1323.01 Enactment of International Fuel Gas Code.
1323.02 Implementation of I.F.G.C.: file copy.
1323.03 Definitions.
1323.96 Appeal to Board of Zoning and Building Code Appeals.
1323.97 Noncompliance with notice.
1323.98 Penalty.
1323.99 Interpretation of chapter.
Adoption of technical codes - see Ohio R.C. 731.231
There is hereby adopted, for the purpose of establishing updated rules and regulations for the construction, alteration, paving, removal, demolition, equipment use, occupancy, location and maintenance of fuel burning appliance in one, two and three family dwellings and appurtenant structures, the City of Streetsboro Fuel Gas Code.
(Ord. 1999-02. Passed 1-11-99.)