B. Where possible, existing poles shall be used to provide the required transition to underground service to new
to scenic corridors. However, a new pole set in line with the existing overhead system when necessary to serve approved new
is not deemed to be a new utility. Upgrades and reinforcements of existing overhead facilities is allowed to the extent that the total number of electrical circuits or communication cables is not increased. Relocation of overhead utility facilities required by public improvement districts along scenic corridors shall conform with existing franchise standards.
C. When an existing
is expanded by 50% or more in
or land area, new and existing
to all portions of the
shall be located underground unless relief is otherwise granted pursuant to UDC sections 5.3.14, Variances and/or through a Zoning Examiner special exception process per Section 4.9.11.A.12. Incremental expansion shall be cumulative. Additions to single-
dwellings are exempt from this standard.
(Am. Ord. 11942, 7/12/2022)