Sec. 9-127 Determination of Users Subject to Industrial Cost Recovery Charges.
   The Town shall determine which users are subject to paying the industrial cost recovery charges, in the following manner:
   a.   The Town shall require appropriate employees of the Sewage works to review billing records and prepare a list of all potential industrial users, as identified in each of the Divisions listed in Section 9-125 above.
   b.   The list of all potential industrial users shall be analyzed on the basis of data available at the Sewage Works billing office (i.e. type of business, volume charges, excessive loading charges, estimated number of employees, etc.) for the purpose of developing preliminary lists of probable "industrial" and probable "non-industrial" users.
   c.   The Town shall conduct an immediate survey of all probable "industrial" users in order to substantiate the validity of classifying a particular user as an "industrial" user. Each user initially classified as an industrial user, shall be notified as to their classification.
   d.   After completing the survey of all probable "industrial" users, the Town shall review the list of probable "non-industrial" users to determine if the initial classification of any of these users should be reconsidered. Where appropriate, individual users will be contacted in order to determine the proper classification.
   e.   After an industrial user has been notified of his classification, the user may request reconsideration by furnishing data and measurements acceptable to the Town for the determination of sewage discharges. The Town shall have the right to measure and determine the strength and content of all sewage and waste discharges, either directly or indirectly into the Town's sanitary sewage system, in such manner and by such method as it may deem practicable in light of the conditions and attending circumstances of each case in order to determine the proper user classification.
   f.   Within a reasonable period of time following completion of the sewage works construction project, the Town shall have completed the initial classification of all industrial users. During the first calendar year of operation, subsequent to completion of the construction project, and annually thereafter, the Town will review, classify and reclassify all users as either industrial or non-industrial users based upon measurements and data obtained by the Town or furnished by individual users. Normally, each user will retain his classification until the next succeeding classification period. However, if there is a substantial change in the strength, volume or delivery flow rate characteristics introduced into the treatment works by an individual user, then the classification of that user may be reviewed and established during the year in the light of the conditions and attending circumstances of each case.
(Ord. No. 672, § 3, 10-27-76; Schererville Town Code, § 10-2-25)