   A.   Standards
   The following standards are required as part of the plan, when applicable. They are also required for any allowed encroachment into . Encroachment that may be allowed is limited to ,   , walkways, or bike paths.
      1.    , bike path, and walkway and utility encroachments into are limited and approved only if there are no other alternatives in the design of the . Where allowed, , bike path, and walkway and utility encroachments shall cross and not run parallel to the .
      2.   Where , bike path, and walkway are allowed to encroach into , they are allowed only at the narrowest point of the . (See Figure 5.7-C.)
Figure 5.7-C: Riparian Crossing
      3.   All in shall be located underground. shall be placed either along , bike path, or walkway or within approved easements. Water and sewer utility trenches must be set beneath the 100-year scour depth.
      4.   Any , bike path, or walkway improvement that impedes the movement of wildlife shall be constructed in such a manner as to provide means for safe and accessible passage. or encroachments into shall be constructed to minimize disruption of vegetation and . Where culverts are used, they should be box culverts a minimum of six feet in height.
      5.   Where a , walkway, or bike path improvement or utility encroachment occurs within the , shall be required for any area disturbed because of such construction.
      6.    should include plant material salvaged from the .
      7.    should recreate the through the planting of trees, shrubs, and seed mix native to the and be equal to the predisturbance plant , diversity, and volume on the net .
      8.   A maintenance program is required for revegetated/restored or enhanced areas so that plant material is replaced as needed.
   B.   Temporary Fencing Required
   No grubbing, , or construction shall occur on a until areas designated to be retained in a natural state are temporarily fenced. All temporary fencing will be field inspected by PDSD before any construction on the begins. Fencing shall be removed only on completion of construction.
   A.   Fences and Walls
   Neither fences nor walls are allowed that impede wildlife movement through designated except for temporary fencing. If barbed wire fencing is used, the bottom and top wire shall be barbless and a bottom clearance of at least 18 inches from the ground is required.
   B.   Exterior Lighting
   Lighting sources shall be confined to wall-mounted fixtures or standards a maximum of 42 inches in height, spaced to create pools of light rather than a saturated condition. Neither high-pressure sodium nor mercury vapor lighting shall be used. All lighting sources shall be shielded to reduce dispersed light.
   A.   Variance Requests
      1.   Variances from the ERZ standards are reviewed and considered for approval in accordance with Sections 3.10.1 and 3.10.3, Board of Adjustment Variance Procedure. As provided in Section 2.2.6.C.5, the Design Review Board (DRB) reviews all ERZ variance request and forwards its recommendations to the Board of Adjustment.
      2.   If the City Engineer or designee, a notified property owner, or the applicant for the variance requests consideration of stormwater management issues related to the variance, the Stormwater Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) may review the variance request concurrently with the DRB and may provide written or oral testimony at the public hearing for the variance request. Any such testimony shall address the required findings.
   B.   Proposed Amendments
   The Stormwater Advisory Committee (SAC) may review all proposed amendments to this section and may provide written conclusions and recommendations to the PDSD of the Department of Transportation to be forwarded to the Planning Commission and the Mayor and Council prior to public hearings on the proposed amendments.
5.8.1. PURPOSE
   The purpose of the HPZ and HL designation is to promote the educational, cultural, economic, and general welfare of the community and to ensure the harmonious growth and of the municipality by encouraging the preservation and rehabilitation of significant historic districts, neighborhoods, , , sites, objects, and archaeological resources. These designations are intended to ensure the preservation of significant historic and archaeological resources, and to keep them in active use or management in their historic appearance, settings, and locations. It is also intended that new or remodeled or located within HPZs or HL properties be designed and constructed to harmonize and be compatible with existing and within the sites and in order to preserve property values, provide for appropriate future , and promote an awareness of the heritage of Tucson among both residents and visitors to the community.
(Am. Ord. 11070, 5/14/2013; Am. Ord. 11150, 3/18/2014)
   A.   The HPZ and HL designation is an overlay superimposed over underlying zoning.
   B.   The HPZ and HL designation applies to specifically mapped areas where there is an individual historically important , , , or object; a group of surviving related historic resources in their original setting; or an that gives a historic dimension to the . A list of established HPZs and HLs is provided in Section 9-02.8.0, Historic Preservation Zones, Sites, and Structures, of the Technical Standards Manual and is updated by the City Historic Preservation Office based on Mayor and Council action. Demolition requests in pending HPZs or HLs are subject to the standards of Section 5.8.10. To identify each HPZ or HL on the City of Tucson , the preface "H" or "HL" is added to the assigned residential, office, commercial, or industrial designation, e.g., R-1 becomes HR-1.
   C.   The designation, amendment, and change to boundaries of a HPZ or HL are established by the Mayor and Council in accordance with Sections 5.8.4, Steps to Establish or Amend a HPZ, 5.8.6, Steps to Establish or Amend a HL, and 3.5, Rezoning (Change of Zoning).
(Am. Ord. 11150, 3/18/2014)