The following uses shall be a principal use when a building or premises is the primary or predominant use of any lot:
(a) Permitted. A building or premises shall be permitted to be used for the following purposes as an RE4 form:
(1) General retail and services.
(2) Office.
(3) Places of worship.
(4) Public service facility.
(5) Recreation facility, private.
(6) Cultural facility.
(7) Dwelling(s) above the first story.
(b) Permitted special uses. The following principal uses include the same additional restrictions for all listed uses below. A conditional use with standards within §§ 160.605 et seq. (Conditional Use) may be obtained when the standards for a permitted special use cannot be obtained.
(1) Retail and services, motor vehicle.
A. Sufficient room for drive-through stacking per § 160.555.
B. No automobile drive-through areas including stacking areas oriented to DD/AD forms, but not including circulation areas and parking.
C. Gasoline pumps and islands shall be located more than 12 feet from the nearest property line.
(2) Off-sale alcoholic beverage establishment beyond 500 feet from schools.
(3) On-sale alcoholic beverage establishment beyond 500 feet from sensitive uses.
(4) Full-service restaurant placed beyond 250 feet of any sensitive uses.
(5) Day care center.
A. Adequate and safe playground with sufficient green areas.
B. Safe and convenient access to the day care.
(6) Funeral establishment or mortuary placed beyond 250 feet from any DD, AD, or MD forms.
(7) Adult use.
A. Placed beyond 1,000 feet from any sensitive uses.
B. 1,000 feet separation of sexually oriented businesses from each other.
C. No part of the interior of the sexually oriented business shall be visible from any pedestrian sidewalk, walkway, street, or other public or semi-public area.
D. Posting of a sign at the entrance that shall state the nature of the business.
(8) Self-storage facility.
A. No on-site working—only for storage.
B. Screen units from street view and greenway areas.
(9) Motor vehicle sales, display, and rental. Parking lots with hard-surfaced areas of greater than one acre [43,560 sq. ft.] shall be no closer than 250 feet from any DD or AD form.
(10) Storage, motor vehicle. Parking lots with hard-surfaced areas of greater than one acre [43,560 sq. ft.] shall be no closer than 250 feet from any DD or AD form.
(11) Medical cannabis dispensary.
A. Placed beyond 1,000 feet from sensitive uses.
B. 1,000 feet separation of medical cannabis dispensary from each other.
C. Posting of a sign at the entrance that shall state the nature of the business.
D. No part of the interior of the medical cannabis dispensary shall be visible from any pedestrian sidewalk, walkway, street, or other public or semipublic area.
(12) Medical cannabis testing facility.
A. Placed beyond 1,000 feet from any sensitive uses.
B. A medical cannabis testing facility shall not be permitted within 1,000 feet of another medical cannabis testing facility.
C. Posting a sign at the entrance that shall state the nature of the business.
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 34-18, passed 5-2-2018; Ord. 104-21, passed 9-7-2021)
A use shall be accessory to a building or premises that is customarily incidental and subordinate to any principal use allowed as an RE4 form. Permitted special. The following accessory uses include additional restrictions for each specific use. A conditional use with standards within §§ 160.605 et seq. (Conditional Use) may be obtained when the standards for a permitted special accessory use cannot be obtained.
(a) Accessory alcohol.
(1) Must be incidental and subordinate portion of the operations of the business. Does not include restaurants.
(2) Beyond 100 feet to sensitive land uses.
(b) Accessory off-site parking.
(1) The accessory off-site parking must be within 250 feet of the application's principal use.
(2) The accessory off-site parking must be no closer than 250 feet to any DD or AD forms.
(3) If the off-site parking lot is across an arterial street, a pedestrian safety plan must be approved by the planning director.
(c) Accessory motor vehicle display and sales within an existing commercial parking lot/facility.
(1) Off-street minimum parking requirements for the primary use must be maintained.
(2) A fire lane through the parking area must be maintained. Signs shall be uniform in shape and color.
(d) Parking ramp.
(1) Parking ramps shall be constructed in a manner that will cause a minimum amount of impact on adjacent residential uses.
(2) Height of the ramp so that adjacent properties are not deprived of sunlight.
(3) Locate in an area where traffic to and from the site is not on a local or residential street.
(4) Must be placed beyond 500 feet of any AD or DD forms.
(5) Care should be taken so that any lighting of the facility should be of a type which would not reflect onto the adjacent residential area.
(e) Accessory outdoor retail sales.
(1) Must be on a hard surfaced area.
(2) Placed beyond 40 feet of any DD, AD, or MD forms and not within the required buffer yard.
(f) Accessory outdoor storage.
(1) Must be on a hard surfaced area.
(2) Placed beyond 40 feet of any DD, AD, or MD forms and not within the required buffer yard.
(3) Must not be more than 10% of the total building square footage.
(4) Must be screened with a six-foot opaque fence.
(g) Drive-through service window.
(1) Sufficient room for drive-through stacking per § 160.555.
(2) Orient away from abutting DD, AD, MD forms.
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 37-19, passed 4-2-2019)
General requirements. The maximum height and minimum lot requirements within the RE4 form shall be as follows:
Required Front Yard: | 15 feet. |
Required Side Yard: | 0 feet. |
Required Rear Yard: | 0 feet. Maximum Height: A maximum of 4 stories and no more than 65 feet; except a maximum of 3 stories and no more than 45 feet adjacent to DD and AD forms. Additional setback is required when the building is above 55 feet in height. In these cases, add 1 additional foot for all setbacks for every 2 additional feet in height up to 20 feet additional feet of setback. |
Maximum Size: | Each building no more than 75,000 sq ft of gross floor area. |
Required Buffer Yard: | *45 feet and Level D buffer yard total when adjacent to DD1, DD2, DD3, and DD4 forms. *30 feet total and Level C buffer yard when adjacent to DD5, DD6, DD7, AD1, AD2, AD3, AD4, and GW forms. *15 feet total and Level B buffer yard when adjacent to MD1 and MD2 forms. |
Buffer Yard Reduction: | 10-foot reduction is allowed when parking is adjacent to a buffer yard. |
* See § 160.488 for more buffer yard standards. | |
See §§ 160.505 et seq. (Additional Yard Regulations) for more information. | |
Minimum distance between multiple principal buildings on the same lot: 0 feet. | |
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 34-18, passed 5-2-2018)
Development with an RE4 form shall be regulated in conformance with the applicable provisions of:
(a) § 160.480 (Fences).
(b) §§ 160.485 et seq. (Landscape and Buffer Yard).
(c) §§ 160.550 et seq. (Parking, Loading, and Stacking Regulations).
(d) §§ 160.570 et seq. (On-Premises Sign Regulations).
(e) § 160.491 (Standards for Outdoor Lighting).
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013)