1329.01 General standards.
1329.02 Definitions and interpretation.
1329.03 Building permits.
1329.04 Anchoring.
1329.05 Construction materials and methods.
1329.06 Utilities.
1329.07 Subdivision proposals.
1329.08 Residential construction.
1329.09 Nonresidential construction.
1329.10 Encroachments.
1329.11 Appeals.
1329.12 Variances.
1329.13 Conditions for variances.
1329.14 Information to be obtained and maintained.
1329.15 Alteration of watercourses.
1329.16 Interpretation of flood boundaries.
1329.17 Basis for establishing the areas of special flood hazard.
1329.18 Warning and disclaimer of liability.
1329.96 Appeal to Board of Zoning and Building Appeals.
1329.97 Noncompliance with notice.
1329.98 Penalty.
1329.99 Interpretation of chapter.
Flood control bonds; public capital improvements - see Ohio Const., Art. VIII, Sec. 21; Ohio R.C. 129.70 et seq.
Construction permits and prohibitions for dams, dikes or levees - see Ohio R.C. 1521.06
Reduction of assessed valuation for establishing reservoirs - see Ohio R.C. 1521.09
Marking flood areas - see Ohio R.C. 1521.14
The following standards shall apply in all areas of special flood hazard in the City as designated on the official maps prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in conjunction with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. The maps are on permanent file in the Building Department and Service Departments.
(Ord. 1999-02. Passed 1-11-99.)