The used for an to a residential use shall comply with the following:
      A.   An accessory may be a that is used as sleeping quarters by the residents of the in accordance with Sections 6.6.1.A and B. The sleeping quarters may include , bathrooms, and a sitting room, provided the complies with Section 6.6.1.C and is not the dominant use of the property;
      B.   An accessory may be used as living quarters in accordance with Sections 6.6.1.A and B. One accessory is permitted per developed with a Dwelling as defined in Section 11.3.7.A, with the exception of a Multifamily . The accessory may include a kitchen, , bathrooms, and a sitting room, provided the complies with Section 6.6.1.C. and is not the dominant use of the property. The following standards apply to these accessory :
         1.   Accessory are not subject to maximum residential standards per Section 6.3.4. For new construction developed using the Flexible Lot Development (FLD) standards per Section 8.7.3, as of October 19, 2021, detached accessory count as .5 for the calculations.
         2.   In addition to parking required for the , one parking space shall be provided for the accessory . The parking requirement may be satisfied with available or waived if the is within ¼ mile walking distance of a transit stop or an enhanced bike route as listed in the Bike Boulevard Master Plan. Parking provided is exempt from Section 7.6.4, Landscape Standards.
         3.   If the accessory is built as a new it must be developed with a high albedo level (>60 SRI) or other cool roof technology per the ICC Green Construction Code.
         4.   On sites where the principal is one story, accessory shall not exceed 12 feet in height. On sites where the principal is two stories or greater, the height of the accessory may be equal to the height of the principal .
         5.   For less than 6,500 square feet in size, the accessory is limited to 650 square feet of . For equal to or greater than 6,500 square feet, the accessory is limited to 10% of the size, not to exceed 1,000 square feet of .
         6.   Except as specified above, an accessory shall be developed in accordance with the dimensional standards of the principal land use.
      C.   Detached accessory , including accessory , are not permitted in the extending the full width of the between the principal and the front , except for shade structures or not over 400 square feet in , and steps not over three feet high above the , paved areas, and fences or walls;
      D.    , except for accessory , shall not exceed 12 feet in height, unless attached to a principal . If attached to the principal , maximum height permitted shall be the same as for the principal ; and,
      E.   The total (gfa) of all shall not exceed 50% of the gfa of the principal . less than 200 square feet gfa and accessory are exempt from this requirement.
(Am. Ord. 11070, 5/14/2013; Am. Ord. 11890, 12/7/2021; Am. Ord. 11996, 3/21/2023)