927.01 Required use of public sewers.
927.02 Private wastewater disposal.
927.03 Tapping and making connections with a public sewer.
927.04 Sewer tapper's license.
927.05 Building sewer permit required; application.
927.06 Denial of permit.
927.07 Connections to be observed, approved and accepted.
927.08 Cost of building sewer.
927.09 Separate building sewer required.
927.10 Use of existing building sewers.
927.11 Specifications for building sewer.
927.12 Notice before opening street.
927.13 Plugging abandoned building sewers.
927.14 Sewer cleaner's license.
927.16 Charges and fees.
Sewer connections-see CHTR. § 211
Assessments-see Ohio R.C. Ch. 729
Compulsory sewer connections-see Ohio R.C. 729.06
Household sewage disposal system-see OAC Ch. 3701.29; HLTH. 1725.04
Sewer permit fees-see ADM. 127.05
Service Director's authority as to sewer connections-see ADM. 127.10
Excavations-see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 905
Vault cleaning-see HLTH. 1725.09
Sewer connections mandatory-see HLTH. 1725.04
Sewer use, industrial wastes and surcharges-see Appendix A of this Title
Fees for sampling and testing industrial wastes-see Appendix B of this Title
The owner(s) of all houses, buildings or properties situated within the City and abutting on any street, alley or right of way in which there is now located, or may in the future be located, a public sanitary or combined sewer of the City, is hereby required, at his own expense to install sanitary facilitates therein, and to connect such facilities directly with the proper public sewer in accordance with the other provisions of Chapters 925 through 931, within ninety days of the issuance of a written notice to do so. Those otherwise subject to this section shall only be required to use public sewers if the public sewer is within 100 feet of the property line.
(Ord. 30-86. Passed 1-14-86.)
Where a public sewer is not available within 100 feet of the property line, the building sewer shall be connected to a private wastewater disposal system. Any private wastewater disposal system shall conform to all applicable City, County, and State laws, codes, rules and regulations, and the rules and regulations of the Commissioner of Health.
The owner of a private wastewater disposal system shall operate and maintain the facilities in a sanitary manner at all times, at no expense to the City. No person shall discharge to the treatment works the contents of or waste from a private wastewater disposal system except to special facilities provided by the City and in accordance with the provisions of Section 930.10.
(Ord. 30-86. Passed 1-14-86.)
No person shall be entitled to tap and make connection with a public sewer without authorization from the Director of Public Service as provided in this chapter. Tapping and making connections with a public sewer shall encompass all work and activities related thereto, including but not limited to, opening of the street, uncovering of the public sewer, opening or otherwise disturbing or altering the public sewer and appurtenances for the purpose of tapping and connecting building sewers thereto, excavations to lay the building sewer, laying of the building sewer, connection of the building sewer to the building drain, and filling the excavations and restoring the public right of way to a condition equal to or better than its original condition.
(Ord. 30-86. Passed 1-14-86.)