1335.01 Permit application required.
1335.02 Fees for demolition of buildings or structures.
1335.03 Demolishing buildings or structures; insurance required.
1335.04 Denial of demolition permit.
1335.05 Requirements waived.
1335.06 Property owners responsibility.
1335.07 Authorization to demolish a building or structure.
1335.08 Utilities discontinued.
1335.09 Safety precaution required.
1335.10 Filling excavations and grading.
1335.11 Completion of the work and time extensions.
1335.96 Appeal to Board of Zoning and Building Appeals.
1335.97 Noncompliance with notice.
1335.98 Penalty.
1335.99 Interpretation of chapter.
No person, firm or corporation shall demolish a building or structure without first making application to the Building Department and obtaining a demolition permit, therefor, unless the Building Code specifically provides that such work be done without a permit.
(Ord. 1999-02. Passed 1-11-99.)
To demolish any dwelling, accessory building, commercial, or industrial building, a permit fee as specified in Chapter 149 of the Codified Ordinances shall be deposited with the Building Director prior to demolition. Accompanying each permit, the person, firm or corporation shall provide a current and valid insurance liability policy providing one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) for personal injury for each occurrence and fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) property damage. The Building Director may require a bond, if in his opinion such bond is required to insure health, safety and welfare of the general community, in such form as may be approved by the Director of Law.
(Ord. 1999-02. Passed 1-11-99.)