1327.01 Foundation walls above grade. (Repealed)
1327.02 Property line fences.
1327.03 Roof pitch. (Repealed)
1327.04 Driveways.
1327.05 Drainage of down spouts, footer drains and similar drainage.
1327.06 Retaining walls.
1327.07 Hard surfaced private sidewalks.
1327.08 Exterior step construction. (Repealed)
1327.09 Footer tile. (Repealed)
1327.10 Wood framing. (Repealed)
1327.11 Garage step or curb. (Repealed)
1327.12 Drywall. (Repealed)
1327.13 Garage and accessory building access door. (Repealed)
1327.14 Footers. (Repealed)
1327.15 Foundations. (Repealed)
1327.16 Smoke detectors.
1327.17 Roofs.
1327.96 Appeal to Board of Zoning and Building Appeals.
1327.97 Noncompliance with notice.
1327.98 Penalty.
1327.99 Interpretation of chapter.