Chap. 606. Administration, Enforcement and Penalty.
Chap. 612. Alcoholic Beverages.
Chap. 618. Animals.
Chap. 622. Fair Housing.
Chap. 624. Gambling.
Chap. 630. Minors.
Chap. 636. Offenses Relating to Persons.
Chap. 642. Offenses Relating to Property.
Chap. 648. Peace Disturbances; Nuisances.
Chap. 654. Railroads.
Chap. 660. Safety, Sanitation and Health.
Chap. 666. Sex Offenses.
Chap. 672. Weapons and Explosives.
Chap. 678. Weeds.
606.01 Failure to aid a law enforcement officer.
606.02 Impersonating an officer.
606.03 Discrimination by City against handicapped persons.
606.99 General Code penalty.
Ordinance violations; powers of police - see R.S.N. § 16-323
Offenses against public justice - see R.S.N., §§ 28-701 et seq.
Resisting or obstructing officers - see R.S.N. §§ 28-728 et seq.
Justifiable use of force - see R.S.N. §§ 28-833 et seq.
Arrest - see R.S.N. §§ 29-401 et seq.
Interference with Animal Control Officer - see GEN. OFF. 618.23
False fire alarms - see GEN. OFF. 648.07
No person shall hinder, obstruct or resist any officer, police dispatcher, traffic meter attendant, Police Division employee or policeman in making any arrest or performing any duty of his office, or refuse or neglect to assist any such officer, dispatcher, employee, meter attendant or policeman when called upon by him in the making of any arrest or the conveying of a prisoner to jail.
(Ord. 910. Passed 11-28-77.)
No person, other than a regular policeman, police officer, inspector, officer or employee of the City, shall wear a badge similar to the badges prescribed for or furnished to the police force of the City or to any inspector, officer or employee thereof, or willfully impersonate or endeavor to impersonate any such policeman, officer or employee, or pretend to be a policeman, officer or employee, or seek to exercise any authority as such, or do or attempt to do any other act under color of such pretended authority.
(1958 Code § 17.24)