201.21 Installation Procedures
   Based on the metering method used, the following criteria shall be met:
   A.   Water Meter Only - Shall meet requirements of Chapter 201 of these Rules and Regulations.
   B.   Two Water Meters - Shall meet requirements of Chapter 201 of these Rules and Regulations and TMC § 929.07 and the following:
      1.   The second water meter shall be installed in the same location as the primary water meter unless otherwise approved by the Department, in which case a remote register or radio transmitter must be placed near the primary meter.
      2.   The Division of Water Distribution must approve all plans for all piping connections involving a second water meter.
      3.   The user shall guarantee, in writing, to the Director, that no change or alterations will be made in the metering procedure as approved by the Department.
      4.   The user shall allow inspection by the City of the piping system and meter installation during construction, and periodically thereafter, to ensure proper connections and usage.
   C.   Water Meter Plus Sewage Meter: shall meet the requirements of this Chapter 201 of these Rules and Regulations and TMC § 929.07 and the following:
      1.   The sewage meter shall measure all user discharge that enters the City sewer system.
      2.   The sewage meter shall be installed in a location approved by the Department so that convenient and safe access is available for reading and inspection.
      3.   The Division of Water Reclamation must approve all plans for piping connections involving a sewage meter.
      4.   The user shall guarantee, in writing, to the Director that the sewage meter will be properly maintained to accurately measure the discharge.
      5.   The user shall allow inspection by the City of the piping system and meter installation during construction, and periodically thereafter, to ensure proper connections and usage.