9.3.    layout must provide for the continuation or discontinuation of such as the City Engineer or designee may designate.
7.9.4.   The City of Tucson may not accept private for dedication as public if the private was not constructed in with the requirements of this section and Section 10-01.0.0, Technical Standards, of the Technical Standards Manual.
7.10.   ALLEYS
   Alleys are public ways used primarily for the placement of and refuse collection. Alleys are not required for new not located in a . Alleys are required in new only for the purposes of completing existing systems or providing turning radii for vehicles within existing systems that abut the proposed .
7.10.1.   When alleys are required or are provided by the developer, they may be not less than 16 feet wide where there is residential or residential zoning on both sides of the and not less than 20 feet wide where there is nonresidential or nonresidential zoning on at least one side.
7.10.2.    intersections and sharp changes in alignment shall be avoided, but if necessary, corners will be designed with a radius spandrel in accordance with City Engineering standards as provided in Section 10-01.0.0, Technical Standards, of the Technical Standards Manual to permit safe vehicular movement. Spandrels of lesser dimensions may be approved by the City Engineer or designee where determined that safe circulation and public services will not be impeded.
7.10.3.   Alleys must be designed in accordance with the standard design requirements as they pertain to pavement and base materials and thicknesses. Additionally, the design must meet minimum and maximum cross requirements in accordance with Section 10-01.0.0, Technical Standards, of the Technical Standards Manual.
7.10.4.   Alleys must be designed to operate as water conveyance systems. The design must improve drainage conditions, or at least not worsen them.
7.10.5.   The use of alleys for vehicular maneuvering or loading is prohibited, unless specifically permitted by Section 7.4.6.K, Use of or for Maneuvering Area, or another section of this article.
7.11.1.   Detention and retention basins shall be:
   A.   Located in a common area, outside the boundaries of a residential ;
   B.   Owned and maintained by the homeowners organization or management organization established by the developer;
   C.   Located within the perimeter wall, fence, or screening surrounding the FLD boundaries, if provided; and,
   D.   Designed and constructed in compliance with the Stormwater Detention/Retention Manual.
7.11.2.    should be no steeper than four to one where water depths exceed two feet within a detention or retention basin so that a safety barrier is not required.
   Easements shall be provided for , vehicular and pedestrian access, drainage, and other purposes as required by the appropriate utility agency, review agency, or department.
   Excavating and must be conducted in accordance with Section 2-01.0.0, Excavating and , of the Technical Standards Manual.
   All , new and expansions of existing must comply with the following when applicable:
7.14.1.   City of Tucson’s Floodplain Ordinance regulations, Tucson Code Chapter 26;
7.14.2.   Watercourse Amenities, Safety, and Habitat, Tucson Code Chapter 29 Article VIII;
7.14.3.   Stormwater Detention/Retention Manual;
7.14.4.   City of Tucson Standards Manual for Drainage Design and Floodplain Management in Tucson, Arizona; and,
7.14.5.   Commercial Water Harvesting, Section 4-01.0.0 of the Technical Standards Manual.