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Tucson Overview
Tucson, AZ Code of Ordinances
Tucson, AZ Unified Development Code
Tucson Administrative Directives
6.5.2.   TWO OR MORE , SAME
   Two or more conducted as a single , which integrates elements of the various uses, such as, but not limited to, vehicular parking, vehicular and pedestrian access, refuse collection, and loading services, as among the various uses in the , shall have dimensional standards applied as follows:
   A.   Two or More Uses, Same Dimensional Standards
   On with two or more uses that have the same dimensional standards, the dimensional standard requirements shall be applied on the as if there were only one use.
   B.   Two or More Uses, Different Dimensional Standards
    without a residential component shall calculate the residential (RAC), and the minimum standards separately for the residential use. All other uses shall use the dimensional standards of the having the least restrictive dimensional standards.
6.6.    , , AND
    and are permitted in all . Those and associated with and to a principal are accessory and subject to the provisions described below.
   In all , an shall comply with the following:
   A.   The use shall be incidental or secondary to the and is located on the same as the ;
   B.   The use shall be intended for the occupants, residents, customers, employees, lessees, or guests of the ;
   C.   The use shall not substantially alter the exterior appearance or character of the or to which it is ; and,
   D.    may be kept for personal use in all subject to Tucson Code, Chapter 4, and any applicable health regulations.
   E.   Medical Marijuana Designated Caregiver Cultivation Location
      1.   A designated caregiver may cultivate at their residence for a single qualifying patient subject to compliance with A.R.S. § 36-2806.01;
      2.   All conditions and restrictions for medical marijuana dispensary off- cultivation locations apply except that the designated caregiver cultivation location cultivation area is limited to a total 250 square feet maximum, including any storage areas; and,
      3.   More than one designated caregiver may co-locate cultivation locations as long as the total cultivation area does not exceed 250 square feet maximum, including storage areas.
   F.   Medical Marijuana Qualifying Patient Cultivation Location:
      1.   A qualifying patient may cultivate at their place of residence subject to compliance with A.R.S. § 36-2806.01; and,
      2.   A qualifying patient, cultivating marijuana, shall comply with all lawful, applicable health regulations, including those promulgated by the Arizona Department of Health Services and any other authorized regulatory agency.
(Am. Ord. 11890, 12/7/2021)
   In all , the used for shall comply with the following:
   A.   The standards of this Section 6.6.2 apply in all to used for , except as noted in the following:
      1.   A if five feet or less in height and ten square feet or less in area, such as a doghouse, a refuse container enclosure, or play equipment.
      2.    A shelter for if six feet or less in height and 16 square feet or less in area.
   B.   An accessory shall be built only on a occupied by a principal or use;
   C.   An accessory shall be developed in accordance with the dimensional standards of the principal , except as provided by this section and, when applicable, Sections 6.6.3, Residential Uses, and 6.6.5, Uses and Activities;
   D.   An , except for an accessory , that exceeds the allowable height of a wall within a and is detached from a principal shall comply with the width standards of the principal , except that the may be built to a parcel line with the consent of the or, when separated by an alley, property owner(s) or as permitted by Section 6.6.5, Uses and Activities;
   E.    , such as light poles, flagpoles, and other tall and narrow that are similar, shall be exempt from the requirement. Amateur radio towers are exempt from the requirement and are allowed to a maximum height of 100 feet;
   F.   An accessory , except for a stable or enclosure for , may be attached to a principal , provided that its construction complies with the requirements of the principal ;
   G.   The use of solar energy collectors for the purpose of providing energy for heating or cooling shall be permitted in all , whether as part of a principal or as an accessory . Such solar collection devices shall not be included in computing ;
   H.   All for livestock and other large farm such as ratites, as defined in the Tucson Code Chapter 4, and , shall be set back at least 50 feet from all , except corrals that shall be set back ten feet from all . In addition, the proximity of corrals and barns or other for large farm from a on property shall be in accordance with Tucson Code Chapter 4, Section 4-27;
   I.   The maximum of a wall or fence within a shall be six feet; however, the wall or fence may be higher than six feet, but no higher than ten feet, if: (See Figure 6.6.1-A, Height of Wall or Fence within a Side or Rear .)
      1.   At least 75% of the area above six feet in height is left unobstructed and open through the use of architectural elements, such as arches, columns, or wrought iron;
      2.   Part of, or located on top of, a retaining wall no higher than ten feet measured from and no higher than six feet measured from the top of the retaining portion of the wall;
      3.   A greater height is required through the rezoning process or the special exception process; or,
      4.   A greater height is required by a specific standard.
   J.   In nonresidential , walls or fences, as permitted in Section 6.6.2.I above, may exceed the height standards, provided the wall or fence complies with the standards applicable to on the ;
   K.    , , and are not required to provide additional parking, and screening, or loading spaces beyond what is required of the .
Figure 6.6.1-A: Height of Wall or Fence Within a Side or Rear
(Am. Ord. 11171, 5/20/2014; Am. Ord. 11328, 12/8/2015; Am. Ord. 11890, 12/7/2021)
      The used for an to a residential use shall comply with the following:
      A.   An accessory may be a that is used as sleeping quarters by the residents of the in accordance with Sections 6.6.1.A and B. The sleeping quarters may include , bathrooms, and a sitting room, provided the complies with Section 6.6.1.C and is not the dominant use of the property;
      B.   An accessory may be used as living quarters in accordance with Sections 6.6.1.A. and B. Two accessory are permitted per developed with a Dwelling as defined in Section 11.3.7.A., with the exception of a Multifamily . A developed with a duplex is permitted one accessory . The accessory may include a kitchen, , bathrooms, and a sitting room, provided the complies with Section 6.6.1.C. and is not the dominant use of the property. The following standards apply to these accessory :
         1.   Accessory are not subject to maximum residential standards per Section 6.3.4.
         2.   On a lot or of more than one acre in size, one further accessory is permitted in addition to those permitted per UDC 6.6.3.B., if at least one accessory on the or is a restricted affordable , as defined in 11.4.2. The affordable unit must be deed restricted and proof must be provided as a condition of the building permit.
         3.   Vehicular parking is not required to be provided for accessory .
         4.   If the accessory is built as a new it must be developed with a high albedo level (>60 SRI) or other cool roof technology per the ICC Green Construction Code.
         5.   An accessory is limited to 75% of the of the principal dwelling, not to exceed 1,000 square feet of . An accessory may be up to 650 square feet of , regardless of the size of principal dwelling.
         6.   The minimum side and rear yard setback for an accessory is five feet.
         7.   Except as specified above, an accessory shall be developed in accordance with the dimensional standards of the principal land use.
         8.   Accessory proposed within an overlay zone or other zoning area with specific design processes or guidelines, shall be subject to those regulations when no more restrictive than those applicable to single-family dwellings in that overlay and are no more restrictive than the entirety of UDC 6.6.3.B.
         9.   Accessory are not required to match the exterior design, roof pitch or finishing materials of the single-family dwelling that is located on the same lot as the accessory .
         10.   If an established and occupied family dwelling proposes one or more accessory in accordance with UDC 6.6.3.B., the or shall not require a commercial site plan per UDC 3.3.3.G., be considered a multifamily development, require commercial development standards, or require improvements to public streets other than repairs due to construction activity.
      C.   Detached accessory , including accessory , are not permitted in the extending the full width of the between the principal and the front , except for shade structures or not over 400 square feet in , and steps not over three feet high above the , paved areas, and fences or walls.
      D.    , except for accessory , shall not exceed 12 feet in height, unless attached to a principal . If attached to the principal , maximum height permitted shall be the same as for the principal .
(Am. Ord. 11070, 5/14/2013; Am. Ord. 11890, 12/7/2021; Am. Ord. 11996, 3/21/2023; Am. Ord. 12131, 10/22/2024)
   The used for an to a nonresidential use shall comply with the following:
   A.   An accessory shall not be occupied as a dwelling, except as a caretaker’s facility;
   B.   The area of a occupied by an or shall be included as part of the calculation; and,
   C.   The used for an within a nonresidential shall comply with dimensional standards of the principal .
(Am. Ord. 11890, 12/7/2021)
   A.   Accessory Community
      1.   Community are permitted as an in any in accordance with the standards provided below.
      2.   Permitted Activities and Uses
         The following activities and uses are permitted in a Community :
         a.   Growing and harvesting of agricultural products;
         b.   The keeping of is permitted as an to the growing and harvesting of agricultural products in accordance with Section 6.6.5.E, Keeping of . Permission from the property owner is required and a sign must be posted identifying the person responsible for caring for the and his or her contact information;
         c.   Greenhouses and on-site sale of agricultural products grown on-site are permitted in accordance with Section 6.6.5.D and 6.6.5.F, respectively;
         d.   During an on-site sales event, a temporary booth or canopy may be located within the front yard of the property and is exempt from Sections 6.6.1.C and 6.6.3.B;
         e.   Outdoor activity, including the outdoor display of products for sale grown on- , is permitted.
      3.   The growing and harvesting of agricultural products that are not in a are exempt from the requirements of the underlying .
   B.   Composting
   Composting shall be maintained in accordance with applicable sections of the Tucson Code, Section 4-28 of and and Section 16-13 of the Neighborhood Preservation Ordinance.
      1.    are permitted as an to any residential or nonresidential use.
      2.    not in greenhouses are exempt from this Section 6.6, Accessory Uses, Buildings, and Structures. Further, may be located in the buildable area extending the full width of the between the principal and the front .
      3.    in greenhouses are subject to Section 6.6.5.D.
      4.   Vertical mounted on a perimeter wall or fence are permitted provided they do not affect the integrity of the wall or fence and the fastening devices do not project or otherwise create a safety hazard to property owners.
   D.   Accessory Greenhouses
   Greenhouses are permitted as accessory buildings or as follows:
      1.   Greenhouses must comply with Section 6.6.2, Accessory Buildings and Structures unless otherwise regulated in this section.
      2.   Except when accessory to a community or urban farm, greenhouses are prohibited in the buildable area extending the full width of the between the principal building and the front .
       shall comply with the dimensional standards of Section 6.6.2. Greenhouses cooled solely by an evaporative cooler are considered a .
      Accessory greenhouses are permitted in accordance with Section 4.9.2.B.1.c.
      5.   The maximum permitted height of a greenhouse is 12 feet in a residential and in accordance with Section 6.6.4.C in a nonresidential .
   E.   Keeping of
      1.   This section applies to as defined in Section 11.4.7, , Food Producing.
         a.   The keeping of shall be conducted in accordance with this Section 6.6.5.E and the Tucson Code, Chapter 4, and . In the case of a conflict, the standards of this Section shall control.
         b.   This Section 6.6.5.E does not apply to:
            (1)   The keeping of livestock; or,
            (2)    not defined as such as pigeons, parrots, dogs, cats, and fish.
         c.   Uncastrated male older than 5 months and male are prohibited.
      2.   The keeping of is permitted as an to:
         a.   Permitted residential use in residential and nonresidential ;
         b.   Accessory Community per Section 6.6.5.A; or,
         c.   Accessory Urban Farm per Section 4.9.2.E.1.b.
      3.   Maximum Number of Permitted
         a.    as defined in Section 11.4.2 are used as a basis for determining the maximum number of permitted.
         b.    are assigned as follows:
Units per
Turkey or Goose
(female or neutered male only)
         c.   The calculation for the maximum number of permitted is the lesser of either two (2) per 1,000 square feet of the or the maximum total of the as follows:
Lot Size
Maximum Number of Total Permitted
Less than 16,000 sf
16,000 sf to 143,999 sf
144,000 sf or more
         d.   It is recommended that be raised in pairs or small groups for their well-being.
         e.   Exemptions: The following are exempt from this Section 6.6.5.E:
            (1)    Production, General Farming, or Stockyard Operation Uses or when an Accessory Shelter or Structure in the RH, SR, SH, RX-1, IR, or MU zones. These uses must comply with Chapter 4 of the Tucson Code;
            (2)   Non-profit, agriculture-related organizations, such as the 4-H Club and Future Farmers of America. These organizations must comply with Chapter 4 of the Tucson Code; or,
            (3)   Rabbits, rodents, and invertebrates, such as worms. These must comply with Chapter 4 of the Tucson Code.
         f.   Requests to increase the number of permitted are considered in accordance with Section 3.3.4, 100' Notice Procedure.
      4.   Location and Setback Requirements
         a.    and are prohibited in the buildable area extending the full width of the between the principal and the front . and their shelters are permitted in other .
         b.    six feet or less in height and sixteen square feet or less in area are not required to setback from side or rear , but are required to be behind the principal building and at least 20 feet from the on an property.
         c.    more than six feet in height and greater than 16 square feet in area must be set back in accordance with Section 6.6.2.D. Shelters shall also be at least 20 feet from the on an property. Exceptions: A is not required from     or other types of or easements or when to a nonresidential use.
         d.   Requests to reduce the requirements for are considered in accordance with Section 3.3.4, 100' Notice Procedure, Section 3.11.1, Design Development Option, or Section 6.6.5.E.7, Existing Shelter Exemption.
      5.   The maximum permitted height of an is 12 feet.
      6.   Food, water, and other items that may attract coyotes, bobcats, javelinas and other predators must be kept in a secure location.
      7.   Existing Shelter Exemption
         a.    A shelter for that has existed prior to the effective date of the ordinance in a location that does not comply with the     standards set in the ordinance may apply for an exemption from the affected   and dimension standards of this section.
         b.    To qualify for the exemption the applicant must submit a PDSD accepted or plot plan and the shelter must meet the following criteria:
            (1)    There is proof from an aerial or other source of the shelter’
            (2)    There are no applicable Code Enforcement violations involving the shelter for the past five years submitted by a property owner within 300 feet of the subject property.
            (3)    The shelter is accepted as meeting basic construction standards by PDSD.
         c.    PDSD shall establish a single fee to cover a single plan review and inspection.
         d.    This exemption terminates on January 9, 2018.
   F.   On- Sale of Agricultural Products Grown On-
   The accessory sale of agricultural products is permitted in accordance with the following:
      1.   Sales are limited to agricultural products grown on- , including produce and the eggs of raised on- ;
      2.   Outdoor sales of products grown on- are permitted;
      3.   On- sales are limited to the hours of 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.;
      4.   Number and Duration of Sales Events Permitted
         a.   In the residential, office, institutional reserve (IR), parking (P), and recreational vehicle (RV) and residential uses in nonresidential , the on-site sale of goods is restricted to no more than four advertised events per calendar year. An event shall not occur on more than three consecutive days. An “advertised event” is one in which the organizer advertises the sales event Citywide online, or in any newspaper;
         b.   In the commercial, mixed use, industrial, neighborhood commercial (NC), rural village center (RVC), and mixed use (MU) , there are no restrictions on the number and duration of sales events provided the sales are accessory to the growing of agricultural products;
         c.   The combination of yard sales and on- sale of agricultural products shall not exceed four (4) events per calendar year.
      5.   Temporary associated with the agricultural product sales, such as booths and awnings, are exempt from Sections 6.6.1.C and 6.6.3.B and may be located in the buildable area extending the full width of the between the principal and the front . The shall be removed at the end of the sales event.
(Ord. 11328, 12/8/2015; Am. Ord. 11732, 2/19/2020)