TITLE TWO - Administration, Enforcement and Penalty
404.01   Meaning of words and phrases.
404.02   Alley entrance.
404.03   Arterial street and arterial highway.
404.04   Authorized emergency vehicle.
404.05   Automatic traffic signal.
404.06   Crosswalk.
404.07   Curb.
404.08   Drive.
404.09   Driver.
404.10   Horse.
404.11   Minibike.
404.12   Motor scooter.
404.13   Motor vehicle.
404.14   Motorcycle.
404.15   Motorized cart.
404.16   Official traffic sign.
404.17   Owner, business district and residential district.
404.18   Park, parked and parking.
404.19   Pedestrian.
404.20   Police officer and traffic officer.
404.21   Private driveway.
404.22   Railway crossing.
404.23   Right of way.
404.24   Sidewalk and sidewalk space.
404.25   Stop button.
404.26   Street.
404.27   Street intersection.
404.28   Vehicle.
404.285   Recreational vehicle.
404.29   Watchman.
404.30   Other words.
   State law definitions - see R.S.N. § 39-602
   Definitions and rules of construction generally -see ADM. 202.02