(a) No person shall park or leave standing any recreational vehicle upon any street or alley of the City for more than 24 hours where parking is otherwise permitted or allowed, except that commencing April 15 and continuing through October 15 of each year, unrestricted parking shall be allowed on any street or alley of the City which street or alley is 37 feet or more in width measured at a 90-degree angle from back of curb to back of curb and where parking is not otherwise prohibited. However, this exception shall not apply to that portion of Illinois Street from Eighth Avenue to Twenty-Third Street, and on that portion of Tenth Avenue from Hickory Street to the intersection of Tenth and Eleventh Avenues, and on Eleventh Avenue from the intersection of Tenth and Eleventh Avenues to the south corporate limits of the City, and on Thirteenth Avenue.
(b) Any owner, lessee, or bailee, of a recreational vehicle as defined in Section 404.285, may park or store such recreational vehicle on a single lot in a residential district, subject to the following:
(1) Such recreational vehicle shall be maintained in a clean, sanitary state so as not to attract pests or vermin of any nature.
(2) If such recreational vehicle is equipped with liquefied petroleum gas containers, such containers shall meet the standards of the Interstate Commerce Commission or the Federal Department of Transportation or the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, as such standards existed on September 23, 1975. Further, the valves of such liquefied petroleum gas containers must be closed when the recreational vehicle is not being readied for immediate use, and in the event that leakage is detected from such liquefied petroleum gas containers, immediate corrective action must be taken.
(3) At no time shall such parked or stored recreational vehicle be occupied or used for living, sleeping, or housekeeping purposes, except as provided in division (b)(4) of this section.
(4) It shall be lawful for only nonpaying guests at a residence in a residential district to occupy one recreational vehicle parked or stored, subject to the provisions of this chapter, for sleeping purposes only for a period not exceeding one week. The total number of days during which a recreational vehicle may be occupied under this division shall not exceed 30 days in any calendar year.
(5) Such recreational vehicle may be parked or stored in the following manner:
A. Parking is permitted inside any closed structure, which structure otherwise conforms to the zoning requirements of the particular zone where located;
B. Parking is permitted outside in the side yard or in the rear yard behind a required front yard;
C. Parking is permitted outside within the required front yard area on a driveway or a hard surfaced pad adjacent to the driveway for one recreational vehicle, provided:
1. The recreational vehicle is parked perpendicular to the front curb;
2. The recreational vehicle must not overhang or impede crossing of the sidewalk;
3. The sides of the recreational vehicle do not exceed 40 feet in length, eight feet in width, or 12 feet in height. For the purposes of determining external measurements:
a. Truck campers and recreational vessels shall be measured in conjunction with their carrying vehicles, with the whole being considered as one unit for measuring purposes; and
b. As to other recreational vehicles, the length restriction shall apply to the body measurement only.
(6) The City Council shall have the power to grant relief from any of the foregoing provisions in such selected instances as it may deem appropriate under the circumstances.
(7) Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit the temporary parking of any recreational vehicle on a driveway within the front yard area.
(Ord. 1690. Passed 4-9-13.)
(a) No person shall, except in case of an accident or emergency, stop a vehicle in any street, street intersection or alley entrance; alongside another vehicle; alongside another vehicle parked at the curb; or in such other location as to obstruct any street, street crossing, crosswalk or alley entrance.
(b) No person shall park a vehicle in a parking lot containing stalls marked by striping or individual parking space curb stops other than between such marked stripes or, in the case of curb stops, with the front of the vehicle more than 12 inches from the individual parking space curb stop.
(c) No person shall stop a vehicle in a parking lot other than in the space marked for parking with striping or individual parking space curb stops or, if not so indicated, as otherwise designated.
(Ord. 1412. Passed 5-11-99.)
No person shall park a vehicle in an alley, except for the purpose of loading or unloading, and then only during the time necessary to load or unload, which shall not exceed one-half hour. This section shall not apply to merchants' delivery trucks parked in alleys immediately at the rear of their respective places of business if such trucks are parked so as not to obstruct the passing of moving cars therein. Every vehicle, while loading or unloading in any alley, shall be parked in such a manner as will cause the least obstruction possible to traffic in such alley.
(1958 Code § 16.72)