Sec. 2-84 Chief of Police.
   a.   The Chief shall have the powers and duties conferred upon all chiefs of police under Indiana Code, § 36-8-3-10, and other applicable Indiana Code sections, subject to the terms and conditions of this Division.
   b.   The Chief is responsible to the Town Council and the Commission to the extent authorized by statute or other law, rule or regulation .
   c.   The Chief shall supervise the day to day activities of the police department pursuant to law, rule or regulation.
   d.   The Chief shall assist the Council and the Commission in implementing the policies of the Council and Commission.
   e.   The Chief shall assist the Commission in implementing and carrying out the rules, regulations, and discipline of the police department.
(Ord. No. 1112, § 4, 6-14-89; Schererville Town Code, § 2-11-1-4)