There is hereby established the position of Assistant Director of Finance in the Finance Department, to be appointed by the Mayor pursuant to Article V, § 5, of the City Charter. The Assistant Director of Finance shall work under and be subject to the supervision of the Director of Finance and shall perform such duties as may be delegated to him or her by the Director of Finance. During any period of time when either the Director of Finance or the Assistant Director of Finance is absent, unavailable or unable for any cause to perform his or her duties, the Assistant Director of Finance, respectively, shall serve in each other’s capacity in all respects.
(Ord. 1999-245, passed 12-20-1999)
(a) There is hereby established the position of Contract Compliance Officer. The Contract Compliance Officer shall be appointed by the Mayor pursuant to Article V, § 5, of the City Charter. The Contract Compliance Officer shall report directly to the Director of Finance and shall perform such duties as may be required by the Mayor and/or the Director of Finance pursuant to the position’s job description.
(b) The Contract Compliance Officer will review and monitor leases, contracts and agreements to ensure compliance with policies and procedures, monitor and facilitate the progress of projects through contract review, the bid process and all phases of contract completion.
(c) The Contract Compliance Officer shall also be responsible for coordinating city public record requests and record retention schedules to ensure compliance with federal, state and local laws.
(Ord. 2012-249, passed 10-1-2012)
(a) There is hereby established the position of Business Operations Administrator in the Department of Finance. The Business Operations Administrator shall be appointed by the Mayor pursuant to Article V, Section 5, of the City Charter. The Business Operations Administrator shall report directly to the Director of Finance and shall perform such duties as may be required by the Mayor and/or the Director of Finance pursuant to the position's job description.
(b) The Business Operations Administrator will assist the Director of Finance in the administration, direction, planning and implementation of policies, procedures and business operations in the Finance Department and other departments as directed.
(c) The Business Operations Administrator shall also be responsible for coordinating the procurement policies of the City on behalf of the Director of Finance and other departments to ensure compliance with federal, state and local laws.
(Ord. 2019-108, passed 6-17-2019)
When it becomes necessary to purchase insurance for the city, the Public Property, Public Utilities and Transportation Committee will contact at least three insurance agents and request such agents to submit recommendations as to the best and most economical manner in which to meet the insurance needs of the city. The Committee will then submit the recommendations to Council, which shall study the recommendations and determine the types and amounts of insurance to be purchased by the Director of Finance. If the premiums of such insurance exceed $4,000, the Director shall be directed to advertise for bids in the manner provided by law. The Director of Finance is authorized to evaluate or continue participation in municipal insurance pools legally established by one or more political subdivisions if the cost of such membership in the pool is considered to be economically beneficial to the city.
(Ord. 1988-58, passed 5-16-1988)
The Director of Finance shall be the purchasing agent for the City and shall have the authority to execute purchases for and on behalf of each department of the City. The Department of Finance shall adopt rules and regulations for the internal management and operation of the purchasing function. The Director of Finance or designee shall prescribe and maintain such systems as reasonably necessary to the operation of the purchasing function. All purchases must be made from available appropriations and approved by City officials in accordance with the following provisions:
(a) Purchase Authority.
(1) Purchases of $0 to $10,000.00 require approval by the Director of Finance and Department Head for the department for which the purchase is being made. Purchases between $0 and $10,000.00 require the purchase originator to convey responsible purchasing procedures designed to promote the best interest of the City. The Director of Finance reserves the right to establish such procedures and to request any additional information and/or quotations for such purchase(s).
(2) Purchases greater than $10,000.00 and up to $50,000.00 require approval by the Director of Finance and Department Head for the department for which the purchase is being made and, to the extent reasonable and practical, the Director of Finance or Department Head requesting this purchase shall obtain a minimum of three written quotations prior to seeking approval to make the purchase unless a request to waive this requirement is approved in accordance with division (a)(4) below. If the lowest quotation is not being considered for the purchase, the originator must document reasoning why the selected vendor or contract is in the best interest of the City. The Director of Finance reserves the right to establish such procedures and to request any additional information or quotations for such purchase(s).
(3) Purchases greater than $50,000.00 shall be procured in accordance with competitive selection requirements as defined in division (b) below or purchased from a cooperative purchasing contract as defined in division (d) below or utilize an alternative method of project delivery as defind in division (c), and shall require the approval of City Council as defined in division (g) below. The Director of Finance is authorized to solicit bids, or proposals, and request qualifications for purchases in which funds have been appropriated for the designated purpose.
(4) The requirement for obtaining quotations as defined in division (a)(2) above may be waived by the Director of Finance upon the request from the requesting department of the purchase for the following reasons:
A. The purchase can be made using an approved cooperative purchasing contract as defined in division (d);
B. The purchase can be made from another political subdivision;
C. For the purpose of accepting or renewing a maintenance, support or professional services agreement;
D. For a proprietary service or sole source purchase as determined by the Director of Finance;
E. An emergency purchase as defined in division (f) below;
F. For any other reasonable and practical limitations to obtaining the required quotations defined in division (a)(2), the Director of Finance reserves the right to establish such procedures and to request any additional information or quotations for such purchase(s).
(5) Purchase Orders. Purchase orders shall be established as required by R.C. § 5705.41(D) for all contracts and purchase commitments and to encumber funds against available appropriations. Purchase orders shall be requested by the originating department in accordance with established procedures and approved by the Director of Finance as follows:
A. Regular purchase orders issued for a specific vendor or contract and for an amount specified and in accordance with the procedures defined in division (a). Regular purchase orders can encumber funds in multiple budget account line items and expire when the contract of specified order is fulfilled.
B. Blanket purchase orders may be issued to a vendor or for the purchase of goods or services, and charged to one or more budget account line items in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00 and for a period of up to one fiscal year. Annual accruals of blanket purchase orders to the same vendor or purpose within a departmental budget, as appropriated annually by City Council, shall not supersede procedures established in division (a).
C. Super blanket purchase orders may be issued to a vendor for professional services, materials, supplies, fuel, road salt, utilities and any other specific recurring and reasonably predictable operating expenditure charged to one specific expenditure budget account line item in an amount not to exceed the line item budget for a period of up to one fiscal year. Such purchase orders shall be established in accordance with the purchase authority defined in division (a).
(6) Then and Now Certification. Purchase orders including those authorized under division (a)(5) above shall be established prior to the time that City funds are obligated by contract, invoice, or other means. If City funds are obligated prior to the establishment of a valid purchase order, the Director of Finance can certify that both at the time that the contract or order was made and at the time of the certification, sufficient funds were available or in the process of collection, to the credit of a proper fund, properly appropriated and free from any previous encumbrance, the taxing authority can authorize the drawing of a warrant. The Director of Finance shall submit all certifications that are $3,000 or greater to Council for approval.
(7) Monthly report requirement for purchases greater than $10,000 - The Director of Finance shall provide to City Council monthly, a report of purchases greater than $10,000.00 as defined in division (a)(2). The report to Council shall provide information on individual purchases including, purchase amount, date, vendor, purpose, department, and budget account.
(b) Competitive Selection.
(1) Competitive Bidding. Sealed competitive bids are required to be used for firm fixed price contracts where the aggregate dollar amount of the purchase is reasonably expected to be greater than $50,000.00 and is used as the preferred method for, but not limited to, public works improvement projects. Bids shall be solicited from an adequate number of known suppliers whenever practical and in accordance with R.C. § 735.05, applicable City Code sections, and established City policies. Contracts awarded under sealed bid procedures shall be based on the lowest, responsive, and responsible bidder. If the lowest bidder is not recommended the Department Head or City official shall provide in writing the reasons for not selecting the lowest price prior to approval by Council in accordance with division (g) below. As an alternative to in-person bid submissions and openings, the City may utilize an online bidding information service as the preferred method for submitting and processing sealed bids accepted by the City.
(2) Request for Proposals (RFP). Procurement by competitive request for proposal (RFP) is permissible when sealed bids are not required by applicable laws or City policies. An adequate number of qualified sources submit an offer and either a fixed price or cost-reimbursement type contract is awarded based on the recommendation of the Department Head and Director of Finance. Contracts will be awarded to the responsible firm whose proposal is most advantageous to the program, with price and other factors considered. The procedures and form of the request for proposals shall be determined by the Director of Finance.
(3) Selection of Professional Design Services (RFQ). The City may use competitive proposal procedures for qualifications-based procurement of architectural/engineering professional services whereby competitors' qualifications are evaluated and the most qualified competitor is selected, subject to negotiation of fair and reasonable compensation. The method, where price is not used as a selection factor, can only be used in procurement of architectural/engineering professional service.
(4) Waiving of Competitive Selection. The requirements in divisions (b)(1), (b)(2), and (b)(3) may be waived by City Council upon request of the Department Head. A waiver may be approved for the following reasons:
A. The purchase is made using a of cooperative purchasing contract in accordance with division (d);
B. An alternative project delivery method as defined in division (c) is used;
C. The purchase can be made from another political subdivision;
D. The purchase is for professional services as defined in division (e);
E. For a proprietary service or sole source purchase as determined by the Director of Finance;
F. The purchase qualifies as an emergency purchase in accordance with division (f);
(5) A request for a waiver of competitive selection shall be approved by the Mayor or Director of Finance prior to submitting the request to City Council for approval in accordance with division (g). The Director of Finance reserves the right to establish such procedures and to request any additional information or quotations for such purchase(s).
(c) Alternate Project Delivery Methods.
(1) City Departments are authorized to utilize the services of a design-build firm for the provision of design-build services, or services that form an integrated delivery systems for which a person or firm is responsible to the City for both the design, construction, demolition, alteration, repair, or reconstruction of a public improvement pursuant to applicable sections of R.C. §§ 153.65 through 153.99. Design-build or other similar services shall be procured through a competitive process as defined in divisions (b)(2) or (b)(3) unless the requirement for competitive selection is waived in accordance with division (b)(4)B.
(2) Design-build. The purchase of supplies, materials and equipment or the construction of public improvements may be obtained through the design-build process in accordance with the procedures established in the Ohio Revised Code, or pursuant to such other procedures as may be established by the Director of Finance.
(3) Construction Manager or Construction Manager At-Risk. The purchase of supplies, materials and equipment or the construction of public improvements may be obtained through the construction manager or the construction managerat-risk process in accordance with the procedures established in Ohio Revised Code, or pursuant to such other procedures as may be established by the Director of Finance.
(d) Cooperative Purchasing.
(1) Cooperative Purchasing Contracts. The City shall have the authority to purchase supplies, materials or equipment and obtain services through cooperative purchasing programs, whereby the City shall be eligible, as a member or otherwise, to join a group of governmental entities and share the benefits and advantages of volume purchasing and reduced administrative costs, to include without limitation state contract purchasing pursuant to R.C. § 125.04, joint purchasing and shared services provisions of R.C. § 9.48 and any other similar program whether operated by a public or private entity. The Mayor and the Director of Finance are hereby authorized to agree on behalf of the City to be bound by all contract terms and conditions under each such cooperative purchasing contract in which it participates. Further, the Mayor and the Director of Finance are hereby authorized to agree in the name of the City to directly pay the vendor, under each such cooperative purchasing contract in which it participates for items it receives pursuant to the contract terms.
(2) Authorized Cooperative Purchasing Programs. The City is authorized by Solon Code §§ 230.06 and 230.09 to participate in purchasing contracts entered into by the Ohio Department of Administrative Services, Office of State Purchasing and the Ohio Department of Transportation Cooperative Purchasing Program for the purchase of supplies, materials, services, and equipment. Further, the Director of Finance shall designate on an annual basis other eligible cooperative purchasing entities that the City will participate in pursuant to joint purchasing and shared services provisions of R.C. § 9.48.
(3) United States General Services Administration (GSA). The City is hereby authorized to participate in contracts entered into by the United States General Services Administration (GSA) through its Multiple Awards Schedule (MAS) Program for the purchase of supplies, services, equipment and certain materials, pursuant to applicable federal law and related provisions. The Mayor and Director of Finance are hereby further authorized to agree, on behalf of the City, to be bound by all contract terms and conditions as the General Services Administration (GSA) Multiple Awards Schedule Program prescribes.
(4) Certification of Equivalency. A purchase that is not made under a cooperative purchasing contract as defined in division (d)(1) and that does not use a competitive selection method described in division (b) can be approved if the purchase can be made at a lower price and/or more favorable terms as compared to an approved cooperative purchasing entity contract. An Affidavit to Insure Equivalency of Offering form that validates equivalent pricing, and terms of the contract in all aspects and specifications shall be completed prior to approval of the purchase in accordance with divisions (a) and (g).
(e) Procurement of Professional Services.
(1) Contracts or agreements to provide unique services or professional services including, but not limited to, consultants, accounting, architecture, attorney at law, physician, professional engineer, construction project manager, surveyor, appraiser, or financial advisory shall be purchased using responsible purchasing procedures designed to promote the best interest of the City.
(2) Contracts or agreements to provide professional services that are less than $50,000.00 shall be approved in accordance with division (a)(4)C. Contracts or agreements to provide professional services that exceed $50,000.00 shall be authorized in accordance with division (b)(4)D. and require a duly enacted ordinance of City Council in accordance with division (g) prior to entering into the contract or agreement for the purchase. Funds for the purchase shall be encumbered with a purchase order in accordance with division (a)(5).
(f) Emergency Purchases.
(1) An emergency purchase is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health, safety and welfare of the City or when an immediate purchase of goods or services is necessary to prevent further damage to public property or equipment. Emergency purchases shall be approved by the Mayor or Director of Finance. A proper purchase order as defined in division (a)(5) will be established in a reasonable and practical amount of time upon approval of the emergency purchase.
(2) The pertinent information about the purchase including the details of the circumstances requiring an emergency purchase should be filed by the Department Head to the Director of Finance within five business days after the date of the emergency purchase. The Director of Finance shall include all emergency purchases in the required reporting to City Council as defined in division (a)(7).
(g) Council Authorization. All contracts or agreements for the purchase of goods, materials, or the provision of services that exceed $50,000.00 and purchased in accordance with division (a)(3) shall be authorized by a duly enacted ordinance of City Council prior to entering into the contract or agreement for the purchase. Purchasing contracts shall be executed by the Mayor in accordance with Article V, Section (5)(e) of the City Charter upon Council approval.
(h) Policies and Procedures. The Director of Finance shall establish and may amend the policies and procedures which are deemed necessary to the operation of the purchasing function as defined herein. The establishment of policies and procedures will include the issuance of manual(s), process guidance, forms, reports, and the provision of information systems utilized in furtherance of an efficient and effective purchasing function. Such policies and procedures, and amendments thereto, shall be consistent with the City Charter and the Codified Ordinances.
(Ord. 1999-245, passed 12-20-1999; Ord. 2004-97, passed 5-17-2004; Ord. 2007-192, passed 8-6-2007; Ord. 2008-144, passed 6-2-2008; Ord. 2013-248, passed 12-16-2013; Ord. 2016-17, passed 2-1-2016; Ord. 2023-91, passed 5-15-2023; Ord. 2024-2, passed 1-16-2024)
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the appropriate level of internal controls for city credit card accounts are maintained to provide for and to guard against misuse or losses for which the city may be held financially liable. This policy is intended to comply with the mandates set forth in Sub HB 312 enacted by The 132nd Ohio General Assembly or any successor legislation enacted for this purpose. The city's credit card accounts are not intended for personal use, and city-issued credit cards will not be permitted to be carried by city personnel on a regular basis for any reason. All city credit card accounts shall be issued in the name of a city department.
(a) This policy applies to all (i) payment cards, checks or other payment instruments associated with a credit account issued by a financial institution or a retailer, and (ii) payment cards related to the receipt of grant funds. All such cards and instruments are referred to herein as "credit cards".
(b) This policy does not apply to procurement cards (P-cards), or to gasoline account cards or, other payment cards that are capable of use only for the purchase of certain limited types of goods.
(c) The city will not obtain or maintain any debit cards.
(d) The Director of Finance will work with the appropriate financial institutions that issue credit cards to determine the best type of credit card accounts for the city, and also to determine which retail purpose credit card accounts the city will be permitted to utilize.
(1) The Director of Finance is responsible for working with the issuing financial institution to determine the dates when credit cards expire and the re-issuance of replacement cards.
(2) The Director of Finance is responsible for determining, when necessary, the need to cancel a credit card account and any adjustment to credit limits on the credit cards.
(3) The Director of Finance is responsible for notifying the issuing financial institution of a lost or stolen card.
(e) Credit cards will be established in the name of the City of Solon and the specific name of a city department with a maximum credit limit for the card program and for each card as set by the Director of Finance. No single credit card purchase shall exceed the credit card limit without prior written authorization from the Director of Finance. The credit limits on individual departmental cards shall be communicated to city departments and be included in the current version of the credit card policy manual as defined in section (p).
(f) Prior to initial receipt of a credit card, each departmental user must acknowledge the requirements for use by signing the credit card authorization and use procedures.
(g) The Mayor shall authorize the use of city credit cards for use in connection with approved or city related activities and only those types of expenses that are for the benefit of the city that serve a valid and proper public purpose shall be paid for by credit card. Credit cards will be used primarily for approved travel expenses, memberships, professional dues, and prepayment for goods or services when required by a vendor. Credit cards may be used only for expenditures that are within the applicable budget and established purchasing guidelines as defined in § 234.03 of the Solon Code.
(h) Regular purchasing procedures must be followed for all credit card purchases. Every credit card purchase must have a valid purchase order assigned to it before the purchase is permitted, The purchase order must contain the vendor and the purpose, account number and estimated amount.
(i) For each purchase made using a credit card, an itemized receipt indicating the amount paid, the vendor, and the goods/services purchased must be submitted to the Director of Finance promptly following the purchase.
(j) Use of a credit card for personal expenditures, for expenditures in excess of the applicable credit limit, or otherwise in violation of this policy constitutes a misuse of the credit card. Any city personnel engaging in misuse of a credit card will be responsible to reimburse the city for any unauthorized expenditures and may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
(k) The Director of Finance will designate a Finance Department employee as Credit Card Compliance Officer to review all credit card accounts on an annual basis, including; the number of accounts and issued/active cards, account expiration dates and credit limits. The Director of Finance may not also serve as the Compliance Officer.
(l) The Compliance Officer may not authorize city personnel to use a credit card and may only use a credit card with the prior authorization of the Director of Finance.
(m) If a credit card is lost or stolen, or if city personnel become aware of unauthorized or fraudulent use of any of the city's credit card accounts, the same must be reported immediately to the Director of Finance and Compliance Officer.
(n) All monthly credit card statements, access to online credit card accounts, and other correspondence associated with the credit card accounts will be managed by the Director of Finance or the Compliance Officer or other designee. Payment of the monthly statements must be made in a timely fashion so that finance charges and late payment fees are not incurred.
(o) If the Compliance Officer is authorized to use a credit card, on a monthly basis, the Director of Finance (or the Director of Finance's designee, who may not be the Compliance Officer) will review the credit card statements for proper use and documentation prior to submission for payment by the city.
(p) The Director of Finance shall establish and may amend the policies and procedures which are deemed necessary to the operation of the credit card policy as defined herein. The establishment of policies and procedures will include the issuance of policy manual(s), process guidance, forms, reports, and the provision of information systems utilized in furtherance of an efficient and effective credit card policy. Such policies and procedures, and amendments thereto, shall be consistent with the City Charter and the Codified Ordinances.
(q) On an annual basis, the Director of Finance will submit a report to the Council Finance Committee that identifies the total credit card usage by department and total rebates received for use of the cards.
(Ord. 2024-73, passed 4-15-2024)
(a) Escrow waiver. Any and all construction contracts executed by the city must include an executed escrow waiver, a copy of which escrow waiver is attached to Ordinance 2012-127 as Exhibit “A” or in substantial compliance with the same, and incorporated herein fully as if by reference.
(b) Modifications. When it becomes necessary, in the opinion of the Mayor or the head of the department authorized by ordinance to execute the original contract, for infrastructure and/or building projects, to make a modification or change order to the original contract, such modification or change order shall not be effective and valid unless all of the following conditions have been completed.
(1) Council has approved the modification or change order through legislation and has appropriated sufficient amounts of money to cover both the original contract and the cost of the modification or change order.
(2) An amendment to the contract in writing has been made by the Mayor or the head of the department authorized to execute the original contract describing the nature of the modification or change order. For modifications or change orders involving price, the amendment shall state the original contract price before the change order, the agreed net increase or decrease of the proposed change order, and the new total contract price by reason of such change order.
(3) The contract amendment has the written approval signatures of the Mayor or the authorized head of the department involved, the contractor and the Director of Finance, and has been approved as to form by the Director of Law.
(c) Payment of recovery. No contractor shall be paid or allowed to recover anything for work or material in excess of the original contract, unless there has been a duly executed and approved change order made in accordance with this section.
(d) Duplicate copies. Duplicate copies of each contract shall be kept on file in the office of the head of the department executing the contract or the Mayor, as the case may be, and a copy thereof shall be kept on file in the office of the Director of Finance and Clerk of Council.
(Ord. 2000-268, passed 11-6-2000; Ord. 2012-127, passed 5-7-2012; Ord. 2013-90, passed 6-3-2013)
(a) There is hereby established a special revenue fund, to be known as the Earned Interest Clearance Fund, under the provisions of R.C. § 5705.12.
(b) All interest earned and received on city treasury investments, with the exception of the City Income Tax Fund, shall be credited to the Earned Interest Clearance Fund. Transfers shall be made in each budget year from the Earned Interest Clearance Fund to the following funds for their proportionate share of interest earnings:
(1) Water Reclamation Fund;
(2) Water Reclamation Replacement and Improvement Fund;
(3) Grantwood Recreation Park Fund;
(4) Landfill Improvement Fund;
(5) Cable TV Fund;
(6) Street Construction Maintenance and Repair Fund; and
(7) State Highway Fund.
(Ord. 1976-199, passed 11-15-1976; Ord. 2001-30, passed 2-5-2001; Ord. 2002-275, passed 12-2-2002; Ord. 2007-283, passed 12-3-2007)
(a) Solon Master Plan. There are hereby established charges for copies of the Solon Master Plan, prepared by the Regional Planning Commission, dated 1967, as follows:
For nonresidents | $10 each |
For residents | $5 each |
(b) Specific documents. The following charges shall be made for the documents indicated:
Document | Charge |
Document | Charge |
City Building and Housing Code | $11 per copy |
Copies of agenda for Council or Planning Commission | $16 per year |
Copies of minutes of Council | $69 per year |
Copies of minutes of Planning Commission | $45 per year |
DVD copy | $3 per disc |
Monthly meeting calendar | $7 per year |
Planning and Zoning Code | $24 per copy |
Solon Zoning Map | $ 2.50 per copy |
Videotape copy | $10 per tape |
Ward map | $2.50 per copy |
(c) Miscellaneous documents.
(1) Copies of any public record documents in black/white print:
8-1/2 in. x 11 in. sheet | $0.10 each |
8-1/2 in. x 14 in. sheet | $0.10 each |
24 in. x 36 in. sheet | $2 each |
36 in. x 36 in. sheet | $3 each |
48 in. x 36 in. sheet | $4 each |
(2) Copies of any public record documents in colored print:
8-1/2 in. x 11 in. sheet | $0.25 each |
8-1/2 in. x 14 in. sheet | $0.25 each |
11 in. x 17 in. sheet | $0.30 each |
(d) City employees and officials. No charge, inter-departmental or otherwise, shall be made for copies of public record documents furnished to employees or officials of the city.
(e) The Director of Finance is authorized to waive or reduce any charges or fees associated with copies of documents if the cost of producing such documents in a timely manner is not to the economic benefit of the city.
(Ord. 1989-199, passed 7-31-1989; Ord. 2004-270, passed 12-6-2004; Ord. 2005-207, passed 9-19-2005)