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Tucson Overview
Tucson, AZ Code of Ordinances
Tucson, AZ Unified Development Code
Tucson Administrative Directives
   Appeals to final discretionary decisions that require a dedication or an exaction as a condition for granting a approval and appeals to the adoption or amendment of a zoning regulation on the grounds that the regulation creates an unconstitutional “taking” of private property in of the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution (a “takings appeal”) shall be processed in accordance with this section.
   A.   Decisions Subject to Appeal
      1.   A takings appeal may be filed by a property owner as follows:
         a.   Where the property owner has a legally recognized property interest in the property that is subject to the decision;
         b.   Where a final discretionary administrative decision has been made by the PDSD , Zoning Examiner, or the Mayor and Council to require the dedication of property or the payment of a monetary exaction as a condition for the approval of the application in a manner that is alleged to constitute a taking of property; or,
         c.   A zoning regulation has been adopted or amended and is alleged to constitute a taking of property.
      2.   A takings appeal may not be filed by a property owner regarding the application of fees, assessments, taxes, or any other dedication or exaction required by a legislative act that does not give discretion to the administrative agency or official to determine the nature or extent of the requirement.
   B.   Filing of Appeal
   An appeal must be in writing and filed with or mailed to the Zoning Examiner within 30 after the final action is taken. Final action on a zoning regulation is the effective date of the regulation. No fee is charged for an appeal under this section.
   C.   Public Hearing
      1.   Public notice shall be mailed to the appellant and to the parties entitled to notice of the administrative decision at least ten before the appeal is heard.
      2.   The Zoning Examiner shall schedule a public hearing on the appeal to be held no later than 30 after receipt of the appeal.
   D.   Statement of Authority
   In all proceedings under this section, the shall provide the Zoning Examiner with a statement of the ’s authority to require the dedication or exaction or to adopt or amend the zoning regulation. The has the burden to establish in its statement of authority the nexus between the dedication or exaction and a legitimate interest, and that the proposed dedication, exaction or zoning regulation is roughly proportional to the impact of the proposed use, improvement or or, in the case of a zoning regulation, that the zoning regulation does not create a taking of property in of the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
   E.   Zoning Examiner’s Decision
   The Zoning Examiner shall decide the appeal within five after the appeal is heard. If the has met its burden set forth in subsection D above, the appeal shall be denied. If the has failed to meet its burden as set forth in subsection D above, the Zoning Examiner shall:
      1.   In the case of a dedication or exaction, modify or delete the requirement appealed under this section; or,
      2.   In the case of a zoning regulation, transmit a recommendation for further action to the Mayor and Council.
   F.   Appeal of Zoning Examiner’s Decision
   At anytime within 30 after the Zoning Examiner renders a decision an individual may file a complaint for trial de novo in the superior court, pursuant to A.R.S. §9-500.12.G.
   A.   Applicability
   The procedures in this Section 3.10.1, apply to both Board of Adjustment hearing on appeals and requests for variances. Appeals and applications for variances are filed with the PDSD.
   B.    of Planning and Development Services Department (PDSD) Recommendation
   The PDSD prepares a recommendation and forwards it, together with any additional materials provided by the applicant or any other to the applicant and the B/A not less than five prior to the scheduled public hearing. The recommendation shall be in the form of a written report that includes the request and present plans, policies, standards, and other information relating to the request. The recommendation shall include a recommended action by the B/A or a statement that the PDSD has no objection to the request. The PDSD shall also solicit a recommendation from the Design Review Board or the Stormwater Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) if a recommendation from either of these bodies is required by Section 3.10.2.A or Section 3.10.3.G.2.
   C.   Notice
   Notice of public hearings is required in accordance with Section 3.2.4.
   D.   Limitation on Contact with the Board of Adjustment
   Except for a duly noticed inspection, study, and public hearing, no shall contact or discuss the merits of any case with the members of the B/A between the filing of the appeal or variance and the final determination by the B/A.
   E.   Board of Adjustment Public Hearing
   The B/A may hold a study session and shall hold a public hearing on an application in accordance with the rules and standards of the Board of Adjustment and the requirements listed below.
      1.   Except as permitted in the public hearing and the procedures for submission of written materials, no shall communicate with a member of the B/A regarding a matter to be decided by the Board any time prior to the expiration of the time for reconsideration of a decision.
      2.   The chair of the B/A or presiding may administer oaths and may compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of relevant information, including witnesses requested by any .
      3.   The chair or presiding may impose any reasonable limitations on the number of speakers heard and may establish the nature and length of testimony by speakers.
      4.   Comments may be given by any , either verbally or in writing.
      5.   Following the close of the hearing and prior to making a decision or recommendation, the B/A may discuss the matter and further question staff or any submitting comment.
      6.   A record of the hearing must be made and retained as a public record.
   F.   Decision
   Following the public hearing, the decision by the B/A is announced and is final at the time the decision is made.
   G.   Reconsideration
   The B/A may consider one request for reconsideration by the applicant or a , if:
      1.   A written request is filed with the Zoning Administrator within 14 calendar after the Board has rendered its decision; and,
      2.   A request for reconsideration may be made only where there is an error in fact or law in the decision or where a has new evidence or material that was not available at the time of the public hearing. The request shall be scheduled for the next regular meeting of the Board of Adjustment.
   H.   Issuance of Permits and Approvals
   No permits or approvals based on the decision shall be issued, no inspections shall be performed, nor other formal action shall be taken while the case is pending before the B/A or before the expiration of the period for reconsideration if no request is filed. If a request for reconsideration is filed, no permits or approvals based on the decision shall be issued, or other formal action taken until completion of action on the request for reconsideration is announced by the Board of Adjustment.
3.10.2.   APPEALS
   A.   Decisions Subject to B/A Appeal
   Appeals to the following decisions are processed in accordance with the B/A appeal procedure:
      1.   Decisions by the Zoning Administrator, including interpretations of the , notices of of the , and determinations of of conditional uses consistent with Section 10.3.3;
      2.   Decisions by the PDSD on applications processed in accordance with the 100' Notice Procedure, Section 3.3.4;
      3.   Decisions by the PDSD on a Special Exception ;
      4.   Review decisions where the PDSD has challenged the historic designation of a proposed for demolition;
      5.   Decisions of the Design Review Board (DRB) pertaining to applications in Neighborhood Preservation as permitted in Section 5.10.3.I;
      6.   Decisions by the PDSD on Design Development Option applications;
      7.   Decisions by the PDSD on Minor and Major Project Design Review applications in the Rio Nuevo District; and,
      8.   Other determinations in accordance with the .
   B.   Filing of an Appeal
   Appeals must be filed with the Zoning Administrator within 14 of the effective date of the decision, or within the time provided by the individual procedure from which the decision is appealed. An appeal shall be scheduled for consideration by the B/A at the next regular meeting that is at least 35 following the filing of the appeal. The Zoning Administrator may, for good cause, grant one extension to the second regular meeting after the filing of the appeal. The filing of an appeal stays the issuance of permits and approvals and all formal action on the proposal subject to the appeal.
   C.   Public Hearing and Public Notice Required
   A public hearing with the B/A is required. The B/A may continue the public hearing for up to 45 . The public hearing shall not be continued for more than 45 without the consent of the applicant, regardless of who is the appellant. Public notice of the public hearing is required in accordance with Table 3.2-1 and Sections 3.2.4.A-G.   
   D.   Decision
   The B/A may affirm, reverse, or modify the decision being appealed, and may impose conditions necessary and appropriate to implement the and other pertinent standards.
   E.   Reconsideration
   The appellant, the applicant, the Zoning Administrator, or in the case of a decision relating to NPZ design review, the PDSD , may request reconsideration of a decision on an appeal as provided in Section 3.10.1.G.
(Am. Ord. 11070, 5/14/2013; Am. Ord. 11732, 2/19/2020)
3.10.3.   VARIANCES
   A.   Applicability
   The following applications are processed in accordance with the B/A Variance procedure:
      1.   Variances from the requirements of the ; and,
      2.   Requests for major Modifications of Development Regulations (MDR) in the Rio Nuevo District (see Section 5.11.9 for the minor and major MDR criteria).
   B.   Pre-Application Conference Required
   A pre-application conference with staff is required in accordance with Section 3.2.1.
   C.   Neighborhood Meeting Required
   The applicant is required to conduct a neighborhood meeting and provide notice of the meeting in accordance with Section 3.2.2.
   D.   Application
   Submittal of an application to the PDSD is required in order to process the request. See the Administrative Manual for the application submittal requirements. Applications shall be reviewed for completeness in compliance with Section 3.2.3.A.
   E.   Notice of Application
   The PDSD shall mail and post notice of the application in accordance with Section 3.2.4.B & F.
   F.   Public Comment Period
   For 20 following the date on which notice is mailed, the public may submit comments on the proposal to the PDSD.
   G.   Review
      1.   Review is conducted by the PDSD staff and other agencies, committees or advisory boards as required by the , and others as may be deemed appropriate by the PDSD .
      2.   Variance requests from the Environmental Resource standards require review by the Design Review Board and the Stormwater Technical Advisory Committee as provided in Section 5.7.7. Variance requests from Scenic Corridor , the Gateway Corridor , the and screening regulations, and the native plant protection standards require DRB review as provided in Sections 5.3.14, 5.5.6, 7.6.9.D, and 7.7.6.B respectively.
   H.   Public Hearing and Public Notice Required
   A public hearing with the B/A on the request is required. Mailed notice of the public hearing is required in accordance with Section 3.2.4.B. The notice of the public hearing may be consolidated with the notice of the application submittal.
   I.   Advisory Board Review
   Variance requests from the Environmental Resource standards require review by the Design Review Board and the Stormwater Technical Advisory Committee as provided in Section 5.7.7. Variance requests from the Scenic Corridor , the Gateway Corridor , the and screening regulations, and the native plant preservation standards require DRB review as provided in Sections 5.3.14, 5.5.6, 7.6.9.D, and 7.7.6.B, respectively.
   J.   Board of Adjustment Decision
   The B/A may close the public hearing or continue it to a specific date, time, and place provided the continuance is not for more than 120 . The B/A shall issue a decision in accordance with the findings required for approval of the application at the conclusion of the public hearing.
   K.   Findings for Approval
   The B/A may approve a variance only if it finds:
      1.   That, because there are special circumstances applicable to the property, strict enforcement of the will deprive such property of privileges enjoyed by other property of the same classification in the same ;
      2.   That such special circumstances were not self-imposed or created by the owner or one in possession of the property;
      3.   That the variance granted is subject to such conditions as will assure that the adjustment authorized shall not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and in which such property is located;
      4.   That, because of special circumstances applicable to the property, including its size, shape, topography, location, and surroundings, the property cannot reasonably be developed in conformity with the provisions of the ;
      5.   That the granting of the variance shall not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or in the neighborhood in which the property is located;
      6.   That the proposed variance shall not impair an adequate supply of light and air to property, substantially increase congestion, or substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood; and,
      7.   That the variance, if granted, is the minimum variance that will afford relief and is the least modification possible of the provisions that are in question.
   L.   Variance Powers Not Granted to Board of Adjustment
   The B/A may not:
      1.   Make any changes in the uses permitted in any zoning classification;
      2.   Grant a variance if the special circumstances applicable to the property are self-imposed by the property owner;
      3.   Grant a variance to any administrative requirement of the or to any requirement which is not a specific regulation or use-specific standards required of a ;
      4.   Grant a variance to the use-specific standards required of Educational Uses as provided in Section 4.9.3.E.; or,
      5.   Delete or vary any use-specific standards applicable to a Special Exception Land Use as required by the , unless specifically allowed by the , or as established as a condition by the decision-making body in granting the use.
   M.   Notice of Decision Required
   Notice of the decision shall be mailed within three of the decision to the applicant and who received notice of acceptance of application.
   N.   Reconsideration
   The B/A may consider one request for reconsideration by the applicant or a , in accordance with Section 3.10.1.G.
   O.   Change of Condition
   After a variance has been granted by the B/A, the property owner/applicant may request a change to a condition for approval imposed by the B/A based upon changed circumstances that affect the condition. The request shall be heard by the B/A. The B/A shall initially determine whether the request is for a minor change of condition that does not materially alter the variance and does not materially affect any other properties. If the B/A determines that the request is for a minor change of condition, it may decide whether to approve or deny the change. If the B/A determines that the request is not a minor change of condition and there are reasonable grounds for the request, the case shall be scheduled for a public hearing and notice provided in accordance with Section 3.2.4.
   P.   Expiration of Approval
   Any variance granted through this process or on appeal is null and void if permits are not issued or compliance with conditions of approval does not occur within 180 from the date of approval. A shorter time period for compliance may be required as a condition of approval. Two extensions of up to 180 each may be granted by the PDSD for good cause. A that has been recorded in compliance with the variance is exempt from the expiration period in this section.
(Am. Ord. 11070, 5/14/2013; Am. Ord. 11127, 11/6/2013)