Sec. 9-392 Installation.
   a.   Excavation. Trenches shall be excavated to the line, grade and cross sections called for on the plans or Indiana Department of Transportation "Standard Specifications" subsection 715.04 and "Standard Drawings" Section 715.
   b.   Laying Pipe. Pipe shall be laid in trenches on prepared foundation or bedding, in a straight line and at uniform slope. Procedures shall conform to Indiana Department of Transportation "Standard Specifications" subsection 715.05.
   c.   Joining Pipe. The specifications for the construction of storm sewers shall not be less stringent than those set forth in the latest edition of the Indiana Department of Transportation "Standard Specifications" Section 715. Pipe joints shall be flexible and watertight and shall conform to the requirements of subsection 715.02. Additionally, ductile iron pipe shall be laid in accordance with American Water Works Association (AWWA) C-600 and clay pipe shall be laid in accordance with American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) C-12.
   d.   Backfill. Furnish, place and compact trench backfill in conformance to the latest edition of Indiana Department of Transportation "Standard Specifications" subsection 715.09 and "Standard Drawings" series 715BKFL.
(Ord. No. 1708, 6-13-07)