A.   Applications for within the SCZ are reviewed and considered for approval in accordance with Section 3.3.3, PDSD Approval Procedure.
   B.   At the request of the PDSD or applicant, the Design Review Board (DRB) shall review elevations, , , and other contributing design features to substantiate compliance with the standards required in making a decision.
   C.   The decision to approve or deny the shall be based on the purpose, intent, and specific standards of this section, on the objectives specified in the for scenic corridor , and on the following standards that provide for the preservation of:
      1.   Views of prominent mountain that form the limits of scenic viewsheds and provide a natural backdrop for sensitively designed ;
      2.   Viewsheds that provide the observer with a visual perspective of the area in terms of foreground, middle ground, and background;
      3.   The scenic quality of the desert and mountain environment through the retention of and natural topography; and,
      4.   View windows through an aesthetic screening or siting of developmental elements that are incompatible with the natural qualities of the surrounding area.